Why did they have to say over and over again this is not a HOAX? Why even entertain the idea if it wasn't plausible.
Even mass media station left/right/center had " NOT A HOAX " plastered on their head line.
Why did they have to say over and over again this is not a HOAX? Why even entertain the idea if it wasn't plausible
"The FBI helped the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting a hold during a background check, incited the terrorist to attack the Garland event, and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack," the court filing said.
The filing also alleged that former FBI Director Jim Comey lied in a "post-attack cover-up" about the bureau's knowledge of how the attack unfolded and what Comey and the bureau knew about what was likely to transpire.
"In the aftermath of the attack, former FBI Director James Comey lied to the American people by claiming that Simpson was a needle in a haystack' that was 'invisible to us,'" the filing alleged. "Even after it had come to light that an undercover FBI agent had been communicating extensively with the terrorists during the week prior to the event and had accompanied them as they carried out the attack, the FBI continued to assert that "[t]here was no advance knowledge of a plot to attack the cartoon drawing contest."
Because Jow Forums keeps pretending like these weren’t real bombs and that the guy was just trying to spook the politicians. They had explosive material in them, the guy was just mentally ill and incompetent so they didn’t go off.
Hey Israeli faggot. You're gonna die soon.
It's called PROGRAMMING for a reason.
Sorry, that's not what happened. These faggots fucked it up and leaked the story before the cops even arrested him.
It's "bomb materials" assembled in a way that can't possiby cause harm, so it's not a hoax, but it's also not a bomb.
"we have it all"
Jow Forums controls the mass media narrative so much that they have reporters on Jow Forums all day to decide what their headline will be.
who is jewing who here?
web searching HOAX proves my point.
The news is currently obsessed with pointing out this is not a Hoax
Because the FBI is garbage at false flags
Had to say it to for the narrative to work
So...what were they? What were the explosives in them? If they were bombs, they would have gone off, wouldn't they? Why was a timer used on them if they were meant to explode?
i actually think its ok to lie here because theres a small chance he sent a real one or someone will send a real one as an obvious copycat that people will treat carelessly
>news discovers that it was a Trump supporter attacking the leftist politicians
>right wingers say it was a false flag, the postage was messed up, the bombs weren’t real, etc.
>news tries to debunk these myths
Same as
>Sandy Hook happens
>right wingers say it is a lie
>news puts out articles to debunk right wing conspiracies
Holy fuck you are dumb as rocks. Just the average Trump supporter I suppose.
Nigger were ready to hang all these lying fucks for treason. This is glow niggers trying to steal an election
they're intentionally obfuscating this point... none of the rightwing guys saying it was a hoax meant that the story was invented, they were saying the bomb was inert/non-functional
the FBI never answered this: were the bombs functional? could they have detonated in precisely the state they were mailed?
No, they couldnt.
Aerosol cans have more of an potential to detonate than the thing Cuomo screenshotted
The FBI never entertained the idea that sandy hook was a hoax, like they did with this.
The first thing they said when they caught the Spic is that this is not a Hoax.
Or was it acosta? I dont even care anymore
remember during parkland when all the media was all
for some reason.
Let me try to put this at a 3rd grade level for you since I know you are barely literate.
>10+ bombs sent out
>none explode
>reporter asks FBI director Christopher Wray why they didn’t go off, were they fake?
>He says they were real attempted pipe bombs, “not hoax devices.”
(Please strain your Protozoan IQ and reread the pic in OP)
>independent investigators look at X-rays of one pipe bomb and sees the wiring is fucked up, mentally ill room temperature iq boomer probably made the same mistake on every one of the bombs
well then its retarded for that fucker to keep repeating "IT WAS NOT A HOAX" because he didn't understand what anyone meant by "hoax" in the first place. I thought that guy was on Trumps side, not a deep state fag, jesus christ
You said it yourself. Tries to debunk. Fails.
Listen, it was fun supporting Trump while it lasted, but I'm not nutjob who supports terrorism. It's time to be responsible and vote Democrat.
