New Civil War

Here's what most of you lefty fags, commie fucks, Nazi larpers, and various faggots don't seem to understand. If a new American civil war breaks out all of those just causes will evaporate into thin air. Leftists reside predominantly in large groups in cities, Rightists reside in rural areas. What leftists seem to almost willfully neglect is the location of the source of their food. In the event of civil war it will be rural vs urban not North vs South. Secondly leftists do not seem to realize that all of that degenerate faggotry cannot survive contact with real conflict. sucker punching larpers and zerg rushing the elderly is not equivalent to real war. Armies have no time to cater to faggots and trannies. If they don't fall in and fight they will die. War hardens and burns people.There will be limited food and water in the cities, no expense will be made for the weak. fatties, cripples and the old will die first. Leftists also lack a uniform cause and leadership, their causes range from degenerate animal fuckers to full on Bolsheviks. There will be infighting and purges. Enemies within and without. The coasts and cities will be separated and develop their own specific strategic interests and goals which will have very little overlap. The death toll will be immense on both sides. This will galvanize those on the 'left side' although it will be unrecognizable. All of those millennial ideals will be replaced bu survival instinct. The cultures that this survival instinct has created are all by their current standards far right, however that culture is the natural state of mankind. Societies are built not on the backs of cotton pickers and trannies, but strong men and the strong women who birth them. Leftists also will come to realize how deep the differences between races are and just how tribal humans are. The common ground leftists share is purely ideological and only facilitated by the unprecedented peace and stability our society provides.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks will band together with blacks and cause massive logistical problems for their side. There will be no preventing this. Those in the cities will end up in direct conflict with the now very tribal blacks. The difference in Hispanic areas is that the Hispanic factions will have support from the cartels, especially in border states. Racial divide is going to be a massive problem for them. This would be a very ugly war. What rightists don't understand is that people pushed that far will fight like badgers, and urban combat is the most brutal form. Nazi larpers will realize just how much their life is a larp, that the difference between them and a real Wehrmacht or SS soldier is immense. Although the right will benefit from a massive population that has armed itself and trained to shoot for the last 60 years. Leftist aversion to weapons is a weakness they will soon forget, but will suffer having had. Those in the cities will have their backs against the wall and will fight to the death. Foreign involvement would be huge and the country would balkanize for a time.This war would likely split the military and if it drags it may see the use of nuclear weapons. This however would be far more dangerous to those concentrated in cities. There won't be front lines like a traditional war. Think of Vietnam, the enemy is all around and uses guerrilla tactics. Depending on the power struggle on the leftist side the leadership that emerges could be anything from a fascist dictatorship to a Bolshevik style communist leadership. However one thing is certain. Society will change, irreparably, and it will be a far more conservative society on both sides than than we have today. The tolerance and decadence of the past will be erased in fire and blood. Either way a civil war is not beneficial to the degenerates of society, particularly those in power.

No matter what side wins, leftism and liberalism would die in this war. Although the likely winner would not be those in the urban centers.

Sounds fun OP. Where do I RSVP?

Just live in the country and I'm sure leftist insanity and natural accelerationism will do the rest.

Cool story bro.

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there will be no civil war

the secretary of states of the 50 US states will all take democrats off the ballot before the election

we are not letting nazi thugs elect nazi thugs

yes I am calling democrats nazi thugs

Jow Forums thinks nazi is a joke

no, it isn't

the democrats are using nazi tactics right now

the soros clinton waters schultz obama attempting bombing is

taking democrats off the ballot over terror is reasonable and rational

stopping these thugs in their tracks is what decent, respectable people should demand the secretary of states of the 50 US states should do without delay

we can't let our fellow citizens get sucked into the mob like this

if we let the democrats have a chance of winning then we neglect the future of our children

our children want us to kick the democrats out of power because they are thugs

Boomers are not allowed to post on my thread

Attached: pain.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Nice blog

>Reddit spacing
>Jow Forums thinks nazi is a joke
You fucking WE ARE THE NAZIS

At this the amount of degeneration that has gone has praying for cleansing fire. I don't care. I just want clown world to go down flames.

all u goyim who want a (((civil war))) don't know what your in for anyway. many of us if the event did happen. would not make it to the first month, or survive the months after that.

Attached: german soldaten.jpg (640x640, 69K)

Boomers figuring out how to use the internet is the greatest pox upon mankind.

you dipshit

the democrats are the nazis

nazi means na zi

na = nationalist

zi = socialist

how fucking stupid are you

democrat party = nazi party

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There isn't going to be an American civil war, retard, no matter how much you have niggers.

you must not remember 2013

that is the year when Jow Forums decided

> fascism is the correct political philosophy

it isn't exactly a joke

more like joke interpretation

Jow Forums decided to interpret jokes the way nazis interpret jokes

50 years old is not a boomer is genx
years born 1961-1981
consider yourself red pilled

>coasts don't exist

lmao you rural retards really think you're the only source of food?

The degeneracy of the Democrat party precludes them from ever being nazis. Nazis are long dead and the only relic of nazis are faggot larpers. Everyone i disagree with is a nazi is a child or boomer argument

for the amount you city people will eat, no foreign country will be able to supply you with enough, i hope you enjoy contaminated fish

No, we realize that after the supply lines are cut and you begin to starve you'll quickly resort to cannibalism.

good luck with that fresh water supply lol

If you are referring to the over fished and polluted waters of coastal cities you will not find enough food there to support a war let alone a small town. And how will you pay for food imports and where will the food come from?


