Dispute the following:

Dispute the following:

A man's worth is based on what he can contribute to society. A man able to work but not willing should be forced to work or killed

Education should be compulsory and have a large focus on stem, those that underachieve either by choice or other causes should be forced to work unskilled labor positions

We should not support the poor and disabled through welfare but instead through charity.

We should also do away with organizations that seek to go against our country and our interest. Organizations that bring in and house immigrants illegally, organizations that pose a danger to the population around them through either violent ideology or violent acts.

We should do away with prison and instead enslave or execute those that are unable to obey our laws

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Your argument stops at the statement "a man's worth is based on what he can contribute to society", the rest is your special brand of conclusion based entirely on that assumption.

So, first define worth. Do you mean the right to not be killed? Do you mean financial worth? Do you mean potential for action? If you mean the latter, then your worth of humanity is based upon the potential for rightful action, in which you, or "society", defines rightful and the man's choice becomes only to conform to it or forfeit it entirely.

A man able to work but not willing should be forced to work or killed. Is forcing another person to work itself considered work? Would you kill your executioners for waiting around for people to execute? Define the limitations of work. Do you mean suffering? Do you mean contributing to a power-based hierarchy in a conspicuous manner, so as to appear to others that you are "working" and therefore better? Or does the work itself have to be of a certain quality? Can I just fuck around and half-ass my job for the state?

Let's start here.

user, you gave me a lot to think about, I'll develop it and return.

Sounds good, that was my only intention. I agree more than you may think about your conclusions, but a concerted effort to really understand what we want and mean with our words can never hurt. Cheers, user.

Any suggestions on books or things to start with?

None of these directly relate to the politics you mentioned but I found them very useful in finding good questions to ask when looking at things philosophically:

City of God by St. Augustine
Sickness Unto Death by Kierkegaard
Thus Spoke Zarathrustra by Nietzsche
Til We Have Built Jerusalem by Philip Bess

I also write non-fiction and philosophy so I guess that doesn't hurt. Just find a concept and try to pick apart every word in it, the meaning in each of them. Then look at your intentions, and why you have them. You can do this infinitely by the way, this objective deepening of definitions. I'll just say start there, then try to think your way into the subjective. Then into unifying them.

Mind linking some things you wrote

Sorry, I post here anonymously. Besides most of my stuff is industry specific. That said though, I'll be going public next year with a book about the concept of Quality, and will post it here on Jow Forums for free most likely. Just can't do it right now for reasons.

So I take it you have a at least a mater's, but what in

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Nope, no degree. I was homeless most of my childhood, and didn't want that to be my adulthood. I got lucky doing low-level shit in a high-tech industry, worked my ass off for a decade, then turned my thoughts inward. I also slept behind an old piano at my local library for about 8 months so quickly learned to appreciate reading.

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(You) should study logistics, the Art of War (The Prince ect.), and psychology.
So what does worth mean and society?
Is it everything a person can or could do or be? Is there negitive worth? Can society have intrinsic worth?
I wish you good luck user.

Hey man, I'm not hurting for money, I make well over six figures, if there's any way I can help an user let me know

>A man is worth what he contributes to society.
>All the other totalitarian shitspewing.
You’ll grow out if it. Or you’re a nigger, in which case, neck yourself.

>A man able to work but not willing should be forced to work or killed
>We should not support the poor and disabled through welfare but instead through charity.

These two are somewhat redundant, imo. Absent welfare, those who do not want to work will starve. The need to upkeep their own bodies already provides an incentive to work. Therefore there is no need to go out of your way to impose additional force upon them or to execute them.

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Appreciate it user, I should have been more clear though. I started low, worked my ass off, taught myself the jobs of everyone around me and wound up leading very well known projects. I'm quite financially secure right now, but your charity is a beautiful thing, and I appreciate the sentiment.

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