Why did it become “cool” to be a degenerate in the 1960s?
Why did it become “cool” to be a degenerate in the 1960s?
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jews started buying cultural media
CIA gave everyone lsd
because social shaming works. also christianity was being killed by usurious capitalist-marxists, so the strong social bond of the decades before whithered to nearly nothing for man non-rural families.
Rebellion against harsh conservative parents
Korean war
Wdespread Nihilism spread in culture by people who lived through the worst war the world had ever seen.
Why is it "cool" to be a degenerate today?
whatever. thats what they thought of them
Rebellion against the extremely contrived and overly suppressive post war culture of the 50s. Equal and opposite reaction. Was probably either jump started or encouraged by deliberate injection of psychedelics into the youth population.
Well, it has to be pretty hard to measure up to a generation that fought in WWII. I guess from their perspective, they couldn't hold a candle to it so go 180 in the opposite direction. Lashing out at mom and dad.
Because the Jew commies we saved from the evil Nazis came here and took over the universities.
Because the government fabricated a foreign war and spent american lives for a piece of fucking dirt near China.
The centralized order was shown to be unambiguously corrupt.
CIA funded lots of pop culture like CCR and performed mass LSD dosing experiments on the public
It was social engineering and a sort of Project Bluebeam-Lite with the whole Age of Aquarius hype/mystique they built up in the prelude to the 60s
>1940s of age Male
>Get drafted to fight for Jews
>Go through all kinds of strict training that my life and others lives depend on
>Everyone I know is getting drafted
>Entire generations go
>We all have horrific experiences and any sort of incompetence seems to lead to more death
>Become hyper disciplined and only the strongest and most focused of us survive
>Come home
>Marry wife who hasnoidea.jpg
>Drink constantly and beat my children for being late to the dinner table or not tying their shoes
>An entire baby boom happens and they all get the same treatment from war torn alcoholic fathers
>Begin to rebel at the universities as soon as they leave the confines of their disciplinarian households
Woodstock was the ultimate "Fuck you, Dad"
Partly that there were just so many young people that you couldn't help but party
Partly that it was one of the first generations with a significant Jewish population and many of them had commie parents and were dedicated to being subversive
Partly LSD
Partly the technology for amplifying electric rock music at extreme volumes finally coming into its own
Id like to widespread her if ya know what I mean!
you're so brainwashed by the Jew yourself that you think most Americans in the military fought in the European theater rather than the Pacific Theater and that most of them had to be drafted.
The reality is that it was a majority volunteers who willfully signed up because they wanted to kill as many Japs as possible, and the majority of our forces were in the Pacific.
The kikes took over America post WW2, It is no accident we started turning degenerate around that time.
History lessons here:
Our nation purged God in 1962.
The boomers are reaping the benefits the silent generation prayed for...that their children have it better than them.
That blessing is ending.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
According to the National WWII Museum, 61.2% of the military were drafted, leaving 38.8% as volunteers, most of which enlisted in the Navy.
Nice projection faggot, you are the brainwashed one.
>Dey all wanted to fight for dur cuntry.
There were more protesters per capita to entering WW2 than Iraq or Afghanistan.
This is burger education, take notes newfags.
Faggot boomers got mad that their parents were part of the greatest generation and decided to try to tear the country apart. They've damn near succeeded.
Why did the WASPs allow this to happen? This used to be a WASP nation
>neo-marxism was a mistake
You realise the roaring 20s were degenerate with flappers and whatnot, right? Good times brings decadence and makes weak people.
the Jews
When they implemented the draft.
the navy fought mainly in the pacific you retarded weeaboo FAGGOT
Look into Laurel Canyon, lots of the hippy movement prime movers had parents in the C I A/military.
That has nothing to do with the conversation.
You have proven yourself to be low IQ as well
Majority men fought in Europeon Theater
Majority died there
This board is so dead.
What are you some immigrant faggot or something with no true American roots?
I'm proud to be the grandson of a MARINE who VOLUNTARILY ENLISTED to KILL JAPS.
If you don't have similar ancestry, you are not a TRUE AMERICAN and should KILL YOURSELF.
It's been cool to be a degenerate for well over a century.
The 18th-19th century had dandies.
The 10-20s had jazz and club culture.
The 30s and 40s had beatniks.
The 50s had greasers and rockers.
The 60s had hipies etc.
The difference is that the 60s had ubiquitous TV and no more media censorship board in america, so degenerate culture was portrayed by the media as mainstream to normies (even though hippies were actually a small subculture).
