D&C the Jews

This shooting is the direct result of violent BDS rhetoric. Fellow Jews, it's time we realize that our violence against Palestinians is what has caused this shooting, and the rhetoric of BDS supporters is directly at fault

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>it's time we realize that our violence against Palestinians is what has caused this shooting

shut up liberal cuck
you let women lay tefillin and wear tallit, might as well just marry someone non-jewish

It's called divide and conquer you retard. There are plenty of lefty Jews who support BDS, and if you get fags like kike shapiro thinking BDS rhetoric caused this (easy to make a connection between pro-Palestine and Jow Forums) they'll tear each other apart

Fellow Jews, I think our media outlets have been too harsh on the white people. We need to done it down. We can only blame ourselves for the recent event in PA.


No we need to be blaming other Jews so they both go after each other

If Isreal opens its borders to the helpless, needy poor we will continue to provide American money and Military support. If they can't go along with the policys they push for in Europian Nations and America it is InHuman to support their Xenophobic Bigotry any longer.

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>Not doing business w/the jews is anti-semitic
>Not playing basketball with nogs is rayciss
kek I love how their true nature just can't help but shine through no matter how fucking absurd the claim.

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Agreed. Someone get this to Kike Shapiro so he can blame the "Left"

Very good. The killing of Palestinians has really made people feel disgusted by Israeli actions and in turn, Jewish influence.

Corpses of Palestinians need to be broadcast to every avenue to solidify the BDS/lefty connection

Baruch Goldstein shot up a mosque. Remember the USS liberty.

>He was beaten to death by survivors of the massacre.

arent you supposed to say its because of their criminilization of the BDS movement

Criminalization, rhetoric, take your pick. Either way, even one article about their responsibility will cause a HUGE infight

why you trying to blame bds supporters they get enough of that already

>try to subtly genocide Europeans
>surprised when they start dying
>think their fbi homosexual pedo pets are going to save them

Nigga 40,000 pedophiles with little to no combat training or experience are not going to save you from approximately 11-15 million people in the country who are harboring increasingly larger amounts of hate for you.

Stop being a fucking jew and denounce multiracialism and multiculturalism. Then people may start to like you.

Because if some Jews go after BDS it means that they're ignoring le ebil alt right, which will make other Jews livid. The point isn't about assigning blame, it's to cause infighting

If jews want to make it right for them and israel, the only solution to this crazyness is uncovering the multicultalism and mass immigration menace.

Fellow Jews, we have targeted the gentiles with hate for too long. As Jews we should stop having children and stop the hate.

fuck that would be awesome

You're right OP. We Jews need to recognize that this wouldn't happen if it wasn't for our murderous desire to drive the Palestinians from their land. We stand by and watched.

>Thinking its real and not staged

I forgot how asleep the majority of Jow Forums is

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BDS is at fault. They disagree with Israel; therefore them and all peripheral supporters are antisemites, even if they're Jewish

Not the point, the point is to set Jews off against each other

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>fellow jews
Oh I'm using this one.

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I support the PLO

Oy vey, this attack is your fault, ANTISEMITISM

The point is to set EVERYONE against one another, divide and conquer wake up

I imagine it's especially effective for Mischlinge

Fellow jews, we must attack the concept of Jewishness.