Bomber’s name released. Start digging!

Attached: C3C454D0-B327-436F-91B8-13CEDA47A61B.jpg (466x806, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread: Estevao/Page1 sayoc&simid=608031942876401575&selectedindex=1&ajaxhist=0&vt=Default


he's registered republican so the false flag is in full swing lads

Attached: sayoc-2.jpg (780x439, 22K)

That is a Filipino name


Attached: Cesar-Sayoc-mugshot-33806984.400x800.jpg (400x492, 25K)


Attached: 1518139039502.png (645x729, 109K)

(((They))) will make him white.

obviously a white hispanic from FL.

Attached: 1540123288123.jpg (1200x1600, 131K)





they already have


>a literal FLORIDA MAN



Lots of Filipino names are Spanish. He's probably just a regular spic from south of the border or the Caribbean.

>empty food bins
Post in store prices

confirmed Jow Forums poster

Is this what passes as "white" in the US?

He looks like The Riddler.

here is his linkedin page, using his middle name as his surname

Attached: 0.jpg (200x200, 12K)

He's a registered Republican



I'm not really buying the "false flag" but neither do I think Republicans will care. This MIGHT bring some Democrats out to the polls, but honestly I doubt it. No one in my city's talking about it beyond "You heard about some crazy asshole sending shitty bombs?"

Career decision of becoming a Horse Doctor was always a love for animals, which were here first and never do anything to anyone. And respect all living things. My family very sound Sayoc name in Medical field Grandfather Col. Baltazar Zook Sayoc that perfect the conversion oriental eye to Americanize.

what the fuck is this guy talking about??

Couldn't get any more boomer than that. Holy fuck.

>double Windsor
Non-white confirmed

Wouldn't it be nuts if he turned out to be related to Stephen Paddock's Flip slampiece?

>anagram for accessory
come on FBI.. plz try harder

Also Sayoc intl. schools marshals arts Kali that used to over throw communist party

hates commies, loves horses

Attached: 1538621170646.jpg (640x480, 85K)

Who wants to bet this guy was paid to take the fall

>Political party: none
Libs BTFO!

He was listed as a Democrat in MyLife and they are changing it as of a minute ago

ATTENTION AMERICANS (including the leftwing journos reading this)
It's possible that man is in fact a Trump supporter, he has a criminal history as reported so it's not unrealistic
This could be also something that intelligence services do over here in european countries all the time in order to take down actual far-right and far-left people.
This has been done so often in american history intelligence services too, hell, they even did that in Germany in the 1980s with far-left and far-right groups by getting an agent to infiltrate and pretend to be far-left or far-right and then do something violent in order to arrest the actual left-wing or right-wing people around him.
And that always works like a charm
The last time they did this here in Germany was in 2012, a female intelligence service agent pretended to be a far-left animal rights terrorist, took part in a criminal act which she got the actual animal-rights extremists to participate in
The agent was given a new name and is now under witness protection
>mfw Americans should read up more on their and other countries intelligence history instead of either 100% believing whatever the intelligence service people say or 100% not believing it and calling everything fake.
I hope Trump is smart enough to not back down to the media who since yesterday already blamed him for it, it would be very stupid

Attached: SCN_0001.jpg (783x800, 72K)

>lorso ipsum
They're testing the new charachter creation AI.

>Cesar Altieri @hardrock2016
look at his twitter

>His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat Party.

>spend life in supermax

Looks white to me

Attached: 1540569540615.jpg (1242x1382, 263K)

Sure but sayoc sounds more tagalog than spanish

I told you democrats that brown people dont belong here, now you see one tried to assasinate your leaders, time to kill the caravan

It says Democrat now

Found his FB but it's pretty empty

Very much doubt this is the guy.
Sam Hyde would be more believable.


show republican on my side, does it really show none for you?

Attached: rep-cesar.png (710x353, 34K)

I think the bombs would have been real if that was the case

>stopped reading at I told...

Just like Ford Scrubbed from internet!

Showed Democrat for me.

He's native american you fucking retards. I thought you were supposed to be internet detectives n shit.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 9.04.36 AM.png (451x194, 203K)

so this site is confirmed to show whatever it wants

The bombs were destroyed by the FBI because they were "unstable", this guy is a mentally ill patsy. This is so obviously a false flag

Can we just admit it?

The blue wave is real. This is going to destroy the repub party and rile up the left.

And this happened in florida.
Where Gillum is leading desantis already at +5.

Its over.

>sometimes goes by nicknames
>of last name
Yeah, those are called aliases

Who did this?

Attached: The Boomer Bomber .jpg (1220x342, 35K)

One of the stickers on the van was a "Native Americans for Trump"
and he looks partly native american, so hey... at least he's not white, so that's one narrative the media can't use
>Native American Minority
>Trump Supporter
>Criminal History
>MFW they can't blame white people for any of this

Attached: SCN_0002.jpg (660x958, 306K)

MyLife is a shit site that anyone can fuck with, it's not reliable

>Democrat party

Filipino confirmed

Found from googling the grandfather name

Attached: 2018-10-26 18.05.58.png (710x830, 121K)

Attached: cesar sayoc.jpg (240x320, 8K)

Those are all planted idiot, the guy has MEXICAN family lol

Our alphabet agencies can create thorough identities, our witness protection program for one example is capable, so the alphabets hands down can too

conflicting reports on whether he's republican or democrat desu

Attached: IMG_9175.jpg (1242x538, 81K)

The database is still being populated. Give it a sec.

La-li-lu-le-lo confirmed

Attached: Colonel_Patriot_AI.jpg (292x387, 35K)

Cesar Altieri Sayoc

>he doesn't register Democrat and then vote Republican

He's an injun

nope, no results

Yep, he has a "Native Americans for Trump" sticker on his van so i guess he's native american and filipino? 50/50?
I mean, i see the native american in his face
>mfw he's not white
>mfw one narrative BTFO

Attached: SCN_0003.jpg (1200x782, 173K)

> Estevao/Page1

Attached: na-cs.png (813x801, 61K)

Ave Caesar!

Ceaser Soze?

There is nothing native American about that name he is a spic


seeing both R and D on different sources lol so whyte litterally changing it in real time

Attached: wellplayed.png (1212x586, 40K)

another violent spic another day

lol he's a native!

>Political Party: Independent

You cant check yourself and /thread yourself after your post faggot. Thats not how it works. Go shill elsewhere faglord supreme. Also Check'em asshat.

Attached: 1540043601398.gif (660x780, 201K)

nice memeflag tho

Attached: IMG_9174.jpg (1139x842, 128K)


The county that brought you:
>the parkland shooting
>xxxtentacon murder
Now brings you THE UNABOOMER

his tweets match the shitty republican memes from the van shot, he appears to be a seminole which would explain the native americans sticker. Someone archive his twitter before its too late.

Attached: Screenshot (230).png (1366x768, 692K)

lol at religion

Cesar Altieri

Jul 14
More Cesar Altieri Retweeted Julus Cesar Milan
This one for you MSNBC Andrea Mitchell . A promise reply to your threats . We will answer is coming see you soon

Looks like a false flag to me. Nothing about him makes sense, a shitty attempt at creating a fake person to blame for some fake bombs and say that republicans are all terrorists.

What party you register under only dictates what parties candidates you can vote on/for during the primaries, but once general election comes it doesnt matter, you can vote for any

t. Lots of boomer southern democrats in my family who never got the party switch memo

This says his name is
Kevin L Mandler sayoc&simid=608031942876401575&selectedindex=1&ajaxhist=0&vt=Default


no one lol

he was probably dem until 2016

then he became the perfect PATSY!