A degenerate artist from New York City moves out into PA and immediately starts shitting up the place with the lamest excuse ever: "Trump said it, therefore it's OK to put profanity in giant bright letters over a shitty mural within sight of a middle school. Oh, and he's from New York, so you can safely assume he's not Amish:
>Asked whether the signs are appropriate so close to a school, Neuman said, "I don't give a s--t. I'm quoting our illustrious president. He's an example to our students. If He's OK with that, then f--k it."
If the locals don't have the balls to chase him off, how could I give any fucks
Tyler Brown
>Neuman Germshits really need to fuck out of PA. Amish are okay but non-amish Germshits are always degenerate scum.
Josiah Howard
I'm usually okay with consumerism but this is so over the top and hideous. I can only equate PA to a 60 year old prostitute that's had a tattoo for ever man she's fucked
Justin Flores
They're working on it, but the area is split. Eastern PA has had a large influx of trash from NY/NJ and Philly so it's not clear cut. It's also just funny that the first leakage of this particular kind of shitty "art" from NYC was by a guy named "Shalom Neuman". It's one thing to be like "Every goddamn time!" when it's twitter shit, it's another to see it in real life.
Juan Morgan
That is a old ass taco bell sign.
Levi Campbell
Wow, tone deaf racist using Trump as an excuse to tell us how he really feels. >his conditioning is breaking.
Lucas White
>this is so over the top and hideous This is your standard interstate small town