Good work, Stormfags. Another platform destroyed

Good work, Stormfags. Another platform destroyed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

gab is an ultra honeypot. Why would they nuke an unpopular honeypot?

we did it reddit

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Fuck off, forced mass immigration is at fault.

Stormfags don't care. They willingly destroy anything they touch because they are godless nihilists that want to replace god with whiteness.
If you want to have a free speech platform you have to ban them, sad as it is, because they will destroy it.
If Jow Forums wasn't a honeypot it would be gone too.

Good. Fuck you, MAGA, and gab. Now you see that they'll never leave you be, and never allow you to suceed. They only understand one thing.


Because gab is not a honeypot.
Jow Forums and the other chan are. Which is why this board and the other chan board are so full of people telling everyone not to go to any other site, calling every other site a honeypot. Almost as if they are paid to do it.
Meanwhile no other site does this.

The goal of this board and the board in the other chan is to demoralize you and radicalize you.
They feed you false information.
They feed you cuck porn.
They feed you trap porn.
They feed you anti-women propaganda.
They glorify anti-social behavior.
But most important of all they want to isolate you from the wider nationalist communities around the internet, they want to stop you from learning and interacting with others outside this board.
They call everything a honeypot.
They call everyone a jewish plant controlled opposition.
They call any measured individual a cuck.
They call any form of self improvement useless and pointless.

They want you fat.
They want you weak.
They want you lonely.
They want you angry.
And every hour you spend on this board you are doing their work for them.
All the while you believe yourself "redpilled" and think yourself as levitating over everyone else, towering over normies, because of how much you know.


If a platform can be destroyed by one crazy dude making a bunch of comments, maybe the problem is not that single crazy dude, but the fact that Jews will stop at nothing to censor what they don't want goys to hear.

Gab is not even particularly pro "alt right", it's not the Daily Stormer; it's just pro free speech.

Destroyed by people that are not "Stormfags," dipshit.

It's going to be amusing to watch you attempt to spin this into a victory.

>Just make your own platform if you don't like twitter!

They're literally just guys that tell the truth and resist racial oppression of Europeans.

You know... It used to be extremely difficult to push P2P/darknet systems because it was always going to be insular communities of libertarian autists.
But... With all the boomers on Facebook talking about Pepe, memes, Q, etc. maybe we have an opportunity to have millions move to those platforms where they cannot control the narratives.

guys... lets make a social media network but based on torrent architecture

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>marxists fuck a plataform
Let me help you guys, i know how to fix your retardation

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all fake and all gay (except for stormfags being Godless)
Jow Forums is owned by a jap and is a containment vessel for everyone like us
it also helps with keeping us under a microscope
they wouldnt delete this place, and plenty of 500 lbs hackers would destroy the place and Jow Forumsacks would shitpost every other board to death
>feeding degeneracy
thats shills on the porn boards. No one that is into the movement seriously shills for it
there are plenty of /sig/ threads here when the mods fuck off

Stormfags are the best friends of the marxist.

>Stormfag chimps out
>Marxist uses it as an excuse to grab more power
>Marxist then chides moderates for all eternity

Rinse and repeat

>The goal of Jow Forums is to demoralize you and radicalize you.

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Gab was hosted by company called GOYent?

>Implying marxists don't already false-flag to have a reason
>Implying stormfags aren't cucks incapable of really chimping out (they can shill and spam though)


>false flag

So you admit what the Stormfag did today was bad.

>Let (((hosting providers))) dictate what speech you are allowed to utter.
The inevitable conclusion is everyone moving to decentralized darknets or we burn everything down in a civil war.

What exactly happened today? I don't use gab, i was just defending stormfags because the posters blaming them (like this argie ) have a suspicius rhetoric. Did something really happened?

i just bought all gab domains and waiting for .ai to be available. easy money easy life

How is it not? It’s completely exposes civcucks as good goys. It shows that Hegelian dialect still continues to work on you faggots even though its been written out on here millions of times. The truth is you are comfortable being slaves as long as the illusion is maintained. As soon as you have to take responsibility for something bigger the your shekel count you literally turn into a sobbing scared child. Weak and pathetic you deserve to be ruled

A Stormfag chimped out and killed 11 people at a synagogue.

Yep it’s all a big conspiracy goyim the internationalists and nationalists are really in cahoots so that liberals and conservatives can continue converting their countries into internationalists 3rd world shitholes. The level of retardation is top tier

-Be the target of genocide.
-Have the gall to fight back.
-Be labelled the aggressor.


Considering how much mileage the marxists got out of Charlottesville it sure DOES look like you faggots are in cahoots.

Why was it bad? Is white genocide bad? Is using the sons of white nations to fight perpetual wars for the internationalist order not bad? Whoring it’s daughters out for money? Destroying its culture? These realities cause more damage that completely undermines the importance of a few Jews in a synagogue being shot. Kill hundreds of people and no one bats an eye, murder a few good goyim and everyone goes insane.

Just about every mass murderer in the last 5 years has had some sort of social media presence and nothing ever happened to Twitter/Facebook

>mileage out of Charlottesville
You stupid fucking faggot this shit has been happening for decades, policies have been passed and your society along with the media platforms championing it have been on a non stop down spin and you sum it up into some meaningless staged rally. Literally retarded

The circle is complete, now the noose will tighten. We've lost.

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Why is this website so untouchable but other websites like Gab get fucked up after one incident?



No one said you had to LARP as a nazi in public. Charlottesville was a COMPLETE disaster and even the TRSfags admit it.

