Stinky fashy virgin vs. chad egoist anarchist

stinky fashy virgin vs. chad egoist anarchist.

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bump for my ego.

Bump for the Chad Tactical Anarchist

tfw you accidentally the whole Jow Forums

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> mfw might is right is about egoist anarchism.

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They are user, they are.

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>doesn't believe in justice, happiness or truth
Pretty sad tbqh

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Happiness as in some great goal that will make me happy forever, which is a logical fallacy and truth as in nothing can define me as an individual and put me into an identity or label but myself.

No, you have it wrong.
I believe in my justice, my happiness, and my truth. When you abstractify it and create some fixed idea and its sacred imperitives that I must bend myself toward, then I know you're adding cuckery to the mix. I could care about utilitarian, virtue based, or deontological conceptions of justice, truth, or happiness to how much they proportionally benefit me. Spoilers: They don't, and they don't benefit you either.

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exactly. essentially It is my self-fulfillment, not some lofty fixed idea of what ought to make an individual happy. there is much more authenticity in it being MY happiness rather then what ought to make me happy.

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>egoism portrayed as a good thing rather than a creation of the Jew

When you are old and ugly and have nothing but yourself and memories of hurting others, I hope you die happy knowing it's all your fault.

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You're so interested in evangelizing other people into your egoist worldview, I hope the irony isn't lost on you.

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> implying fascism and Nazism aren't Rothschild psyops that were funded by the bushes.

also, Jews over the years have contributed alot as individuals to other causes outside of anything that isn't fascistic.


No one has to listen to us, its whatever they deem please their ego.
and egoism is what annihilates hollow nihilistic values of slave and master values and puts aside inauthentic social impositions on the individual beyond class,race etc...

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>implying fascism and Nazism aren't Rothschild psyops that were funded by the bushes.
Yeah, I'm implying that. You're officially insane if you believe any of that...Jesus.

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>believing Jewish money-grubbing attempts at victimhood.
You're surprised they're targeting a bank for reparations?

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> victim hood

That's all you fashies complain about, how victimized and superior you are for not incidentally not being Jewish or a nigger.
It was dood, seriously look at all the bankers and money men that made shekels from the war on all sides.

I believe that Might is right Generally has a fair outcome, and the most productive and creative of us should actively defy the collective abstractions which limit the will of the individual, so the state, capitalism, democracy, Liberal egalitarian Christian values etc.. are destroyed this includes communism and fascism as well.

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All anarchists are fucking fags

Insults aren't arguments user, I know I'm not a cuck to the state.

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>muh state
>my roads
>muh healthcare
>muh muh's
yup, faggots

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You can have roads, healthcare, and federations in anarchy. Mutual aid is essentially egoism economics.

I know it's you:

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Ew revisionist commie.

Mutual aid not gommunism.

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more like the ,
virgin neonazi & the Siege Fed CIA CHAD NIGGER.

> Fed.

ew spooks.

>If you ever consider fighting back you are a CIA nigger
Good goyim, don't fight back, if you keep peacefully protesting we will agree to leave your country and take the Hispanics, Blacks, and Arabs with us.

ancaps arent anarchists.



However, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco would laugh at Jow Forums for their pacifism.
>Mussolini seized power by gathering an angry mob to march on Rome.
>Hitler only became famous after attempting to overthrow the government resulting in himself being wounded and 20 people being killed
>Francisco Franco took part in an outright civil war to overthrow their degenerate government

Meanwhile people on Jow Forums call anyone who suggests actual violence an agent provocateur and touts some anarchist being punch out as a major victory.

if Jow Forums were to do that they are no better then the left, it would eventually just lead to leftism holding absolute power again because if violence can be justified for them then it will just lead to a slave revolt against any enlightened people which is not limited by class,race and other social abstractions and ideals to live for themselves.

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