My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me, and I did evil things in return out there. I'm not looking for forgiveness, I just want to see the victims there helped out. Please just look into what went on out there. I can't help out all the other victims there by myself, and anything I say dosen't mean anything unless I have evidence of it. I am literally down to my last string of sanity, so with that being said will you please look into this so the people that are trapped out there can be rescued. And trust me, look and you will find. The fact that I'm willing to put my name out there on Jow Forums should tell you how bad the situation is.
My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me...
I put my actual name up on the website that invented doxxing, I'm not larping.
what's goin on bro?
I feel bad for the fag whose name you just used
There was a mind control program out there.
I am that fag.
are you OK right now? are you in a safe place and can talk about it?
fake and gay
What unit were you in. Ten s conds
pedo shit?
>dude go look
>gives zero details on anything
I very much doubt I'm in a safe place right now. My main concern is ensuring that the people there are helped out.
Post info
More importantly you should upload it to blockchain so it can't be deleted
Post it to pastebin as well
Stop saying vague shit and post details or fuck off
412 test wing. TMDE flight.
Did someone get a QA fail for not cycling the torque wrench 6x while getting a PE and you went out and joined a sex cult after getting a pee pee smacking?
Mildly interested. What the fuck are you talking about OP? Bump.
Yes but did Israel say thank you?
Op has made this thread several times but never actually says anything interesting
They were doing research into altering peoples minds using a variety of methods. My brain was literally scrambled before I left, so I'm still fuzzy about what exactly went on out there. I do remember that I was recruited by a MSGT.Birch T Rypka for some kind of human experimentation out there involving mind control.
I have breached the gate and am heading in now, currently under heavy fire but these jackals are withering
Probably a supply faggot bought zinc washer instead of MilSpec and LT has finally had enough
PSYOP much?
k... keep me posted.
I'm the short dude that's second to last.
im hacking their mainframe, i should be in.......ok done. cameras will be dark for 15
LOL so fake, and so gay
I wish it was fake.
Do you have any psychological questions or info to pass? No promises but I have a master's in psyc studying human memory. Clearly I'm aware that brainwashing is quite real.
>Google mgst
Pol thread from 2 days ago top result
Please update
Ok so they are messing around with mind control. Are they military members? And why are you posting this 7 years later?
wish granted LOL
>My brain was literally scrambled before I left, so I'm still fuzzy about what exactly went on out there.
Is your brain still good enough for you to post a timestamp and photo of yourself to confirm your identity?
timestamp or GTFO
what methods?
altering in what way?
Is this the best the Jews have now? Your slippin' Goldberg.
What did they do to you OP?
Nice Chad picture.
How do you know if you are a subject to mind control? How do they control civilians?
How do you know Kyle Mockeridge?
Do you even know what TMDE is?
Sakamura San with the bantz......
Kek! Maybe he is LT and is fucking kids in his slave dungeon because the the major is sick of him putting up with some shitty supply faggot ordering the wrong shit.
were you in GATE?
ru Rh-?
recruited in HS?
super soldier program?
cough it up brah
Was this you?
You are NOT fucking Japanese.
www facebook com/a1cmockeridge
Apparently OP had a linkedIn Profile that's now defunct, but also-
www edwards af mil/News/Article/394819/more-than-40-team-edwards-airmen-promoted-in-july-ceremony-at-club-muroc/
Feeling a bit lazy about finding the rest of the info, but this could be most likely someone using a false profile of some kind and messing with the poor dude, or the dude has schizo.
Or, the most improbable of it all, there's something fucked up going on here.
OP, where did you go? Answer the questions! Not even close to cumming yet.
Nah I'm a burger stationed in nipland
Anyone have an idea what this is?
Who taught pic related to wear the cunt cap wrong?
>old school Army uniform
Nigga would it have pained you to search up the right uniform at least? I'm actually upset at this. Why would you do that, dude?
Electronic signals mainly.
Me with my va ID. Suffice to say I've declined majorly since I've been out.
These people care about 1 thing and only 1 thing
Test measurement diagnostic equipment. I was a PMEL troop.
that pic looks very troubled.
