>Dem Bob Menendez is in danger of losing New Jersey who hasn't elected a Republican in nearly 50 years
Too bad Corey isn't up for election this year, but maybe his turn will come during Trumps re-election?
>Dem Bob Menendez is in danger of losing New Jersey who hasn't elected a Republican in nearly 50 years
Too bad Corey isn't up for election this year, but maybe his turn will come during Trumps re-election?
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The tv commercials flat out say Menendez fucked underage hookers. New Jersey isn't as blue as people think.
Knowing Booker, he's definitely banking on a 2020 run. If anything, the Kavanaugh hearing was just a way to get in the limelight.
>get in the lime light
>of possibly the worst nomination smear in the history of America
>to become unelectable
Granted, most people associate NJ with Camden, (((Lakewood))), Newark and Trenton. But a good amount of people know guys like Menendez are scum.
>Cherry Hill
>Atlantic City
So you're saying NJ is fucked by inner cities just like everywhere else?
Everywhere but Newark, Camden, Trenton, and Elizabeth is deep red. It's a state of some of the most affluent and racist white people in the whole country and a bunch of cities full of blacks.
I'm not memeing when I say that The Sopranos is actually a very accurate representation of how NJ operates (minus the blatant organized crime. It's there, but it's not nearly so entrenched as the show makes it out to be).
And Paterson. Forgot the other one
What is it that makes cities so cancerous to human progress? Modern day cities are extremely new, so I guess its just another step in cultural and societal evolution to figure this shit out.
I know a lot of swamp rednecks from southern New Jersey. It's pretty red outside of the cities. That and all of the rich WASPs in far northern NJ.
Bergen and Essex always fuck us
god i hate atlantic city
KEK. That blue strip is literally the NJ Turnpike.
full of minorities. Minorities vote D. Any family affluent enough to afford a car and move out of there did so decades ago.
hint it’s black people
Somehow in the last 20 years there are a lot of mexicans too.
mexicans and indians overwhelmingly take over entire towns.
in these blue areas *
It's shocking how quickly the demographics have shifted. There are fresh off the boat Africans everywhere and I don't remember that being the case even as recently as 5 years ago.
Pretty much. Although we get the benefit of being near "cultural centers" like New York and Philadelphia. There's a few Klan chapters around Toms River, so the Piney meme also has some grounding.
New Jersey is the embodiment of ivory tower. Most people in suburbs will want to interact with minorities, but only if they are Americanized.
The problem with NJ is that unless you inherit a house it's just as bad as California, but with the added benefit of sky high property taxes.
Is this photoshopped?
My parents just sold my childhood home because they were sick of the taxes.
They payed $34,000 annually to the government to live in that house. It's astonishing that it's the most population-dense state in the union because I wouldn't pay that in a million years.
And now I'm reminded of Elizabeth and Newark riots. Any family with the means bailed out. Seeing the old family homes is like walking through Chernobyl.
>the more false flags they push the worse things get for them
I'd think a chunk of it just creates a rental culture that keeps you from taking ownership over your property. That's why all of the cities look like shit.
Imagine, you pay off your house and STILL have to pay $3k a month to live there. That's why everyone I went to high school with lives in PA now. Sorry for shitting up the state, half of them are retarded liberals.
I95 corridor is a scar across this land.
I hate ocean City.
I understand that blacks and minorities are a major part, but that doesn't explain all the whites that are also affected. You'd think living near scum would expose them to the truth, yet they continue to vote for insane and corrupt politicians.
I don't live in NJ but I get their ads. They're going all out, and Menendez has never appeared in a single ad of his own.
That New Hope/Lambertville area is fucking cancer and it's metastasizing outward. There are towns all over PA that are riddled with poz.
Fucking Lancaster, home to the based Amish, is being colonized by Arabs because all of the F&M students from NJ and NY want to signal about how progressive "their" town is. Makes me sick.
Oh alot of the "whites" there are actually Jews. There are a ton of Jews in NJ
Do you think the next false flag will be in New Jersey to sway the votes?
It could be worse, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting 30 Saudis around DC.
>New Hope/Lambertville area
Worst part of the county. Rich snooty fucks who have heroin problems.
True that. At least there aren't many Saudis yet. Those picnic-blanket heads are the worst people on planet earth. I'm absolutely convinced of it.
I moved to WV awhile ago to get away from the diversity and it's been wonderful.
I left too, I'd love to do WV, but unfortunately it's just too far to get to work.
Bergen County is the only blue white county.
Considering the taxes go to the Section 8 houses of future doctors, I can't blame them. I wish you and them all the best.
