I'm tired of this shit

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what gun did he even use?

Ban Nazis now!

this but unironically

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A little bird told me there are several mass shootings planned on election day, in primarily Democrat areas. Has anyone else heard anything else about this?


do we know which wepons the latest killer used? this mr. bowser?

Kys with an assault weapon

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does anybody have the pol screencaps from like 2 weeks ago about the planned shootings?
anyway, election day would be too late, because of early voting.

Ban you

>assualt weapon
Cool. I use my for defensive purposes.

no fuck you

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Move to Europe faggot.

fuck off

Define it first.

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Fuck off you giant fucking faggot
Come and take them

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Gun ban comin

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Fuck your optics
Ban Jews

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"I'm with you" on this one. The ar15 (assault rifle 15) is a fully automatic rifle designed to kill at least 15 people during a spree killing.

Then quit being a little bitch and come take them. All I hear from faggots like you is "oh, but why won't the government do something?" How about you nut the fuck up, get a following going, and fucking get it done yourselves? Why do you depend on others to do something that you think honestly needs to be done to "save" yourself? Oh, I know why. Because you're too much of a fucking pussy to do it yourself, so you call on armed men to do it for you.
Tldr: nut up or shut up

Go back to sleep.

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Fuck off you stupid jew

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they already are

Ban Native American Casino workers!

I'm tired of this shit

i'm not, so it cancels out


What an argument, piece of senseless

Just drive a truck into the satanic synagogues, much more effective.

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If you don't like assault weapons, you can either leave or try to get rid of them. Either way, US will continue to have guns and we'll be down one faggot.

Define assault lol, you liberals crazy me up, ask Chicago how banning all guns worked out for them

You are a pussy

Based and redpilled ban your guns now ban them all u got the police and national guard to protect you :^)

It just seems that the more people buy guns, the more people get shot, and then more people buy guns, and then more people get shot. What a stupid cycle to get caught up in.

He didn't even ban bumpstocks. Someone got rused hard.

>these shitty threads again?

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Come and take them faggot, you will be slaughtered.

It may seem that way, but no. White areas have low violence rates, much like Europe (used to be)

High crime rates in high minority areas, jeez, everybody knows that.

I think they'll do it early in the morning then say the elections are illegitimate and it'll go crazy from there.

>canada has a ton of guns - few shootings
>other white countries
You're fucking dumb .Kill yourself. You're probably a nigger if you cant see that the majority of deaths by firearms are because of niggers.

Jews should've brought their own guns

absolutely not

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No. Never.

why 8 deaths? is the same if the dude use a handgun

I have no idea what type of gun to buy for my first gun. I liked a 38 special revolver a gun store showed me.

stop being a snowflake and just get and AR

I'm glad the individual in the image you posted finally found his father

lol I'm not looking to become the terminator, just for self defense.

You will not be taking my means of defense.
That is all.

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Ban guns please

no, not happening

I am as well

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Go to Canada or Great Britain then. Liberal faggots and mentally ill people are the problem, not our constitution.

Back in the 20's, anyone could buy a fully automatic Thompson, and guess what? School shootings were never a thing. That's because America wasn't a godless shithole run by a Jew-infested media back then.

fuck you, burn in hell.

>6 grillion copy pasta threads

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