Anyone else see this? explain this to me

this is "the wall"
nigger it's a fence
Why the fuck would you even waste money on building that, it's literally made of wood
I want my sides back

Attached: fencyfen.png (1080x1289, 1.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's steel and enough to stall a stupid caravan till border patrol gets there.

Environmental lobbyists got pissy over a solid wall because it could severely impact animal migration patterns. That is the main reason for the holes

Environmentalist lobbyists tongue my anus. I need ozone hole, over 4,963,129,305 octillionths of a degree climate change.

A wall doesn't work
The border patrol literally asked for that, because they need to be able to see the other side.
A wall would allow them to throw grenades without the border patrol knowing.

they need the holes so border patrol can shoot mexicans on their spare time retard

Aren't there 2 walls? The first first razor wire up top and made out of concrete and then the second one see-through?

It's made of steel and so far seems to be the best design I've seen.
>Hard to climb with a rope because you can't easily grip anything at the top
>Can see through, which is indeed extremely important

It would stop that caravan easily.

Attached: caravan.jpg (2000x1504, 314K)

But what about the prototypes that had gaps at the bottom and then a flat, solid section half-way up to make it harder to climb?

Fascism is a disease

For comparison, the Hungarian fence was much weaker and still managed to successfully repeal a literal invasion a few years ago.
It was built in emergency, in a few weeks, but they've now built a second one with a better design.

Attached: hungary-fence.jpg (960x645, 146K)

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but from what I remember the border patrol specifically asked for this one
That's why he lined them up, so that he could get their opinion.

The flat section makes it easier to climb I think. You can have a hook at the top and then climb over the flat section.

How are you going to secure a hook a the top of this one?

It's cheaper due to less material used but should do the same job.

Watch the full video.
It's definitely an Israeli style barrier with multiple levels and a tower of movement detectors and other sensors every X feet, not to mention gun towers.

Out of the 8 prototypes there were none that looked like OP's image.
But can't you just straddle it if it's bars all the way up?

Attached: wall prototype.jpg (968x681, 71K)

This makes me smile. I'm feeling pretty good right now. The left sure are desperate. They come here throwing bullshit around because of that jew killing thing, but it's not stopping progress! Also I think I knows trumps plan. He starts showing bits and pieces of the wall towards mid to late term so he has something to add to continued ruling and than by his 8 years are up we have the wall and a very happy society. Things take time, people who turn their backs on trump so fast were just NPCs in disguise or just following the current thst swept them.

snip snip
cut one pole at the base and bent it out of the way

caravan commin thru

Attached: product-h2.png (782x486, 446K)

It's a fucking skeleton you mong. You think they just pour concrete onto nothing?

>it's literally made of wood
No retard, it's all steel. It's buried several feet underground as well. It will be accompanied with ground sensors and there will likely be watch towers scattered along.

>But can't you just straddle it if it's bars all the way up?
In theory an athlete could. It's supposed to stop trucks and "caravans" full of people.
You still need guards, drones, etc. to spot small groups that would attempt to climb.

But the good thing about a wall is that you focus your surveillance on it, because you know that it's the part that will slow them down. Much easier to monitor than hundreds of square kilometers of random terrain.

It's not supposed to stop an invasion from Mexican special forces.

Attached: caravan.jpg (1200x783, 153K)

Tie a rope to a stick, throw the stick over. Catch the stick and pull it through poles... turn it 90 degrees, and you have an instant way over.
better yet, tie the rope to a truck and drive away -> instant marry poppins elevator.
god damn burgerworld engineers.

you had the chance to use every number exactly once and you had to use 9 twice. Fucking oneoff fuck

No the purpose is for border patrol to see those approaching it.

Instead of building two walls they should just build a wall that's 200 feet tall
I think this one can be added onto so that's good

It's designed to stop fat latinas and their anchor babies, not Olympic pole vaulters.

>throw stick
Movement sensor activated
>start climbing
Guy in the gun tower which you can see in the video right beside the wall then warns you with a spotlight and a rifle to not do so
>tie to truck and drive away
Good luck with that it's buried deep into the ground

Keep in mind they didn't add all the razor wire yet.

Okay thank you
steel is a good choice

The best part about Trump is that he ignores terrorist attacks and goes on like nothing happens to spite them. Like immediately after 9/11 he demanded they rebuild the exact same twin towers but add 10 more stories instead of the stupid thing Bush built.

Did I really BTFO you so hard in the other thread you actively had to make a new one? You're stupid as fuck. For fucks sake, I told you your syntax was bad in the last thread. Please use a fucking capital letter or punctustion ANYWHERE in your posts. For fucks sake, it's so incredibly sad I can tell which posts were you simply because of how fucking stupid you are.

Part 3!!! Of Based-Bellagio's ground breaking Mini-saga.
>part 1 was the ground floor, intro to the meme and the history
>part 2 was the radical conspiracy theories behind the meme
>part 3 is the grand Montage of CIAniggery, MKULTRA techniques that MAKE you a NPC

The NPC meme terrifies the establishment because THEY treat us as NPC goyim.

The CIA can reprogram and make you a NPC with drugs, movies, shock treatment, torture and many other methods..
Part 3

YouTube is censoring NPC videos and Accounts!
Yet the Jews will say SOROS made it....


Attached: niggy.jpg (200x200, 12K)

Yeah bro just bend that foot thick slab of steel. You can do it!

Socialism is cancer

My b. I was phone posting. What's even worse? He told me this event didn't happen. Then he turned around and then used the literal picture from my post calling him a retard.

Attached: Screenshot_20181027-215407_Clover.jpg (1440x2560, 636K)

I have to say, for the material being steel it really, really looks like wood.

