Despite it being colonized first
Why is south america less developed than north america?
to many niggers
american intervention.
I’d like to develop my dick in her ass, if you catch my meaning. But the answer to your question is “money.” You have to spend it to make it. Not enough money for investing in infrastructure, at least compared to the US.
south americans
We fell for the social democracy meme
South America has the best hookers you can imagine.
I wouldn’t miss out on it if I were you
Because the Council of Trent was heresy, and it upset the Lord God who caused the papists who attempted to colonise to fail.
spanish are not white
colonized is different than settled
Cuz they got too many big brappers, it distracting
State law system
Because the British killed the natives and the Spanish race-mixed.
Economics and international affairs.
Race matters. Nations of low IQ monkey people can't into first world society. If the Spanish/Portuguese refrained from mixing with the natives as the Anglos did they would be better off.
Shut your mutt mouth off
In the case of Brazil, the republic. If we had stayed as monarchy we would be much better today
corrupt governament, corporatism, social-democracy, inflation, unstopable war on drugs.. many many reasons, it's depends with country you are talking about and then
There's abundance of food like you have no idea. So that's a lot of problems solved
They were doomed long before that by Spanish colonial policy. North American settlers may have genocided the natives and whipped niggers into submission, but they at least built infrastructure and intended to truly colonize. The Spanish generally just wanted to extract whatever resources they could and send them home, with no attention given to infrastructure beyond what was necessary for that.
All the mudblood from Iberia. Same with West Indies and central america
Mostly what this faggot said
more than Iberians, I would say the native americans by the 100s of millions, and the immense african population.
uma delicia. Big bunda brazilian.
I'm so happy most of those resources sink to the bottom of the ocean
Tropical jungle.
Because Spanish and Portuguese colonies were purely extractive whereas British colonies were permanent. Past a certain point, the Spanish abandoned their possessions in the New World because they were no longer profitable to them, and the only people left there today are the descendants of those few colonizers who didn't journey back. The Brazilian Empire is unique in that it was one of the most developed nation states in South America as a consequence of its centralized power and totality of education and literacy campaigns as well as dramatic restructuring of government once they declared independence from Portugal. All of this is to say nothing of the involvement of the US in Central and South America during the era of the Monroe Doctrine as well as constant destabilization campaigns levied against Latin American states throughout the Cold War.
Populated by indio and mestizo spics.
>no working hands
She's hooker.
That just makes it resource rich.
If America held South America today, we would be exploiting it far more than they currently do.
Less whites
protestant work ethic
1. The people's IQ and ideology
2. The geography
below IQ about 90 it starts getting into shit-hole territory real quick.
Less whites and invaded by Spain
because the colonizers bred with the niggers instead of eradicating them
hence there was multi-racial, multi-cultural society with solid infighting, which is a terrible foundation for a newly built society
neither are you, Cali nigger
This is why.
This booty is allowed in the ethnostate right?
Spanish DNA unironically, the average latin american is majority Spanish
Because the spaniards race-mixed to a very large degree with the natives, lowering the average IQ of the populace greatly.
We just genocided them mostly, in the north.
They respect their women less.
*Sniff *Sniff
Yes the Bean is strong in this one
something tells me brazil's sample size was too small or group not representative
Spain built hospitals and universities in the american continent, infrastructure that allowed for internal trade through the empire (most of it got destroyed by the independence wars), massive investments in city building (even after all the wars that have ravaged the old borders of the spanish empire compare their old buildings with the ones in any american city) and far more prosperity than the british ever achieved in east coast america.
The independence wars ravaged their countries+they had a serious terrain disadvantage for the industrial revolution compared to the us.
>Latin America
Agreed. Likely only sampled southern Brazil.
