/AFG/ Anti-Falseflag General - They Always Blame The Jews Edition

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"The "Jewish Conspiracy" Psy-op is designed to do several things:

1) Gets people/researchers to over-focus on the Jewish Globalists/individuals, allowing for the rest of the Globalist Systems to operate with much less people looking at/for them/knowing about them. (It should also be pointed out that for Globalist Groups that hate the Jewish ones, this allows them to get crowd sourced research about them & generate bad PR about them in general)

2) It tricks people/researchers into thinking the Jewish Globalists "control the world" and have much larger power/influence in the Globalist Community then they actually do.

3) Brainwashes people/researchers to be obsessed about Jews("It must be the jews/Israel who are doing this!") to a point where they attack anyone with different opinions.(Calling/accusing people of being "Jews","Zionists", "kikes", etc) to a point where they've become Islamic without them realizing it. Also it creates a conditioning to shrug off things and get tunnel visioned/magnifying glassed("The jews did it, if you think otherwise you are a Jew") in research & opinion.

4) Allows Non-Jewish Globalist groups to use(at lower levels) there own Jewish groups/individuals to distract the researchers/people obsessed about Jews into thinking they've found a/the "Jew" network. In some cases they simply use Jewish people to push agendas, and people will randomly try to connect them to other Jews simply because they are Jews.

5) Poisons the Well in places of Research(Such as Jow Forums) by making them circlejerk about "The Jews" & with some help of Anti-Jew psy-ops creates Censorship opportunities(For instance you can label places as "Nazi's" and get them shut down/suppressed)."

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So its the Anglos?

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I'll just leave this here.

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It's always been the Anglos.
Us French Canadians knew this but no one listened and we caved to Anglo pressure around 1960-70s

It's not one specific group.

Think of a market.
Operating Systems for example.
You have multiple groups in the OS control just like there are multiple groups in the Global Control System (Government).

Linux(in all of its flavors)
Unknown OS' that companies built on their own.
Neets in their basement hat have created their own OS.

None of these companies own the market, they are always competing for it.

You can't say that Microsoft is one person, just like you can't say that (it's always the Jews/Anglos/etc) it's one group

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Just like every market it has consumables and things that support its existence, operations, security, upgrades etc.

Supporting existence would be like hardware for an OS.

Operations would be the network and everything that entails.

Security would be the firewalls, Pentesters, honey pots, encryption.

Upgrades would be NWO vs OWO.

The "Jewish Conspiracy" is and always has been just a HoneyPot built and ran by PR/Security forces.

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