Jow Forums praises Styx's predictions up and down

>Jow Forums praises Styx's predictions up and down
>yet completely ignored Scott Adam's which are better and more correct

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Not surprising. Trump rallies are essentially religious ceremonies at this point for the Trump cult. They show up to hear their prophet rant and rave with incoherent speeches that they feel enlighten and entertain.
It's actually really dangerous what's going on right now with all the political rhetoric from Trump, and now we have evidence that his rhetoric can lead to violence, though this isn't the first example of violence in the name of Trump against Trump's perceived political enemies.

Maybe this event will help wake up some of the Trump cultist to how they're being brainwashed / manipulated by the Charlatan in chief, but I doubt that most of you have the intellectual capacity to realize it. Honestly the fact that so many of you are so easily swayed by the ramblings of Trump shows that you're ripe for manipulation.

Who are either of them? t.oldfeg

>yet completely ignored Scott Adams
Are you joking you stupid nigger?
The only reason YOU even know who Scott Adams is, is because of Jow Forums

styx called the 2016 election within 1 or 2 electoral college votes. How close was Scott Adam's prediction?

You wouldn't have to ask if you actually were an oldfag

>Dilbert didn't exist before Jow Forums

are you retarded?

As far as I'm aware, he never tried to predict electoral votes, he just said Trump was going to win very early on.

has he named the jew?

if not he's controlled opposition and can go fuck himself

>controlled opposition


You knew dillbert not scott adams faggot


>One wants to sell his book, the other just believes in fairies and shit
Styx clearly is the one that is less merchant-like.

>Jow Forums
>praises Styx
dude's a dime a dozen civnat libertarian who talks out of his ass half the time and only got 2016 right because it was obvious as fuck
>scott adams
boomer tier fiscally conservative socially liberal le centrist cuck

Only predictions worth listening to is from Q

styx doesn't predict shit, he just regurgitates Jow Forums consensus

Literally who?

His show this morning with the border guy was really good.

Ever heard of Дилбepт?

waste of digits on such a retarded predictable post.

his wife is jewish

His entire schtick is Talmudic word-games.


>Not surprising. Trump rallies are essentially religious ceremonies at this point for the Trump cult. They show up to hear their prophet rant and rave with incoherent speeches that they feel enlighten and entertain.
>It's actually really dangerous what's going on right now with all the political rhetoric from Trump, and now we have evidence that his rhetoric can lead to violence, though this isn't the first example of violence in the name of Trump against Trump's perceived political enemies.
>Maybe this event will help wake up some of the Trump cultist to how they're being brainwashed / manipulated by the Charlatan in chief, but I doubt that most of you have the intellectual capacity to realize it. Honestly the fact that so many of you are so easily swayed by the ramblings of Trump shows that you're ripe for manipulation.

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