Funny everything there is exactly what you’d expect
>Uruguay really is >white
>Argentina is too kinda but less than they would like
>Dominicans are black as coal
>Bolivians are Indians
Nice try, dago. Spain built infrastructure to support exactly two things: 1. Mineral extraction, and 2. Christianizing the natives. Even 2 wasn't particularly altruistic, as it was largely done to make them more docile. Yet you paid the price; an economy based on massive cash flows from the colonies gutted Spain's native industries and eventually caused the death of your empire.
you magafags are so wonder you are dont like women..
we can have literally tens of thousands of hispanic women coming up here in booty shorts shaking their butts....and you guys dont want it because my jeeerrrbbbss
well, get a fucking higher paying job dumb fuck
and yea, they will come with some guys , but it would be MUCH easier to pass a law that says we let in 1 guy for every 1 girl than just to say, FUCK ALL IMMIGRANTS,,,even tho we are a nation of immigrants
A little shitskin dna goes a long way. That's why racemixing is so dangerous, even 80% White genes isn't enough to save you from being subhuman if the rest is nigger.
How can you develop if showing your brapper for camera is more important than cleaning that disgusting front yard. At least the kid probably lives there.
>they had a serious terrain disadvantage for the industrial revolution compared to the us.
This user is correct. South America has fuck all for coal.
He is correct user.
>it would be MUCH easier to pass a law that says we let in 1 guy for every 1 girl than just to say, FUCK ALL IMMIGRANTS
Yeah right, you yourself get labeled incel by the female voting population for suggesting so radical things.
Bluepilled, fun fact: the most indigenous states of Mexico (southern states) are the safest while the most European ones (northern ones) are the most dangerous.
The death of the empire didn't have anything to do with local industries, are we talking about the same war?
The rest I forgive you for not knowing since (((they))) would never teach you the proper history after we expelled them from our country
But they have massive reserves of natural gas and oil.
Give that land to the Chinks, they'd make better use of it.
it's the aztec genetic, they're bloodthirsty subhumans and the population of mexico/colombia has it. Chileans and peruvians are alright though, cool guys, usually handsome as fuck but awkward.
they love partying and fucking too much. if you knew some spanish you would be swimming in castiza pussy and party pool everyday
Peruvians handsome LOL
They have huge ass jaws and facial structure, although their skin colour and hair is weird, yeah. Anyways, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Chileans, Argentinians are the master race of south america. Strangely enough they all live close to mountains.
>Bluepilled, fun fact: the most indigenous states of Mexico (southern states) are the safest while the most European ones (northern ones) are the most dangerous.
But isnt that because they're right next to the border for drug smuggling?
what do mexicans even smuggle nowadays? meth can be easily done by anybody and weed is partly legalized
weed, meth, heroin, fentanyl - primarily
Because Europeans mixed with natives in SA.
the Spanish couldn't get their shit together
fuggg now das a brapper
Drugs and shamanism
Spanish/Portugese vs. English/Nordic
mainly this: Take a quick look at any map of the trans-atlantic slave trade showing the amount of african slaves and where they went. It will show you how dangerous black africans are to a functioning society.
Add to that the tendency of several SAmerican leaders pushing for their citizens to mix with each other in the 19th century. Their solution to a society of several different races and the conflicts multiculturalism causes was for everyone to mix. They effectively ruined the genetic lineage of the best and brightest of their own people. They allowed the worst of their people and downgraded versions of their people access to political power.
hot temperature make people become lazy and dumb
>reddit spacing
Where'd you get nordic from
*blocks your path*
The colonisers in North America killed the natives.
The colonisers in South America fucked the natives.
The narco drug lords and corrupt politicians that side with them are majority European too anyways
Is it always hot in in South/Latin American countries? Save for places extremely south of course.
>she leans over your face like that as you lay naked on a coffee table
>she blasts a huge fart and a few flecks of feces across your face
Cocaine, heroin, etc.
They are catholics and lack the ye olde protestant work ethic.
As says, they came to plunder, not build. And thats what they did.
the only kind of colonization which flourishes is northern european ethnocolonialism
>have low iq indian blood (colombians, peruvians, chileans, ecuador, bolivia).
>be violent and uncivilized.
>be incapable of higher brain functioning, literally.
>extort and behead anyone trying to improve your society.
These people truly are the worse of the worse.
Sadly this, and I say that with sincerity.
Corruption, I don't think people competent how many issues in Latin America are from corruption in all parts of society.
America shat the place up with coups and puppet governments, they do exactly the same thing in the middle east yet for some reason the Americans here still try to paint themselves as good guys.