Attached: E45CDD27-8300-4FA1-A397-6B2F089D94CA.jpg (943x540, 83K)
Whomp. Womp
Alexander Hill
Angel Price
racist ugly bitch
Carson Nguyen
I'd give her whiteface (cum all over her face).
Racist twat.
Austin Garcia
t. reddit
Brayden Stewart
what an embarrassment
Connor Robinson
Ryan White
>her show was cancelled after she made a racist comment
Imagine having this on your resume for all eternity. Even though it was going to be cancelled sooner or later because of poor ratings the official and direct reason is going to be making a racist comment. And for her final act she apologizes on air and disappears forever.
Nolan Bell
Liberals are the real racists dummies.
Lucas Richardson
t. Mexican NPC who got lost on his way to reddit
Gavin Baker
Just watched the video lads, what the fuck is going on?
I mean, the bitch deserves everything she gets and it's great to see the left eating their own - but what she said wasn't even slightly offensive.
Maybe they were just looking for an excuse to get out of their contract after her ratings weren't what they'd hoped for....
Angel Ortiz
she actually made a very fair point and one that a lot of people would express in private
Owen Diaz
Dumb bitch thought she could punch right to appease the left
Sebastian Martinez
>Jew to Black
Remember to cite an authority figure with your lie. That always works against people who have better things to do then dig into your politics.
Isaac Torres
Simply wondering aloud about racism gets you fired these days. And then people claim they want a 'dialogue' about race. I hate this country.
Caleb Long
>I'm going to turn Jow Forums into a lefty board
Being this retarded.
Jaxon Garcia
looks like she's bleeding out of her... wherever again
Mason Reed
what did she do? did she get purged by "ERMAHGERD YOU CANT SAY THAT!1!" groups as well?
John Mitchell
She said:
>"Is blackface really that offensive if it is done in the spirit of admiration rather than mockery?"
And everyone went:
That's literally it.
Jacob Torres
I didn't follow her but i heard she was from Fox and came over to whatever libshit channel this happened on. Can't help but feel like this was some sort of power play to find any reason to discredit trump. whites, fox.
with everything they've been manufacturing i wouldn't be surprised if this was one huge hail mary push right before the midterms.
Wyatt Thompson
she was doomed from the moment she failed to gotcha AJ.
Jason White
pffft how is that a fucking "crisis" wtf
americans have too much time to engage in silly morality games.
this is somehow even worse than "COMRADE COMRADE DONT BE CAPITALIST"
Samuel Ortiz
bitch never should have turned on Trump.
Thomas Watson
Where's the video?
Eli Brown
I remember she was such a star in 2015/2016, then her career nosedived the moment Trump won the election. I think he made a deal with Fox to give them all the exclusives, but part of that deal was to get rid of her.
Yeah she fucked up, especially with the timing. If she did that interview after he got censored it would have been a much bigger hit piece.
Samuel Garcia
I love how she thought the PC left was going to embrace her because she feuded with BLOMPFF. They tossed her aside like nothing.
Aaron Rodriguez
Just proves that the Trump curse is real, and for it, time has no meaning. It will buttfuck you now, or later, and it doesn't stop. This is the second time its fucked Megyn
Adam Bell
Easton Murphy
Dylan Sanchez
blood coming out from her everywhere
Josiah Mitchell
I’m going black face this Halloween my black nigga going be white face should we rethink our decision?
Dylan Lopez
she should do a Blacked scene as an apology