If all Muslims are guiltily for Islamic terrorism and must apologize, shouldn’t the white folks in the country apologize for the MAGA bombing cop attempt?
If all Muslims are guiltily for Islamic terrorism and must apologize...
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Interesting idea, but I really don't see
it happening.
Muslims aren’t a race,l they are a religion. But in the spirit of civil discourse I apologize on behalf of all van living political crazies.... even though no one actually got hurt.
If that man is white I'm a fucking nigger.
OP is just a faggot who wants to blame BWC for hi failures. This was a Latino man anyways.
you mean the fake bombs that didn't hurt anyone, made by a native american?
those "bombs"?
I mean...
>Native American sends fake bombs
>White people still get called terrorists
This is so tiring.
I tried to rob the bank with a fake gun, so it doesn't count right?
I’m not in the country but I’m sorry. It’s the Muslims turn now.
The bombs were not fake according to the FBI. Asshat.
>people who believe in an ideology spawning from a book where it's A-OK to blow "infidels" up
>an ideology that largely sees political violence as a no-no and disavows it
Gee iunno user.
>burger flag
digits confirm
it isn't the first time the media confused whites and spics
I am so sick of Amerimutts, niggers and libshits
if political violence was actually a no-no it would never have happened.
According to the fbi Sadam had nukes and Waco was dangerous enough to burn kids alive
i'm sick of everything
not all of us are a problem though
i spend my time not bothering anyone
key is don't get involved
But you love those sandniggers dicking your women
Then why was every bomb they've shown fake?
Keep projecting, burger
>Native American
No, he isn't. His father is a Filipino immigrant and his mother was born in the Bronx, having Italian heritage.
Though, he considers himself a white supremacist. Such a typical case for the USA.
> was foreclosed on in 2009 by a bank whose principal owner and chair is now Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin.
Native American Indian
Jewish mom Native dad
Not white in the least, now stop using CNNs white washed photo of him, dude is as brown as a unbleached 70 year olds asshole.
The way she looks at the camera makes me uneasy.
no they where all fake is what thee FBI and local police say.
>Injun Ancestry
Pick one.
Question shuld be; 'Are all Native Americans terrorists?'
Apologize for what? Nobody was hurt, just a bunch of pussies got assblasted because they knew they could whine and cry on TV. On the other hand the Ricin mailer got about 45 seconds of airtime.
How much cum do you swallow? What makes you think any one of us would apologize for /ourseminole/ there are countless people around the country living with undiagnosed mental health issues because of king nigger and his buddies
The attempt to rob a bank is real, but any claims that you were trying to take a life is false.
Islam says to kill in their name, but the alt-right does not.
>one half-breed sends some non-functional bombs
>totally the same as
> 16 000 killed by Islamic terror (2018 only)
What makes you think that MAGA = pro-white?
When all lands (including SA, Israel, etc.) are required to take in Magapedes, give them citizenship, welfare and franchise rights, let them build Christian churches, etc. then and only then will you have standing to come here and preach to us.
>If all Muslims are guiltily for Islamic terrorism and must apologize
Literally no one has ever said that.
Anything else but immigration that's in the domain of the foreign ministry has long-standing diplomatic doctrine of tit-for-tat. It should be the same for immigration. US should allow in no more immigrants from any land than that land actually takes emigrating from the US and vice versa. And the benefits, citizenship requirements, etc. should also be at parity. You want more slots for your ex-patriates? Make your country more attractive for ours. Right now it's a one-way valve from third-world shitholes to Western non-shitholes.
It wasn't a bombing attempt. There wasn't even any explosives in the tubes. It was just a hoax.
i don't think anyone would take you seriously, being as much of a fag, so no, it doesn't count
What makes you think progressive leftists=pro white?
Islam is a non-inherited ideology. White is a genetically-determined phenotype.
It is possible to convert to or away from Islam; this is not true of whiteness.
fake and gay perp wasnt white
He's a fucking hapa retard.
But Muslims never apologized or took the wrap, they just get whites to signal on their behalf. So in theory...
If this guy is white then Obama is also white, right?
> white
filipino dad
italian mom
Yeah, he is a mixed. Not white.
>azn dad
>italian mom
>not a single parent was white
>literally not a drop of white blood
>a fucking non-white amerimutt extraordinaire
>still white enough to be heralded as a symbol of white supremacy
The absolute state of United States of Northern Mexico
>white folks
That's a good one!
He is a white Trumper. Just another piece of shit red hat lunatic. I say we put a 6 month travel ban on all red counties until we can figure this all out.
Say it with me pol.. radical right wing terrorism. Why can't Trump just so those words?
He isnt white. I have black hair and brown eyes and I look more white than that guy
no that would be like saying all Arabs should apologize for 911
This whole situation couldn't be more perfect
The maga bomber turning out to be a goblino mongrel is just icing on the cake
a hapa who used several different names.
Who uses multiple identies? Multiple names? This guy uses teondifferent last names..possibly more than 3....I’ll tell you
C_ A operatives that’s who
Cesar Sayoc (possibly a Jr. too)
Cesar Altieri Randazzo
Cesar Anthony Altieri
>white folks
He's a fucking spic
This. America was a huge mistake.
The overwhelming majority of Muslims support Islamic terrorism. The Islamic religion not only condones violence against non-Muslims, it teaches it.
How many white people do you see cheering on this "bomber" (he didn't actually bomb anyone)? Even the worst racist Trump supporters are making fun of him.
>I say we put a 6 month travel ban on all red counties
Fucking brilliant idea. In fact, let's make it fucking permanent. Let's put a border between California and the mainland US and allow no one to pass between the two. Hell, let's don't stop there. Wall off the red US mainland from NY and the other blue states. Cut them all off.
You do understand the legal definition of the word "state", don't you?
>and Randy Weavers wife and 14 year old son were threats to the USA.
One drop rule, these guys are niggers
Imagine if all 1 billion Muslims in the world tried to paint 9/11 as a false flag.
Jew here coming in peace. Just letting you know this guy isn’t real. The marketing company I work for made these photos and videos with similar-looking Jewish actors and then doctored him up. This specific photo is actually a combination of some Latino mugshot with Paul McCartney’s face and was the first image they made prior to hiring the actors and making them look like this
That's the "I'm totally not a fed" van.
>if all Muslims are guilty and must apologize...
You see, this kind of sweeping, arrogant generalization is why so many of us here, regardless of personal persuasion, love fucking with lefties. I actually like Muslims, I support any demographic that curbs (((western))) degeneracy.
>fake bombs
>fake white guy
>totally not fake news goys
Sure, okay..
- He's not white
- He didn't kill or maim anyone