Is conservatism the new counter culture?

Is conservatism the new counter culture?

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No there is a conservative president of america, conservative pm of uk, conservative chancellor of germany, i could go on

Yep, get onboard now to lock in your hipster cred.

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I am not seeing much conserving at the moment.

Conservatives in other countries are essential libcucks in ours.

yes but they were elceted as leaders of each countries consevative party

rape culture and the metoo movement implies that men must protect women so they don't get raped. the metoo movement is conservatism re-branded.

nope and think it might be tells me op is a fucking idiot.

Its common sense politics, simple as that.

Both liberals and conservatives are zogs, just to differing degrees

Conservatism cant be counter culture by definition

Seems so.

If mainstream culture is progressive, then conservative is counter-culture by definition.

>Is conservatism the new counter culture?
lol no.
counter culture will always be against any sort of government; anarchists, regardless of how conservative or liberal they are, will always be the true counter culture.

Nigger haters are the niggers of the world. Oh yes we are. You know its true.

Not unless you mix it up with a lil bit of some libertarian and anarchism views. We need to stop attention whore faggotry and focus on the family unit. We need more free speech and debate. We need to reduce government.

I think it is being marketed as counter-culture but the meat of it all is probably the oposite of counter culture. They saw that a cyber-punk kind of reaction was occuring 2-5years ago (with anonymous, assange, snowden etc.) and decided to subvert that by returning to race politics

Part 3!!! Of Based-Bellagio's ground breaking Mini-saga.
>part 1 was the ground floor, intro to the meme and the history
>part 2 was the radical conspiracy theories behind the meme
>part 3 is the grand Montage of CIAniggery, MKULTRA techniques that MAKE you a NPC

The NPC meme terrifies the establishment because THEY treat us as NPC goyim.

The CIA can reprogram and make you a NPC with drugs, movies, shock treatment, torture and many other methods..
Part 3

YouTube is censoring NPC videos and Accounts!
Yet the Jews will say SOROS made it..!!!

No fucking way. It's a useess conglomerration of little baby boys circle-jerking to a frog cartoon... Needs full and total eradication by swift and painful means.

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It's beginning, and Jow Forums is the forefront of it. In the next few years, as more of gen z becomes of political age, we'll see the rise of conservative counter culture. It's inevitible when one side controls the flow of information and vilifies the other side.

Tradition is the real counter culture.