>I thought that guy was on Trumps side
Nah, he drew out the McCabe and strzok process for a year longer than it should have taken
NOT only did they say this was not a hoax over and over
They said he is innocent till proven guilty
I hope they put the Trial on TV which they won't.
We don't care about how much the FBI lies about a man they worked with to make fake bombs.
Retard alert. A pipe bomb is a pipe bomb even if he messed up a wire.
>b-but it didn’t go off so it’s not actually a bomb!
Everything else is there, the intent is clear.
>listen Goy, stop saying this is a hoax
>the scare was REAL
>the people involved are REAL
>the faux home made bombs are REAL
Calling this a hoax is like dismissing the Holocaust
If there is no EXPLOSIVE material, it is not a bomb.
+ bombs sent out
How were they sent out though? Because it wasn't by mail.
They said it wasn't a hoax before they got to the questioning.
And when there's no explosive material in the "pipebomb", what do you call it?
But it looks exactly like the ones I see on HBO, of course it's real
They never confirmed it had explosives inside
A pipe.
>assuming the FBI doesn't lie to the american public constantly
How much brain damage do you have?
Well the guy who shot bin Laden seems to think its fake bombs
Because the President of the United States of America said the word "bomb" in "air quotes", so the feds made sure America knew, this shit was actually real.
That's why, OP.
They're pushing back on their idiot boss. (again)
>a pipe
can we smoke dude weed out of it?
Nah, we're done giving FBI the benefit of the doubt. You niggers rot too.
Yes they fucking did.
>the bombs were made from PVC pipe with a digital timer attached to set off the detonator. Each bomb also contained powder from a low explosive or a pyrotechnic, as in fireworks, they said.
>X-rays showed that pieces of shrapnel were likely to be inside the PVC pipes, the officials said.
By the way “low explosive” is still explosive and dangerous when you have a lot of it, especially with shrapnel.
so hes being charged with attempted murder then.. r-right?
Mailmanon from every other thread here.
I don't know what happened or who did it, but I and the couple other postalfags posting on here tonight can tell you with 100% certainty that these did not go through the USPS system for delivery.
Whoever says that they did, from Sessions on down, are either lying or being lied to and repeating it. Full stop.
This. A lot of alt-righters including Trump himself were implying that if was a hoax.
" Sayoc was initially somewhat cooperative after his arrest, telling investigators the pipe bombs wouldn’t have hurt anyone, and that he didn’t want to hurt anyone, according to a law enforcement official. He has now retained a lawyer and his questioning has ended"
Posts like this are why America is moving to the left
I am sorry, but there is not way in hell that retard from Florida hand delivered 10 packages and they all look an CNN intern's idea of a bomb. The fucking thing had a clock that was useless taped on it. None even blew up and so far no can actually say with a straight face they were an actual bomb. The best they got is an "attempted bomb" which is equivalent of a "fake bomb"
Heads of the same hydra
Cool story, enjoy your self destruction after selling yourself to china.
I mean could it be any more obvious this dude is a patsy.
50 bucks says you'll never hear about his trial because he will either be a) sent to a black site. B) sent to a minimum security prison resort to live out his days in relative luxury
>At a news conference in Washington, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Mr. Sayoc had been charged with five federal crimes, including the interstate transportation of an explosive, the illegal mailing of explosives and making a threat against a former president and others.
you dumbass got played because he came out a said they weren't made to hurt.
and the FBI didn't say if explosives where used.
give it a day or two and you'll see how dumb you are.
the devices where just to invoke fear
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
“I want to reiterate the defendant in this case is innocent until proven guilty," Sessions added after describing the charges.
And? All the FBI does is try to railroad people into convictions for things that didnt happen.
Have you ever dealt with the FBI before?
it wasn't even an attempted bomb by the looks of it since the wires weren't properly connected and the clock used didn't function as an actual detonator
I'd call it a 'scare bomb' if anything, it was meant to make people afraid, and that worked. Is it terrorism? arguably yes. But to call it a "functional bomb" is absurd here
that nigger also said they went through the mail system of the usps, if you won't admit there is something severely fucky going on thats fine, but if you are 100% serious right now you have no survival instinct and i can only assume will one day be hit by a car you should have seen coming
>attempt to bomb politicians
>bombs don’t go off
>u-u-uhhh I meant to do that!
