My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me...

My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me, and I did evil things in return out there. I'm not looking for forgiveness, I just want to see the victims there helped out. Please just look into what went on out there. I can't help out all the other victims there by myself, and anything I say dosen't mean anything unless I have evidence of it. I am literally down to my last string of sanity, so with that being said will you please look into this so the people that are trapped out there can be rescued. And trust me, look and you will find. The fact that I'm willing to put my name out there on Jow Forums should tell you how bad the situation is.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop spamming

This is an issue that needs attention.

>Hi, I'm a bot
>Hi, I'm a bot
>Hi, I'm a bot
>my willingness to identify myself should give you confidence.
>trust me
>go to mars
>checking out

you never told me what you thought about my picture.

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yes doxxing yourself on Jow Forums should tell you that i'm trying to be honest here.


Alrighty, listen, listen, if you're on your last strings of sanity,
and let's pretend, for a moment, that you're NOT larping,
IF you're on your LAST string of sanity,
why the FUCK did you come to Jow Forums

So, you were more referring to trauma based conditioning and classical conditioning then?


There were more people than myself involved, and armed with something like this Jow Forums could actually see something done so the people out there can be helped. We got trump elected for fucks sake.

What are "we" supposed to be looking for?
What did you do?
What was dont to you?
Who is involved?

I remember NXVM was out there and I remember vanguards name being thrown around. And I remember hearing something about pool parties at our installation commanders house.

Remember what you fought for
Think about every child you spared a bombing back home, Think about the safety you've guaranteed your people by being out in the field.
It wasn't for nothing. It was for AMERICA, and that means something, even if liberals pretend it doesn't anymore.

Just look into what happened at edwards circa 2011. Andrew marshall, jim baker, dawn dunlop, and birch rypka would be the people to start contacting about this.

You need to stop right now
Things are happening right now that are beyond your control
Listen to me Kyle
Abandon these fruitless attempts, you are only putting yourself and those around you in danger


Go into more detail.

The Gray Building, you know the one I mean
T and S are rounding up the "sheep"
This goes all the way to the top, and it will be kept quiet
Think about the people that have surrounded you in childhood, this is not an accident
Things are not as they seem

>Kyle Mockeridge
I googled this name, and nothing revealing showed up. So post some broofs or detail, you homoseckshual.

I don't know what the gray building is and I don't know who t and s are.

This didn't show up?

I'm not finding anything on surface level searches. What happened, dick head?

there was mind control experimentation out at edwards.

Think Kyle, you've been there many times
T and S are "eagle" and "hawk"
Look at the first letter of each line in my previous message

What about this is important? Where is the scandal?

at what date?

Are you trying to say you're t? And I have no idea what you're talking about.

Circa 2011.

Glow in the dark shit? What happened? Why be cryptic if you're doxing yourself? Spill, nigger.

My memories are still fuzzy. I'm just beginning to remember what happened 7 years later.

wtf is this kyle? were you not gonna go smoke crack since it was all in your mind?

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Anything else you want to share?

Think about the circumstances surrounding your enlistment.
Are you really naive enough to think that this began when you were at the base?
Think about the people who were around you in childhood.
And lastly, no, I am not T, but he is someone close to you.

I didn't write that. Or post that thread. But I'm glad to see that it's spreading.

Youve been ranting abiut this on your twitter for almost a year.

If anyone gave a shit, you would be dead already.

Are you not a patriot? Help us user, spill the beans.

Just post all the details. The only reason I'm not doing that is that I can't remember. If you know stop being so vague.

Things are coming into place and what your abusers have been working towards is going to be revealed.
The Big Man is a shepherd for his "sheep"
You will be well advised to stay away from government offices, but I think you already know that.

All I know is that there was a mind control program being conducted at edwards and that it was a complete rape fest. Believe me if I could remember right now I would post everything.

me and you both know satelites work much better than grillflame ever could

For fucks sake, just say everything you mean in plain english.

I was an Army 11b in Iraq. I've been gang stalked and pushed to the brink of my sanity myself OP so hang in there. You need to elaborate more if you doxxed yourself, otherwise you could just be doxxing the OP for no reason. If you're the actual OP my ears are open, I've seen some of the darker underbellies of our society

I can't speak to you directly as this will compromise my position, I hope you will understand.
I can only give you breadcrumbs and hope you will catch on.
Remember the baseball game.
Remember that talk you had in high school with a teacher.
This is a carefully orchestrated event and you are not the only one.

Would we be talking about samson? Can you describe him for me?

Are they using Neuro Linguistic Reprogramming or some form of hypnosis or technology, drugs, a little of all? You already doxxed yourself you might as well spill if some autist will hopefully screen grab it all


Yo GTFO of here you fucking LARPING Maple sucking poutine eating shit. Go to leddit


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You are on the right track, but not quite.
Conversations you have had that seemed innocuous and casual were scripted and used to manipulate your thought patterns.
What were the circumstances that persuaded you to enlist?
Try to remember, and the pieces will start falling into place.


So be more specific. This is kind of one of those places you should write something essay length to see if you're the real deal or at least putting in some effort into your LARP.

OP, stop with this cryptic Q bullshit, and be specific. If you can't remember the details, walk us through what you know and can remember from beginning to end.
In short, put up or fucking shut up.

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There was a mind control program out at edwards afb circa 2011. I do remember that everything major out there started with an internet forum post I made back in 2006 where I accurately predicted when and where bin laden would be killed. I don't have it saved, would post it if I did.


Nah, blue beam refers to something else entirely.

although it DOES still involve high frequency radio waves.

and how did you predict when and where bin laden was going to be killed?

Why are you on the brink of sanity? You being fucked with?

The brown note is a myth, user.

MK ULTRA. this isnt anything new to me OP.. but please do elaborate..

I saw it in a dream, only, I was awake

I remember you from some other thread semi-recently. Where you were talking about the sexual abuse that went on Edwards AFB. I think you were saying the things that went on there was SAPR or something because that's military slang for getting raped or something because that's the initials of the agency who deals with rape in the military. I'll vouch for you that this is not a spontaneous claim.

Could you give us a more detailed post just giving all the details that you can think of unprompted and then we can ask further questions from there?

Did you switch IPs?

Lmfao no, I'm not Op

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2 out of 10 larp. If your going to do this shit, at least put some effort into this. Fake and gay.

2 threads kyle.. TWO THREADS????


I figured that he'd be killed sometime in 2011 since it was far enough away from the election to not make it seem suspicious but close enough to it to give the sitting president a bump in polls, and that it would be a democrat since after the george bush years the 2008 elections would be a lock. And I figured it would be in the pashtun region of pakistan, since bin laden was in good with that tribe and it would make sense to not be running your operation from the country with a large allied troop population.

According to his Twitter hes been trying for a year.

Seems like a snapped drone pilot, im so glad i never joined the air force as much as i wish i was jet rated.

Kyle, if you're real, please watch the documentary "mirage men", through its entirety. It Might make sense of things.

This is a psyop blown out of proportion.

>The brown note is a myth, user.

the orgasm note is real.

they play it in your gf's head every time she watches MTV

>they play it in your gf's head every time she watches MTV

...for classical conditioning purposes.

go fuck yourself concern shill sage
get out and vote and tell everyone you know to do the same vote red all the way

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So give us the details of the mind control program. How many days did it happen over. How many waking hours were you actively involved. Go over a moment by moment recreation of the incidents to us.

This entire country is being subconsciously conditioned/reprogrammed. At least the ones absorbing Left-wing/Celebrity media outlets. Music/Netflix/Movies/TV all use subliminal suggestion