>and 6
>and 3

Nigger can you even into numbers

OP really is a gigantic fag.

I was just teasing. I'm on your side user.

Yeah, those are a bit too long to be wooden boards, unless you had the specially made out of goddamn redwoods. I swear OP has never walked into a hardware store or been in a forest.

That's trump for you. His confidence and initiative are exactly why he's president.

Looks pretty fucking good to me, you little whiny bitch

what the fuck is that giant seed pod red hat is holding?

we want to be able to all flood into south America via that border when yellowstone blows and turns everything above texas into a volcanic glass parking lot. can't wait to join a caravan to peru and leave my garbage all over Mexico on the way through. not my country not my problem right?

Attached: 1539184118505.jpg (1024x768, 199K)

Why not cut one beam and walk through cant be that hard portable disc grinder.

Do you really think you can't get passed that in a few seconds? Poke dancers climb up poles with no equipment. What makes you think that many poles giving them more support and stuff to hang on to is going to even slow them down?

Bush didn't build it, you fucking retard.

does anyone else feel like they know EXACTLY what this user looks like because of the shit he types out? you really paint a picture with this post.

What about jet fuel though

It wouldn't barely slow them down

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Top kek

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Attached: IMG_20181027_214938.jpg (1440x997, 169K)

I'm curious. What do you think I look like? Guess my eye color.

new beaner cell phone
a bean for every number
mostly for kids though

I don't care honestly I just know you trigger easily

Attached: 1539126589353.jpg (480x360, 31K)


since its metal, electrify the fucker, then lets the spics roast themselves upon its metal greatness. If only we could throw ethics and human morality bullshit out the window.

I'm building a wall Goyim. G-d's chosen need another one.

Attached: CWNLuywUkAA2qE3.png (574x601, 152K)

It's pitiful. Yea it's a fence and one rope ladder and yr over. Why even waste money on it.
He promised a great big beautiful wall.
What's it even matter anymore the ((elites)) have chosen yr fate and that's a brown fate

Attached: IMG_0295.jpg (594x396, 109K)

This is how you build a border to keep people out

Attached: Border.jpg (640x400, 143K)

>impact animal migration patterns.
But once the mexicans cross they give up their rights.

Attached: just-sunglasses.png (927x145, 2K)

I know its already been pointed out but this is the old wall.

Well yeah? I only come to this website to argue with people. And call people retards. OP got so angry last thread, he changed his ID to shit post me. Yet typed it out in the same retarded ass syntax. I like to call people out for being retarded.
Did u just dox me?


Trump cucked you all with the Omnibus, you're not getting beyond a fucking yard with a wall, and even if you try it's gonna be a fence.

You need to be an olympics tier athelete to be able to climb that without using any tools

It's a better design to be honest.
Forcing people into a center area where you have the advantage of a vehicle is superior.

Tell that to a stripper who is just a basic 5/10

Oh oops... You know what? I think I tagged the wrong person. My bad

Why would anyone strip at the border you brainletboi

You fucking idiots dont even understand that the aliens in thr caravan will be walking across a bridge and claiming assylum. They will not be crossing the fucking river. Thats why Trump is talking about the need to change laws. Once the fucks claim political asylum they are here for good

It happens.

you might be dumb, but one cut to a vertical bar near its base, above the bottom horizontal bar is enough

you can then put enough leverage on the loose 20ft >foot thick slab to bend the upper horizontal bar

literally eazy

Stopping animal migrations was literally the point of the wall

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-24-00-51-46-1.png (703x306, 115K)

what are telephone poles

Made of wood...

Attached: 5474010-6323543-image-a-16_1540645151919.jpg (634x1282, 97K)

meh landmines are way cheaper

>till border patrol gets there. let them in. The wall has to last and be effective WITHOUT patrols for centuries. There are going to be nothing but anti-white, pro-invasion governments going forward. They will NOT keep funding border security and will be hiring traitors to "patrol" the border.

That is a bogus excuse. Evil anti-whites will say and do anything get their way.

lmfao. the see through wall of wood just got 5 feet higher

"30ft metal wall"

Why are you such a faggot? Genetics? Your father touched you a bad way?

It's the Fence of Pence!

Oh, look, an anti-white faggot. A solid wall is the only thing that works. A fence is useless; letting people see through and grab onto parts of it will ensure it is ineffective. Grenades are such a retarded idea, that you've exposed yourself as a prog.

but when is Mexico going to pay for the wall?!

>Can see through, which is indeed extremely important
No, it's not. That 100% guarantees it is useless.

A vehicle can be driven through it. A massive solid wall is the only way to truly defend a border.

they actually said it in an interview you troll

we need road spikes like 10-20 feet in front of the wall.

That's just blatantly meant to mock people that wanted the wall. Trump's confirmed as the enemy.

I know right I was there too.
You get him user you btfo him.
Shadilay centipede.

Attached: e1d94910c8924ef897aebd949b9eb675.gif (378x456, 285K)

It just keeps out the fat mexicans who can't fit between the bars, can't climb ladders and can't dig tunnels.

having a solid was means that sand and debris will build up at the base

Trumps got Wood.

it made of steel you faggot, the san ysidro border crossing has a mini version. it is steel squares

its called guaba

>Can't tell rust from wood

That is a wall by the definition, and you can see through it so the border patrol can see when someone is trying to cross

Post a vid of you going over/through it my dude

those were ragtag nigs and arabs. we are dealing with spics who can tunnel underneath.

Good fucking luck with that. The real prototypes have far thicker posts, you'd need a blade will like a two foot radius to have a chance. Nevermind the fact that the second you touch the grinder to the wall you're setting off a dozen sensors that'll pinpoint your location instantly.