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the democrat paty is the nazi party

once you get the people used to a nazi style state you can just flush the degeneracy down the toilet


> nazis can't be degenerate

argument only works if you believe the degeneracy is permanent and in that case you might have a point

as soon as the FBI gets the American people to accept their incompetence the FBI can just change their colors and pretend the FBI was never a homosexual enabling organization in the first place

the real nazis in the 20th century actually did the operation that I've outlined in this comment

careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge

craziest thing about this, look at history, these exact circumstances have changed civil wars, it's going to happen, it's just when

>reddit spacing
> Q larp
> boomer posting
> comparing modern new cycles to actual killing

Name one thing you've killed bigger than a fly. I'll wait.

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The modern leftist is simply a tool for communists to subvert and rot western society. The NPC meme is a good meme as it shows how easily programmed most people are.

deer, moose, rabbit

>yes I am calling democrats nazi thugs
Hey faggot, the boomers called and they want their DR3 narrative back.

You spelled mouse wrong.

The only generation worse than millenials is the boomer menace

kek. What have you killed?

Nothing I'd admit to.

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weak larp

Anyhow there won't be civil war, technically it'll be Balkanization.

It can go multiple ways. But leftists are retarded they think it will be some grand struggle against "fascism". it will be dying and burning in the mud and having your corpse eaten

>if(space.reddit == SPACE.duoble) reddit.fag = true;
>q.larp () ;
>statement.conserv == boomer ;
>evidence.present (shutup) ; fistcon.middlefing == up

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calling out Boomer posting isn't the same as regurgitating Ben Shapiro talking points.

History does tend to repeat itself and human nature hasn't changed in thousands of years. They are in for a rude awakening eventually.

Democrats aren't NAZI, they're fucking NAZBOLs.
>Jesus Christ... You aren't Jason Bourne for sure.

Also (YOU)
are not intelligent enough for this kind of thread.

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I just hope my beautiful home region isn't totally destroyed

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Careful, thank kind of edge is dangerous

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The PNW will be just fine after Seattle and Portland are burned to the ground.

That's why there will never be such a civil war. The real men and women are just stuck coddling the inner city degenerates.

idc about that lefty breeding ground. Only my home.

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Inner city degenerates are mindless. Whatever mainstream media tells them is reality is what they'll believe. And so they will believe that it will be a quick romp to go kill some dumb hill billies and potato farmers.

I was stationed in Hessen, am familiar with the region you show in your pic. I believe damage will be limited to the cities, don't worry.

clearly not, as this isn't germany.

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Your pic said Franconia. That's in Germany.

wrong franconia

this thread is fucking retarded. nothing that you think would happen will happen because you are stupid and don't think well

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>Mount Katahdin
>5,267 ft

That's not a mountain it's a hill.

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These are real mountains.

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Good criticism buddy. I liked the part where you refuted my whole point by simply calling me stupid. I could never hope to approach the heights of your intellect. Forgive me

> nothing that you think would happen will happen because you are stupid and don't think well
Simply remarkable that an entire civil war will be avoided " because I am stupid"

Dick measuring with mountains
> are you black?

There aren't really any niggers where I live, so no. It's just that back East you don't really have much in the way of true wilderness like we do here.

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New England wilderness is much better than east coast wilderness.

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There's no place like home. I'm pretty damn attached to my clay here. We're being overrun with Californians, starting to piss me off.

Pacific Northwest is probably one of the most cucked regions on the planet

It's limited to Seattle and Portland. Without them we'd be red states. My county is now Republican majority.

Why are the most retarded and degenerate of leftists from pnw. Can't complain too much though as NE has its share of them

It's like a cancerous tumor. Just avoid Seattle and you'll be ok. I wish I knew the answers but I don't. I just know what to do when the time comes.

I just don't want them to burn down my land and flood it with hordes of liberals

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There's no free gibsmedats innawoods so no worries. They need to live in nests or colonies like termites and other social insects and are unable to survive on their own.

Northern new england has no welfare system really, so they stay away

you rightcucks dont seem to realize that in the event of a civil war breaking out in the usa, mexico and canada will side with the leftists, which is a huge advantage.

its gonna be union vs confederates all over again, just finished more quickly, and this time you're not getting any statues and books of your own, you're getting big black cocks stuffed down your goddamn throats for the rest of history

>Nazi larpers will realize just how much their life is a larp, that the difference between them and a real Wehrmacht or SS soldier is immense.

Your right, I have better training and gear.

There are 4 police in my town.

cool vlog

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there is not a single left wing position that does not have an origin with jews and in the US female jews in particular.

Canada.... Nope. They will wisen up. Mexico is a bag of shit so who cares.

The conservatives being preppers can just wait the dems out and let them get cold hungry and scared.

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You are forgeting some major players like Russia and China. Do you think they will just watch?

China and Russia will want the war prolonged and side with rurals

Surround cities, shoot everything that attempts to leave, lefties starve to death, right wins

Import food cost money, money will be worthless, charity from eu, etc will not be sufficient

The Nazis started as the S.A. A bunch of degenerate faggots, they like faggots because they had few morals that prevented them from h heinous violence and depravity

At first thought it seems America has two choices: Civil War or (((Foreign Intervention))). But if the States become so unstable civil war occurs, we will definitely find ourselves invaded. Or if foreign intervention happens first, civil war will follow between traitors who embrace it and the patriots who resist. Either way shits fucked man.

>Would not make it the first month, or survive after.
There is a very slight chance any of us would survive. 0% chance of any of us making is out unscathed.

>99% of death fighting for a cause I believe in
>100% of dieing on the inside, living in this degenerate world or vice and sin ruled by demonic elites.
I will take those odds user.

Godspeed kamerad

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