PA - Huge profane sign near school, artist says 'I don't give a shit'

A degenerate artist from New York City moves out into PA and immediately starts shitting up the place with the lamest excuse ever: "Trump said it, therefore it's OK to put profanity in giant bright letters over a shitty mural within sight of a middle school. Oh, and he's from New York, so you can safely assume he's not Amish:

>Asked whether the signs are appropriate so close to a school, Neuman said, "I don't give a s--t. I'm quoting our illustrious president. He's an example to our students. If He's OK with that, then f--k it."

Attached: shithole.jpg (768x599, 139K)

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In fairness, PA is a shithole

Attached: sprawl.jpg (670x534, 136K)

>not one sheetz or wawas

What a faggot picture meme flag fag

Location, please. Help us anons not haft to look up and get evidence on our hard drives, please.

If you think there isn't one middle schooler in the US that doesn't say far worse than shit daily you are living in in a fairy land

Guaranteed pedo.

That's the spirit let it all burn.

Deprogram just a little bruv.

Yawn. Try harder with the fake outrage. There is plenty of other shit to be upset about. Middle schoolers wanting to dress like thots for instance

>"If He's OK with that, then f--k it."
LOL. That's the funniest quote I read in a long time.

dude go throw rocks at it. and cover it with paint

Doing anything about it? Raise a daughter to be surrounded by thots and see your tune change.

A little vandalism should make a NYC parasite feel right at home.

Got 2 thanks. Plenty to worry about besides this crap

There's a link in the OP but for some reason it didn't hyperlink right.

Steal sign, reinstall at nearest social security office.

Ad blocker my bad.

Attached: Incredibles 2 - Frozone and Honey Best Deleted Scene 2.webm (1920x800, 2.23M)

If the locals don't have the balls to chase him off, how could I give any fucks

Germshits really need to fuck out of PA. Amish are okay but non-amish Germshits are always degenerate scum.

I'm usually okay with consumerism but this is so over the top and hideous. I can only equate PA to a 60 year old prostitute that's had a tattoo for ever man she's fucked

They're working on it, but the area is split. Eastern PA has had a large influx of trash from NY/NJ and Philly so it's not clear cut. It's also just funny that the first leakage of this particular kind of shitty "art" from NYC was by a guy named "Shalom Neuman". It's one thing to be like "Every goddamn time!" when it's twitter shit, it's another to see it in real life.

That is a old ass taco bell sign.

Wow, tone deaf racist using Trump as an excuse to tell us how he really feels.
>his conditioning is breaking.

>this is so over the top and hideous
This is your standard interstate small town

>posts a rural turnpike exit