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Other urls found in this thread:

So many jewish names

Why cant you magatards just admit that one of your own is a violent sociopath and fucked up. Own up to it and the midterms probably wont sting AS badly. You might even get to keep the Senate. Maybe ;)


his twitter page lists him as ex cage fighter

Attached: DqdhAF3XgAEzRXw.jpg large.jpg (750x1334, 128K)

i dont know one conservative voter who thinks this guy isnt being framed. 11 more days in your bubble fag.

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hes the first political happening criminal whos social media page has been permitted to stay up in the last 2 years.

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My job is abuzz with this shit everyone here is appalled at the Republicans and I live in the south so this is trumps core base


Yes it is. This poster is from the disinfowars network. Probably pjw himself. Fuck off back to prison planet you faggot mossad agent!!!!

Definitely. His profile was made up. Some MKUltra stuff. He had handlers who put his fingerprints on the envelope.

Wow so much jewish stuff. And they weren’t afraid of the van there all the time? What if he was going to holocaust them for no reason other than being jewish? Of course it’s their van that’s why

Because it's not just one person mailing suspicious devices. The suspicious devices were found and stopped early.
It's also bunch of state agents who then intentionally delivered the suspicious devices to their targets.
That's where the problem lies, and where the false flag starts.

Amusingly if you'd just published a story about suspicious devices being stopped on the way to high-profile liberal targets (like you were initially planning to do), then there wouldn't be any false in the flag.

yeah so violent that literally no one got injured lmao

anyone know what the ufo pic is

>poor guy living in his MAGA van down by the river
>FBI mails fake bombs to several high profile Democrats, hand delivered in some cases
>CNN now has election narrative
>After election poor guys dies of heart attack.
>Case closed

Imagine being the unlucky guy they decide to blame for a false flag

kys you kike piece of shit you couldn't stand out any more if you wanted to

Bullshit lying faggot. I’m in the South and we think it’s a fucking Democrat farce.

People will have a lifetime of trauma to deal with after receiving those bombs (fake or not). Show some compassion, you sick maga fuck.

Never show your power level

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t. San Francisco faggot

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North Carolina bumblenuts but nice try

Explain? This guy has a logo apart of some kind of organization he isn't actually apart of on his van? What's the possibility he just thought it looked cool and plastered it on there?


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Buzz buzz back to the hive, NPC.
Anyone with a brain knows this is a false flag.

>it's true I swear goyim, orange man bad!!

Native American sending his pacifist bombs not meant to explode, just trying to send a message. Yeah, a violent conservative. You absolute nigger minded faggot

the tweets where she admits to being paid by george soros and be influenced in what she tweets should be included in this image

>sent fake bombs
wew lad.

Attached: npcShower.jpg (720x546, 38K)

Admit muslims are fucked first

Attached: 46F2CFC6-69A0-4ECD-A6E4-EDDCF3B77A66.jpg (750x681, 380K)

No humans were mailed fake bombs.

oh shit rr2 just got trump cursed nigga gone dieeeeee

>north carolina
So i was half right, fag.

lol trump cursed faggot

theres like one fucking sticker that's different. this is a reach even for you guys, come on.

They were meant to ignite and send a smoke signal message, not explode

Its an art project

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Sorry faggot, this isn't going to change anything. Dems are still gonna lose big in the midterms. Why can't you come to terms with that?

Its an MMA gym, and his twitter profile said hes a cage fighter. Yet no one at the gym knows him and hes not a member there.

This is normal with false flags. Identity is made up.

Rude but seems as though you magapedes are all the same breed only wishing violence and death. pitiful.

No one talks like this down south.

You dont have a problem bringing in violent muslims so why do we bother you?

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>My job is abuzz with this shit everyone here is appalled at the Republicans and I live in the south so this is trumps core base
Death to Babylon, death to those who lie for a living.

The guy makes a bunch of false claims about himself all over social media.

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Curious myself about that, it looks like maybe the feds put those white sheet stickers on the back windows. The paragraphs of single letters are there in the google maps pictures, and I was under the impression they were still there in the first pics of the van being taken by authorities. Nothing stopping a crazy guy from putting more stickers on a van like that though, obviously.

Because obvious false flag is obvious.
This isn’t swaying anybody’s votes. That’s the part you fail to realize. But hubris is what made you blind in 2016 to the reality at hand. Dems are dying party.

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fake bombs isn't on the same level as real ricin.
that shit will actually kill you.
the leftist ricin mailer didn't get this much media attention... i wonder why?