How many mass killers used Facebook or Twitter?

look at twitter you blackpilled faggots
the kikes are tearing themselves apart
make some fucking accounts and put down the "white men are so violent" people
look at the sheer amount of visits to the site
once we go down for good, everything gets nogged
also, its easier to see what we are planning, Jow Forums is owned by some jap who probably doesnt care, if he destroys this board we will shitpost in every other board until one becomes ours or everyone leaves

>post is full 88

sieg heil

holy shit guys I just heard that rafflezoo is about to get shut down too

it was mostly the governments fault, but yep

I dunno what you are talking about but in the last year people have challenged political correctness, confirmed white demographic replacement, recognized media is biased, reawakened to traditionalism and the importance of it. Do you know what my family was talking about this weekend? Not the dead jews m, nobody gives a cuck about dead jews unless they have to socially acknowlege it to feign they are in line with the morality of the masses. No they are talking about the giant migrant caravan making its way into the US and the media along with the left and kike power centres on that political team are in full damage mode. First it was trump coming out of nationalist, then it was (((pile bombs))) and now so conveniently a Shoah. You don’t belong here if you can’t put together the obvious

Because other social media giants see the alt sites as competition

But only you and a handful of faggots care about that. If you see a counter movement and insurgency as only being one that is covered and exposed to the masses then you will never win. Meanwhile we continue to make big gains in the minds of the people that count. Nobody gives a shit about the synagogue shootings just like nobody gives a fuck about whites being exterminated and systematically disenfranchised. You have to reprogram them, not reason with them

>Because gab is not a honeypot.
>Jow Forums and the other chan are.

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never sign on with a company who rhymes with soilent

It was probably (((them)))
It was probably a false-flag
Remember MK-ULTRA. Remember the power these people hold worldwide, they can blackmail everyone.

This is corporate lib shit. Their money is doing the talking.The same bullshit that turned youtube into cooking and buzzfeed vids. If you think you are going to win against a google/facebook/twitter owned NSA you are high as a fucking kite. The NSA wants, and probably already has, Sat eyes on every square inch of the planet and you think because you shit up an "anonymous" skunk trading board you are going to stop it? Jesus fuck, you are a CAD living in a police state. How fucking retarded can a leaf actually be?

>WhY dOnT YoU juSt cReAte YoUr oWn plAtForM?

Are you kidding? Leftoids loved the fact you LARPed in public, even killing a woman.

They love that. They can scream about their victimization all they want as you, their dream boogeyman, delivers it to them.

Political solutions seem to be dwindling...

so kill the mother fuckers, you fucking cunts I'm tired of listening to you faggots bitch and moan. You will never do a fucking thing about it.

I'm upset that they'll all be coming here

the entire internet is a honeypot, user

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This honestly makes me think Twitter/Google are behind the PA shooting. They're legitimately been scared and trying to find ways to shut gab down before anything real became of it.

The added fact that this isn't close to 1080 vertical made me amused. Thank you user.


The free speech debate is IRRELEVANT. No, the kikes running this company don't care about free speech and laugh at every idiot that makes this argument. Revoke their safe harbor protections, treat them like a publisher, and throw every filthy kike in jail

>They want you fat.
>They want you weak.
>They want you lonely.
>They want you angry.
So they want to radicalize me but don't want me to be in shape? I'm pretty sure that's what happens when you're radicalized, you start training for war

Good. When every platform is destroyed, you'll be forced to actually do something with your life, and to do something to solve the problems we face.

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Weeks to find a host? LMAO who ever runs that IT dept deserves to be fired. Guess this inefficiency is the new white male way, shame but expected .

who would have thought that finding and configuring your shit for another isp would take a while

>Freedom Fags BTFO again
When are you faggots going to learn that your invisible human rights and freedom are regulated and bestowed to by the State instead of pretending its "natural" or "God given"? The State owns you, and you are obligated to obey them. Deal with it.

Yes goyim it was totally not the jews doing at all.
Carry on,

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It really doesn't. Even if a host drops you they provide everything you need to immediately get back up. This is just a marketing ploy to keep the fire that this incident has occurred. Lets be honest here to the people that support Gab this man is a legend. Them choosing to let the issue cool down for MSM folks is the only reason "it will take weeks"

This is what these fags get for claiming free speech then banning lolis

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in all honesty, the guy could have said the same things while on facebook or twitter etc.

why dont they just shut them down

>This man is a legend
>Them choosing to let the issue cool down
A legend would want things to heat up and come to a head. "This man" is a fag.

>Jews shut it down
>Blame the people who are against Jews
Kys you dumb faggot

>info outside the CIA False Flags
Decompress and get comfy

Ingersoll Lockwood was an American Lawyer and Writer in the late 1800's.
MOST know him for his Adventures of BARON TRUMP, an Alice and wonderland style adventure with the main character sharing the name of the presidents boy among other similarities...
But His other works eerily predict the future times we Iive on today!
>1900, the last president is a tale of fallen America being gutted by commie bastards
>Laconics of Cult
A look into this mans deep occultic powers and memes!
How did this man know these future events??? Did he divine them?? Or did he meet a time travelling Baron Trump???

the stormer took a while sometimes between isps

>victim blaming



jew shower

>Gab will be back
>the kikes don't
fair tbqh

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fucking kek

>They want you weak

SIG thread is best thread.

>TFW running a Joyent datacenter with over 1200 nodes
Welp time to install OpenBSD!

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they truly are fucking morons.