Whites will believe guys like Booker and Menendez so long as they appear "tolerant".
Look at any suburb leading to a major town. They vote Dem not because they believe them, but so they don't get called "rayciss".
Bob Menendez fucks underage hookers
A sign of the times. With that trial, Menendez is on the ropes and there's no sign of him recovering yet.
new jersey is one of the richest states...but fuck if they don't tax the balls off of us
They need money fo' dem programs.
I've seen the ads. Menendez is getting lambasted. Crazy.
Still, all minorities combined could not outvote whites, so there must be traitors. Why did they choose to become a traitor?
Thats only partially true. Everyone with eyes can see liberal whites are just as racist as every other white. And even if we defeat "racism" is that really the ONLY thing afflicting cities? There must be some yet unknown factor when it comes to living closely together with other people that causes massive mental instability.
I'm for any outcome that involves Corey Booker and his delicious "tears of rage." Ideally, he runs in 2020 and gets Hillaried.
There are too many Democrats who want to run in 2020. The knockouts have already begun. Warren is out because of the stupid DNA test. Booker has his article about groping and the gay sex assault thing that will be mashed up against his comments in the Kavanaugh hearing in commercials. The creepy Biden memes are something I haven't seen in a long time, but they started popping up again about 2 weeks ago. If I had to wager, there are some back room eliminations going on right now.
I was actually going to post this Tim Pool link a few hours ago but I forgot about it. Pretty big deal if it pans out.
Washington Township SNJ here. We don't have minorities but we do have a lot of Italians from south philly and heroin
>the original Honduran Caravan
They actually fucking run Hillary again
I hate wildwood. Too many spics
I'm trying to play a fun game here by myself. Which prominent Democrat doesn't have a scandal attached to them? That's going to be the chosen one. So far it's Kamela Harris, but she's come close a few times. It'll be very telling and interesting. Just look at which one doesn't get shit on by Fox for a few days when something embarrassing comes out about them.
It's all so predictable and tiresome.
She is sort of behaving like someone preparing for a run for office, like doing all kinds of speaking engagements and shit. then again the Clintons do that type of thing for money anyway, so IDK
All in Cherry Hill
Too much poison attached to her, she won't get the superdelegates this time.
Cosby's Pound Cake speech is the clearest explanation on the inner city and why it ruins everyone's day.
I can only imagine the fury of his 'droon rage. Who knows what's in store.
What about Tim Kaine...
Kind of feel bad old Bill got Metooed
When he starts speaking up and doing a bunch of interviews and putting himself in the spotlight I'll look at him. He has two things going against him. No charisma, and he's a
>Fucking white male!!!
It's plausible though.
I think it's more likely they get that acne scarred hula nigger to run.
not one fucking bit. this thing is a beast of a human.
Not really. Biden will get the nomination, guaranteed. Screenshot this.
He's already getting poisoned.
no one except Jow Forums cares about your retarded dank biden memes.
It's not my meme, it's from some facebook/9gag type of site. My point is that he's already getting attacked, which is why he won't get the nomination.
And to think Biden, Booker and Menendez get off the hook without being hounded by the MSM. Really shows MeToo's true colors.
Its amazing how often the truth is spoken, yet people choose to remain deaf.
None of them made the speech I posted, did they?
Bill Cosby spoke some truth, didn't he?
He also supposedly drugged pic related in order to have sex with her. That makes sense, doesn't it?
Ignorance is strength. Why question when you can roll with the punches?
Goes to show we live in the land of the free. So long as you agree with whoever is in power.
I've said that shit was a set up sham from the beginning and everyone with a brain knows its total bullshit. Anyone that pays attention to national news knows this is 100% trial run for #MeToo smear campaigns bankrolled by Dems. I hope Trump pardons him.
The saddest part of all of it is that if he had shucked and jived with (((Reverend))) Jackson he would be a free man right now.
>That and all of the rich WASPs in far northern NJ.
Oh yeah those rich WASPS with either the names Vinnie or Hymie.
And odds are Cosby got the offer a few times. The upside to this would be if Jackson gets called out, every NPC's would Blue Screen. "Do I believe the wahmen or the black man?"
Well they can't call out Jackson, he's one of the pillars of the liberal faith.
Remember how they memory holed his son?
Shit, he did it, didn't he? The good old fugue state defense never fails.
Based Sussex
Yep, Cherry Hill and Lakehurst are Jewtopia.
If Menedez goes Booker is in pretty deep shit in 2020 depending on who runs.
Gotta get away from the cities my man, shit's stupid high still but our taxes are half what the NE pays. Our's actually went down recently as well because the small towns tend to be much better run locally.