Want to go on HRT, I have all the money prepared but I'm not mentally prepared for it

Want to go on HRT, I have all the money prepared but I'm not mentally prepared for it
please convince me to go through with it (or not) with solid arguments
26 btw, it's not too late right?

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Not politics. Mossad fuck off

No, just do it. You will be a pretty butterfly.

it's a trap, don't do it.

Go back to /LGBT/ and tell your discord buddies to stop spamming the board with this dumb shit.

>it’s not too late
Yeah it is. Even if you were a natural woman 26 is pretty late to be getting into the game. Idk what trans people feel but if finding love and being loved is part of your plan you are in for a bad time.

You're a retard. Stop being a fag.

You never will be the real deal, only a bad copy.
After 15 to 20 years you will realize that you are not a woman and you are in fact just a man. The high will be over and you will fall pretty deep in depression.
Hormones do fuck up thing and hurt your body.
All the "pretty" mtf are just use lighting, make up and good angels to look like real women. In reality you can tell they are men.

All trannies are narcissistic, delusional, mental ill, porn sick men, who should go on therapy or looked away.

Don't do it. Just don't.

why aren't you prepared? what's stopping you

Do it. You will not regret it.

>narcissistic, delusional, mental ill, porn sick men
sounds like all white supremacists

26 is way too late, anyone over the age of 16 shouldnt even bother

do it and follow up with the inevitable meltdown post when you realise that youre retarded

The fuck would make you think you know what it is to be a woman, since literally the faggots have informed us there is no proper way to think as a woman?
You're obbsession with yourself in an "attractive" female form will be solved very temporarily, because even if you keep up the regimement of hormones, you're still gonna get old, and fat, and wrinkled.
And, you're never gonna change your DNA, so you're literally going to be chemically imbalanced for the rest of your life. And if the overloaded/unchecked hormones don't make you a total beast to be around and your mind utterly fucking confused, they may well cause cancer within a decade, making, again, your enjoyment very temporary.
No, you're born with DNA, learn to enjoy it, there is literally nothing better about the other gender, it's only different, and you won't really ever understand, since you're not going to be the other gender, just a doll-like representation.
I think, personally, you're possessed or mentally ill/fixated, and you need to find someone who will tell you you're sick, and help you get comfortable with you as your birth sex. Jesus is the answer.

You'll regret your decision and commit suicide in 10 years if you go through with it.

Listen to me, save yourself. Go to Church, pray a Hail Mary. You will find a girl on the next day who will set you on the right path. She thinks she's a lesbian. She just didn't know she was looking in the wrong places for her man.

That's you, fella.

Dont put horsepiss hormones in your body. It's perfect the way that God created it.
If this is not a troll, seek psychiatric help.

I mean if you were going to kill yourself anyway may as well have some fun

OP, why do you want to take hormones? are you gay, or are you a straight man who likes to look like a woman?

I’m a transgender woman. I’ve been doing hrt for over 13 months now. I won’t lie to you user. It is very hard but it’s so worth it. Good luck girl! I hope everything goes well for you in Bulgaria.

Hopefully I will be leaving Texas for California soon.

I’ll be 28 next week.

OP not responding makes me think this is a slide

have you been feminine your whole life?

btw it sucks you have to go to therapy and doctors visits to have hormones in the USA.

Any male who goes on HRT is more likely to commit suicide

dont. find something else to live for. honestly.

maybe it's because it's a second puberty, and most kids going through puberty are emotional asf

Join the 45% today!

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Oh my god fucking kys you dumb weeb faggot

>have you been feminine your whole life?

in some ways absolutely but my exterior didn’t show it. that’s one of the reasons I started hrt. hrt feminized me up real good. the rest I had to learn

>btw it sucks you have to go to therapy and doctors visits to have hormones in the USA.

I love my doctors and therapists. It sucks that our community is under attack from Trump and the GOP.

>Brazil being based
Bolsonaro is one hell of a drug

Wrong board faggot:
Your post belongs in the trash bin here:

just buy a rope, its cheaper

Kill yourself
Being a bad copy of a woman doesn't make you a woman, it makes you a failed, self-hating man

even bulgaria has gone to shit... we need another war with you faggots so your men could be de sissyfied from that western propaganda and values

no one claims that hormones turn men into women.

if you're an ancap, you should support people's right to be failed and self-hating

>Want to go on HRT

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They all claim this

Stop watching porn. Go to the park and shoot some hoops. Lift a weight or 2. Come back in 4 weeks and see if you still think you’re a girl.