>look at my crazy eyes, I have developed full blown schizophrenia
That sucks, get on meds, yea yea the meds are all evil conspiracy too, great, just try them for a week and get out of your sad stuck loop.
That's me. And something fucked up is going on out there.
Oh shit
Faces match
Sorry, but take a selfie
Uh oh...Sorry dude you look like hell...
at least its an elaborate LARPfag
time stamp, grizzly adams
There's a good chance you're becoming schizophrenic.
If it's federal you're not going to get alot of help from most media, but it still makes sense to send your story to as many of them as possible. suggest an ally from your home town, preferably a lawyer you know and trust from childhood if you have one. Otherwise, anyone well respected in your community you grew up with who can keep a secret.
>More importantly you should upload it to blockchain so it can't be deleted
Yup, write everything you remember, even if it's not in narrative form, and upload it to something like wikileaks. Also, you're not safe here, if you're serious, this sight is full of intel eyes, not in the slightest because of people like yourself.
You might want to try to ascertain if it was involving illegal events, because just a "mind control" experiment alone may not qualify as a violation. I wouldn't know.
In any event, if you're posting online, they can find you. If you have a cell phone, they can find you, if you drive down a road with cameras, they can find you, if you drive your own car and are never spotted by cameras, they can find you.
God speed, sir, don't stop moving and watch your six, especially around people you think you should be able to trust.
I strength train only on grip and do cardio, light weight routines and stretching, lots of stretching for everything else. Like seriously, my grip is insane. I practice a martial art I devised myself that focuses on grappling with a contortionist flavor. I call it the Way of the Bent Claw. I am capable of dislocating my own joints to get out of pretty much any hold, and my style hinges on my ability to grip a part of my opponent. Basically if any part of you is reachable by my hand and can be grabbed, you're done. I am capable of breaking a man's radius and ulna just by squeezing his arm, even through layers of muscle and fat. If I can reach your neck I can crush your larynx like it was a grape with one hand. I've dislocated a man's jaw by squeezing his cheeks. Even if I can't do that I can very easily rip through skin with my nails (which I sharpen) and reach into your flesh with my hands and pull out organs like you were made of jello, and I've studied enough anatomy to know exactly where to grab. Traditional wrestling holds do not work against me due to my houdini level contortion and flexibility, and anyone who tries to hold me will soon find themselves unable to do so as their tendons have been ripped from their limbs.
My current goal is to kill a bear with my bear hands, but animals fear me instinctively so whenever I encounter a bear in the woods they run away.
Any relation to Kyle Odom?
How accurate is this picture OP?
This thread gone any minute now
Oh fuck me dude. What.. what happened there man?
>captcha acting wonky and slow, there may be something to this thread lads..
Ok so what "fucked up" shit is going on out there? and please stop talking in Air Force acronyms.
>Electronic signals mainly
No drugs? No scopolamine?
looks like a bot
>down to my last string of sanity
No you retarded faggot, you've lost it
I hope you have some more details to post otherwise you just Doxx'd yourself for no reason. Feds are going to be all over this.
Thank you for your ser-
Nigga you didnt do shit
Welp I'm out of this thread, I'm staying out of trouble. Don't do anything illegal guys.
Knew one who packed a crate of m16a2 in crisco.. they get pretty stupid.
>feds are gonna be all over this!
You are feeding into the delusions of a schizophrenic. You are either underage, incredible stupid or just a cunt.
Did you walk across the country to raise awareness or something similar
LARP or no there are many people in this situation in real life.
I was raped on more than one occasion for one. They were so good at frying my brain I'm just now remembering seven years later.
Oh my god I'm so sorry
>because the military doesn’t experiment on people
Yes, they're called schizophrenics.
Bumping for interest
Nice pasta. Never seen it before
Go get help retard. You've lost your shit.
>le super competent government may may
Show me where user
Consumer mind control is a bit of a downgrade but you'll get used to it. Put a few wifi routers around where you sleep, it'll help your brain get accustomed to the patterns. Take some drugs and don't worry so much.