
>FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into whether electric-car maker Tesla misled investors by overstating production forecasts for its Model 3 sedan
>In early 2017, the Palo Alto, California-based company announced plans to produce up to 5,000 Model 3s a week by the end of that year
>It fell far short, making just 793 in the last week and 2,700 for all of 2017
>It didn’t hit the 5,000-a-week target until June 2018

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god damn Elon is a fucking retard

>whoops sorry about there being no wmds in iraq
>haha sorry afghanistan sure is getting expensive
>oof sorry about that financial crisis

fuck off ivan, we get it.

> dude GRIMES lmao

Thank God I sold last week.

Oh well, time to hand over the company to kikes

why do they seem to be getting disproportionate scrutiny from the authorities compared to other corporations?

it almost seems like if you even accidentally allude to jews in one tweet the whole system comes crashing down on your head

They do a lot of weird shit.

(((They))) want to control Tesla.


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Go against (globalists) and you lose.

Weird how this happens immediately after they absolutely prove their profitability......................

pretty funny how ZOG is going after Elon after "Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello"

>le Russians


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dude give me thousands more and the car will drive itself lol.

Big Oil gonna big oil
just in case you thought the FBI was a legitimate law enforcement agency and not just a bunch of thugs for sale to the highest bidder

It does highways, on-ramp to off-ramp.
Backed off automatic lane changes to human verification until their blind spot precision is up to par.
That's pretty damn impressive.

did you know that oil companies are very wealthy?

are you fucking serious

those tweets had nothing to do with Jews, is just that Jews immediately assumed he was talking about them for some reason

>it's not like we have to pay our human developers or anything


Fuck them. Tesla is one of the only companies innovating in hardware.

big oil


>A published report Friday said the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into whether electric-car maker Tesla misled investors by overstating production forecasts for its Model 3 sedan.

>The Wall Street Journal reported that FBI agents have contacted former Tesla employees to interview them. The paper cited anonymous people familiar with the matter.

> The paper cited anonymous people familiar with the matter.
> The paper cited anonymous people familiar with the matter.
> The paper cited anonymous people familiar with the matter.
> The paper cited anonymous people familiar with the matter.

no shit but the 6,000,000 blue checks on twatter and journos immediately started melting down and crying anti-semitism over that tweet

>for some reason


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He martyred himself so that the public could see (((who))) it is that pulls the strings. Almost guaranteed that there was some kike whispering in his ear that the green texted info wouldn't matter since it wasn't a big deal since other companies to do this kind of thing and get away with it.

how long until he just straight up goes full Henry Ford?

lol elons lost his fucking mind

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it will go nowhere

this is just another attempt at a smear campaign against elon and tesla in general

Musk is basically the new Henry Ford. He's woke on the Jews and knows that they use big oil companies as an excuse for the US to defend Israel.

Tesla's entire business model is aimed at the same kinds of people the jews target (white hipsters with too much money) but it also undermines the US Power grid by allowing people to become their own power companies. The powerwall, tesla and those solar roof tiles basically turn any house in a sunny place into a nearly self-sufficient dwelling and subverts the need for oil wars.

The kikes are going to pull some DeLorean shit I guarantee it.

Attached: elon_mosque.jpg (500x665, 118K)

They also hate him because he wen on Joe Rogan and said he loves humanity.

Another waste of money from a truly useless fucking agency

>It didn’t hit the 5,000-a-week target until June 2018
Lol, they have no case. This is a reprisal and nothing more.

Not to mention all their forecasts are qualified as extremely optimistic goals.

We can't allow those fucking Jews to control Tesla. Elon is on our side. The side of free will and choice.

Elon red pilling normies on twatter. So BASED it hurts.

You know who *owns* the fbi right?

It's another CIA front company, nothing will happen