Basically, everybody thought civilization was going to end in a nuclear apocalypse within the next few years. When there's no tomorrow, why not spend your time getting high and fucking whores?
yes I'd like to lick her shit too
>Make objective observation about casualties of WW2
That is called a Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Go to the top of this board
Read the sticky
Download and read the picture
Learn and understand it or get the fuck off this board.
I should probably just exodus to hot wheels chan this place is fucking cancer.
>weaboo faggot crying because he can't accept the fact that WWII was really all about killing Japs so he goes along with the Jew fantasy that it was all about liberating Jews in Europe even though that had nothing at all to do with the war and it was just a coincidence that we happened upon some concentration camps
You're a brainwashed non-white NIGGER
>weaboo faggot crying because he can't accept the fact that WWII was really all about killing Japs so he goes along with the Jew fantasy that it was all about liberating Jews in Europe even though that had nothing at all to do with the war and it was just a coincidence that we happened upon some concentration camps
You're a brainwashed non-white NIGGER
>According to the National WWII Museum, 61.2% of the military were drafted, leaving 38.8% as volunteers, most of which enlisted in the Navy.
I note that you didn't provide a link because you pulled this from some random dude on QUORA you DEGENERATE WEABOO FAGGOT
remember the 60 gorillion trillion jewish babies shoahed by evil adolf Hitler and his nazi dogs, goy
You’re the brainwashed afaggot. Ww2 was all about doing the Jews dirty work and making sure the kikes will rule the world economically and socially. At least for America.
It’s because of this country that we are this fucking position today. Anyone who takes America’s side in ww2 is a fucking blue pulled npc
if youre anti-zionist ur anti-humanity, fact, goy
Yes, now read a little deeper into the Quora thread you originally copied and pasted from.
>To add a wrinkle to answers that correctly note that after December 1942 for most men the draft was the only option, is part of the reason behind that policy.
>Up to that time men could volunteer for their service of choice (assuming they were qualified) and many did, not just out of patriotism, but a practical judgement as to what would be better and most survivable option, since being drafted for a qualified man in age group was pretty much inevitable. I suspect this led to the Navy getting a disproportionate number of highly qualified volunteers compared to the Army, which was seen as a more dangerous and difficult service option.
>A lot of answers are missing a fundamental point about the WW2 draft. By December of 1942 the military saw it as a waste of resources to have a draft and a volunteer system. The military mostly go rid of the volunteer option and just started to draft everyone. This was easy to manage when you are talking about millions of people joining in such as short time. That’s why we end up with lopsided statistic over over 60 percent of service members being drafted. On people outside of the draft age range could volunteer after December 1942.
They actually got rid of the volunteer system after the war started so that's why the percentage drafted is so skewed. Most Americans WANTED TO FIGHT. It wasn't like Vietnam. But for the military it was too cumbersome to maintain the two-tier system so they just went with the draft. So most of the men drafted would have volunteered if they were still able to.
But in your pathetic brain you can't even imagine someone wanting to fight for their country and kill as many members of the race of people who had attacked us at Pearl Harbor as possible.
>Ww2 was all about doing the Jews dirty work and making sure the kikes will rule the world economically and socially. At least for America.
What exactly did killing Japs after they attacked Pearl Harbor have to do with the Jews?
You guys have no idea how brainwashed you have been by Jews to think WWII was all about them. We didn't know or care about Jews being killed when we went to war, it was incidental.
it was actually rebellious then
You are so dense you do not even know what this convo is about.
I know it feels good saying words like goy and Oy vey and gorillian but you just sound like another faggot in this echo chamber.
I've read MacDonald, I've seen TGSNT and know about gas chamber doors that were not hermetically sealed.
None of that applies to the conversation I am having.
We are discussing degeneracy in the US post WW2 subsequent to disciplinarian fathers that suffered from what we now call PTSD
Some faggot got autistic about "DEY ACTUALLY ALL ENLISTED TO KILL JAPS"
I have sense completely btfo out of that guy with statistics and will admit he has completely derailed the main talking point.
Nonetheless... that faggot is wrong that made those claims and has been proven wrong.
Just know that you did not deserve this reponse and probably have a 103 IQ.
>Spergs out about no citation
>Receives citation
>Replies with many claims without providing citation.
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a] 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.
how are neo nazi's not degenerates?
>many smoke meth
>covered in tatoos
>promote violence against others
>promote violence against dissenters
all hippies did was smoke weed and expand their minds with psilocybin
Media created the hippie movement.