Why would he admit to attempted murder? He then pleaded the fifth and asked for his lawyer.
Because he's mentally retarded and being railroaded?
No they didn't. Wray even stayed away from saying "explosives", he said "energetic material"...which is a made up term that includes everything up to air and water...
Because they are so laughably bad that not even a room temperature idiot would think it would work. I have met rednecks and dumb Hispanics and they all one thing in common, they know to make thinks go boom.
The clock didn't have an alarm.
Because Wray is just another deep state hack!
The police commissioner of NY said in his briefing the “bombs” sent to NY were not dangerous. Sent to scare.
It just so happens 2 weeks before the midterms and after early polling and premonition that the republicans were ahead?
Yea, alright.
Even if it did, it's not like it had a trip switch. Just because it has an alarm, so what?
Do people think it magically just syncs with the wiring? The thing didnt even have an ignition mechanism
Can you answer how the bombs were sent out? Because they were not sent out by mail.
>1 post by this ID
you Shareblue faggots really dont understand how this works do you....
lets also not forget this took place in (((Broward County)))
Exactly he would NEVER have woken up in time to mail these!
Yes kikes plastic tubes and glass make a bomb. Wew no wonder you need us to fight all your wars for you? Does it ever demoralize you when you sit back and realize that without other people to suck dry like vampires, kikes are as incompetent stupid and aggressive as African niggers. Figures Semitic is African I guess..
I still think it's funny they memory holed some cat lady lighting herself on fire and crashing into the sheriff's office.
>he admit to attempted murder
he didn't
he said they were meant to cause harm, just fear.
if they were filled with explosives the FBi would have said so, which they didn't.
why do you want this is be a bombing so badly?
A pipe bomb isn’t a bomb with no actual explosives. Holy shit Jews are retarded. Einstein was a fraud!
Because self victimization is the dem platform.
> posts an xray
> there's no shrapnel
really blues my wave
Our world is the Hebrew Box Office right now..
Becos of the dubious nature of this Event™. The reasonable casual of observer of this event is left with the nagging question, cui bono? Add to this the absolutely perfect timing and the perfect suspect (a radicalized right-wing minority voter; the traditional base of the democrats). The garish Hollywood-scripted over-the-top actions of the suspect miraculously caught on tape by CNN at a trump rally of many 1000's and his van, a riding bill-board for the false flag.
Because of you goofy white bastards.
Not real. Fake kike fake bomb.
Better not send any sparklers to any politicians or you'll be picked up on bomb threats. Or have your kids play with them, they are explosives after all.
Can we get a better writer atleast?
He's been phoning it in for a while
Hahahahahahah o man really I used to play with fireworks too when I was like 15. This kind of shit doesn’t work hahaha I figured that out years ago oh man this is horseshit. I can confirm these bombs are horseshit.
They were sent out by mail, they were “mail bombs” you fucking idiot. All of them were intercepted in the bomb screening process before they arrived at their destinations. Except for the Soros bomb which was delivered by hand.
Only the media went with "bombs" and "explosives" before any forensic data came out. They're spinning this so hard, they really want to make something of it.
>set off the detonator
Which detonator is that precisely?
Because it was kike. Bad episode today didn’t take well.
its so fucking obvious please kys
>All of them were intercepted in the bomb screening process
psycho fsypro
No if they were mail bombs the postage would cancelled and multiple were supposedly delivered to residences and offices. So yeah keep on lying.
CIA wouldn't cover for FBI
>Sloppy false flag will make me vote for communist traitors
A charge that will either be plead down to something else or a charge he will be found not guilty on. screencap it.
Holy shit this is when the Jew myths die. I can feel it. I felt it two days ago too when Trump attacked the fed again. Game is up.