>Rude but seems as though you magapedes are all the same breed only wishing violence and death

"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about"
-Hillary Clinton

Attached: james-t-hodgkinson-5-things-ftr1[1].jpg (620x349, 61K)

As someone who may or may not work for the FBI, I really have to tell you guys - these deep state PSYOPS are developed over long periods of time. Lots of them take decades before they are deployed. Targets are gang stalked by field PSYOPS crews and then manipulate the targets behavior into the direction of an event like this. We see it often at the office and these cases have so many anomalies that even investigating them properly, thoroughly, has been known to get an agent "suicided" ~ food for thought. Do not screencap me. Thanks.

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All this did was cause both sides to dig in further. No voters changed hands.

Enjoy losing.

>Sorry faggot, this isn't going to change anything. Dems are still gonna lose big in the midterms. Why can't you come to terms with that?
it is just moe pathetic media hysterics whether it was a false flag or not. it isnt going to change one vote. white people are still going out to vote in the midterm because they are white. niggers are still going to stay home because they are niggers

He's a comped leftist hitman.
>goes to a top tier gym apparently
>fucks $30,000 hookers
>built like a brick shithouse, but no one in his gym recognized him or found him in the member database
>twitter created in 2016

Everything about him is fake. I smell a rat.

a bunch of the photos of the van circulating are from a year+ ago. he's obviously updated a lot of them since then. it's just a desperate attempt to sow doubt in face of the obvious conclusion at this point.

If people were hurt or if it were after nov 6 or both I might believe it, but its all too conveniently proDemocrat a scenario as is

I don't even care anymore, they fucking win, they always fucking win.
Well whatever, I'm going to fuck some married woman while her husband watches me.
They been wanting it for a while and this whole not being a degenerate is fucking pointless.
I thought I was here forever, guess I was wrong

>People will have a lifetime of trauma to deal with after receiving those bombs
You know neither Obama or HRC even batted an eye you emotional faggot.

screencapped in 8k resolution

here ya go

Attached: lol.png (623x406, 74K)

you are so gay

>t. Charlotte libtard

We knew they were targeting someone for a false flag.

I feel bad for the guy. I’m listening to Savage Now SWFL on 104.3. His opening is as always critical of and thinks it’s hurting the Rep party. I want to hear his user call ins that will verify this hoax like the last two days!

This came in at work to me today!

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Nah you’ll stay here, I’ve cucked multiple liberal couples by now its kinda funny

I want a closeup of that ufo conspiracy collage in the second window from the left
For keks

there are pro trump posts from him going back to 2011. gee the deep state sure has been grooming this one for a while.

>Hillary Clinton
>deal with trauma
She's the Suge Knight of politics, she probably laughed at that shit off and already planned his "suicide" and how to cover the loose end.

Attached: burnt the fuck out.png (500x380, 96K)

The Right: "This confirms that it was a hoax."
You're fucking hopeless and allergic to facts.

They always do. The MSM will smooth it over though

>You know neither Obama or HRC even batted an eye you emotional faggot.
They probably funded the psyop.

Did you ignore the first sentence? Oh wait, you did. Don't >> me you glow-in-the-darkie

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so he couldve printed it off without being a member big deal?

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The worst thing about it? I DON'T WANT TO HATE THEM.


you are not welcome here. enjoy your stay.

>i live in the south
gtfo with that yuppie slang

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are you telling me this good boy is involved with sketchy shit?

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the left pic has shit taped over the stickers on the windows, i think he was taping newspaper articles onto it or something, pic on right might have just been at a different time or something

You don’t think ufos exist? They are real but it debatable on who made them and if they are man made or not.
Can be Nazis from the hollow earth. Can be American black listed projects. Can possibly be aliens but all I know is flying saucers have existed for awhile is this world and only retards don’t believe it

I know you're fucking around, but I hope you're actually some libshit kike just so I can tell you one thing:
I wish those bombs were real.

Because they’re all the MAGA bomber mentally ill deranged old men

Dude, I need pussy, if some faggot want to watch whatever

You're digging your own grave at this point man.

>ex-cage fighter
>no mma record
Excuse me?

Haha I'm in the heart of Dem HQ and no one believes this nonsense. You're wasting your fucking time and any credit you had left after the Supreme Court tantrum. Do you free bleed out of your pussy too?

it seems like a lot of spook plants came out today with their
>hey I saw this van awhile ago and just decide to post them today

Literally no u.

The tribe he's supposedly from says he doesn't exist, same for the gym he supposedly goes to.

He's literally physically incapable of having gotten those bombs into place.

The van he's been living in has supposedly regularly been parked across a synagogue and kosher market for over a year while plastered with a visibly illegal amount of stickers, yet he's never had a ticket. The video and pictures of the van are inconsistent as well.

If you aren't a shill, wake the fuck and realize you're being played.

How can the CIA (or whatever false flag organization you want) go through so much effort with so many coverups and people keeping secrets, but still manage to leave evidence behind that completely discredits them?

>Hello, fellow core southern Trump voter.

Stop spamming this shit cocklips