How can you look at the slain newborn children in the synagogue and say you are the Good Guys...

How can you look at the slain newborn children in the synagogue and say you are the Good Guys? Don't you think its not a false flag and this is really the end result of your ideology?

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Remember to bring up the Sutherland Springs shooting last year in case Jews try to claim monopoly on victim hood!!!!!!!

Wasn't he openly against Trump?

Aren't Democrats notoriously pro-palestine which would make him anti-jew?

Sounds like this blood is on your hands, bud, tough deal

What slain newborn children? I need pics NOW.

they always say that though then under investigation they do support him.

There was new borns there getting blessed by the Rabbi.

>they always say that though then under investigation they do support him.

sure sure

TOUGH, BREAK, BUDDY!!!! Maybe you Dem(on)s should stop being so violent all the time, not a good look

Idk, how do you chop skin off his dick and suck the blood out?


I have no idea but it's absolutely disgusting that 80% of comments here are supportive of murdering jews right now.
Are THOSE comments from shills?
Or what this shooter a patsy?

I don't care, it's all just evil. What comes out of the TV is evil and what most of these idiots say about it is evil.
I hope none of you idiots ever point to Muslim comments celebrating 9/11 or whatever again. You're celebrating religious people being slaughtered at their place of worship.
What the fuck is wrong with you people.
I sincerely hope these posts are fake beliefs from people posing as Nazis in a hopefully futile effort to get this place shut down. Because the alternative explanation is that so many of you really are okay with random Jews being slaughtered "just because". Fuck you.


Attached: your ideology.png (375x349, 93K)

>There was new borns there getting their dick sucked by the Rabbi

Based shooter. Collateral damage is sadly always a reality

He hated trump :)

Attached: bowers.png (780x468, 109K)

god bless bowers

Attached: cock sucking rabbi007156.jpg (398x286, 9K)

ewww thats child abuse and molestation

Lmao at the dead, is that Mischling servant of the yids wearing New Paki ((("British"))) camo mil surp

What I wanna know is the baby's foreskin safe, or did the gunman arrive too late to save him?

And Jews are perfect people?

Nobody wins in life, faggot. Welcome to the black pill

I killed for the Jews in the Middle East as pawn. It’s good their community faces some hurt. They are of no value to a host nation. Nothing but a parasitic infection.

They deserve much worst for the sins they lied and schemed my brothers and sisters to go die fighting wars for their lies. I used to support Israel I thought it was wrong hamas attacked with knifes then I read that history of the area and then realized they are evil. They deserve to be wiped out.

> How can you look at the slain newborn children in the synagogue
Serious question: How do you know children were slain?

How do you have an ideology worth keeping if it will sacrifice its own for a God who is free from need? Zionists are no better than the arab suicide bombers that they view sideways.

Pol is being called out. It's a psyop targeting autists to create despair and increase alienation. Those who notice patterns and understand humanity has dark forces among it will see the truth. Think of it, an outspoken Trump supporter with Trump pictures all over his van is all over the news and now the jews cast a black magic protection spell over (((their))) people. It protects them and psyops autists all at once. It touches on the antigun angle and empowers jews among normies with incredible victim complexes. It keeps the turbo normies away from pol and limits its power to meme, for the moment. This plays too well into their hands to be anything but constructed.

Pics or it didn’t happen faggot