Tiny number of freaks at Berkeley amid huge crowd. Media does close up shot of tiny number of freaks, then pan out to huge crowds. The result? Freaks across the country converge on Berkeley and then go to Golden Gate Park in SF and start the hippie movement. They rallied the freaks intentionally.
>I have sense completely btfo out of that guy with statistics and will admit he has completely derailed the main talking point.
No, you haven't. You've only proven how ignorant you are of that period of American history.
This was the mindset at the time:
For decades we celebrated VJ Day as the end of WWII (VICTORY OVER JAPAN DAY)
Most Americans didn't give a shit about killing Nazis, it was all about killing Japs.
If you believe otherwise YOU HAVE BEEN JEWED.
maybe promoting hate and being anti-science did that to them too...
christian leaders at the time didnt really come at the hippies with open arms. Instead they'd throw bibles at them.
I provided context as to why your citation is completely meaningless
Economic explosion and the "end of history" meme, as well as the Frankfurt School and Mass media.
Fuck the boomers they are going to live their entire lives and die before they ever suffer any consequence for what they did.
Unironically a Soviet psy op
Because the Marxists won WW2
Maybe the neoconservatives are right and we're in need of a war?
Because it's fun and most of what is produced from work is pointless crap.
NPC mentality
CIAniggers started dumping LSD into the general population and employing guys like Tim Leary to make it hip. Mass experimentation
I'm mind blown by how stupid you are.
I say that the majority of men fought and died in the European theater.
Yes I understand you believe that it was about the Japs and that is fine user I'm not really concerned with that. What point I am making is that the majority of intoxicated war torn veterans were products of the European theater, also here is a citation.
I understand you believe that and that is okay I'm not really concerned about WHY it was fought I'm just explaining by using statistics that actually yes the majority of the war torn men and casualties were from the European theater irregardless of what WW2 was fought about
I'm just laughing at you at this point every time you reply I hope some anons are getting a sensible chuckle out of you as well.
You provided just that... an opinionated context with zero citation.
Please play again.
Literally marxists spies and the CIA's drugs. Read the Venona Papers to understand
so basically this?
jews won ww2 and then the rest is what we see now. Racial division is their game. Sexual perversion is their game. Anything that is not accepted by God is their game. They have made NPCs out of the population by using sin to corrupt their minds
damn great post.
I don't need to go search for citations because I already know the history.
You apparently do not.
I'm "sperging out" because it makes me furious that the sacrifice of all my grandad's buddies who didn't make it off of Iwo Jima is basically forgotten and people focus on the European theater.
And we have sniveling little shits like you who believe that most Americans had to be drafted and didn't want to fight.
It's shameful and you should honestly consider suicide for being so ignorant of your own country's history.
Why LSD though? I did LSD and I basically realized the harsh truth I had to get my shit together and not be a lazy degenerate because I was headed down a bad path
>damn great post.
Fuck you too you brainwashed nigger.
>greatest generation
well at the time it was aligned with the "turn on, tune in, drop out" philosophy of Timothy Leary
Because why not.
Abortion doesn't have an arrow leading to the democratic party in that pic
you lacked the influence of subversive culture which is what made it so influential during it's time as a mass experiment. You had to be there man
fuck you too, from the American perspective WWII was about killing Japs and you have been brainwashed by Jews if you believe otherwise
Fluoridation, Kike-Indoctrination, public masturbation, the death of a nation.
It bloomed from the beatnik culture that was a psyop. I'm sure most of our culture is engineered this way even today.
selfish generation only think about themselves and their moral superiority complex, which is ironic. The media and schools encouraged that.
Because neo Nazis are degenerate American LARPers not actual national socialists
Though some things
>violence against others
Those who want to destroy you
>against dissenters
Again above
>anti American
I wouldn’t say that I’d say more against many of modern America’s mongrelized Jew values
>anti establishment
Anyone who thinks the current (((establishment))) is anything to support is an idiot
Depends what (((music))) you listened to if it influenced you. See ; from the horse's own mouth!
This video has the black cube in it:
They were retaliating against their fathers. Shit went downhill from there.
The late 40's to early 60's was the peak of the traditional, intelligent and classy black man and the mid to late 60's was an opposition to that.
Ok how come America didn’t only kill japs then?
And also not everyone in the so called “greatest generation” was American and other than a few people from BC and Australia only America fought the japs
I guess this
One thing I found during my experimentation with acid is that in a larger crowd some people tended to be more suggestible I wasn’t but one of my friends was