Other OP's fucked up, so I created a new one.



Intro twitter.com/RealVinceJames/
On prisoners' rights twitter.com/PeterCozy/statu
On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/

>2nd round polls: JB 54% X FH 46% (Ibope), JB 55% FH 45% (Datafolha), JB 60.6% X FH 39.4% (Paraná)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen TOMORROW.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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Other urls found in this thread:


where the jap polls at?

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I don't know.

What will second round map look like? Is this about right?

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What's the point in getting excited about all of this when the country is satanic level racemixed?

There's no way to breed out this level of admixture, you can only start anew.

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Do a lot of young men in Brazil look up to Bolsonaro as a father figure?

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Probably the same thing, but Pará is pro-PT too. Bunch of losers.

Be sure to vote BEFORE you go to the anime convention, you will probably get too distracted if you decide to do it after.

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Race isn't the problem in Brazil.

Why aren't you sleeping, anões? Too anxious about the election results? Tell me.

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More like a buddy. He's a very cool guy.

I woke up at 8pm, user. I'm staying the night up.

>tfw no Native gf to civilize

Acabaram de encerrar. 67% na Austrália e 92% no Japão.


October 26
Ipespe/XP INVESTIMENTOS/ B. 58% - H. 42%

October 27
MDA/CNT/ B. 56,8% - 44,2% H.
VOX POPULI/BRASIL247/ B. 50% - H. 50%

Race isn't in the public eye in brazil because it's so far down the hole of racemixing that everyone is some shade of brown.

Based as he is, if Bolsonaro wins you'll just be another modern mutt state with a right of center leader. Your nation will never know true harmony.

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>VOX POPULI/BRASIL247/ B. 50% - H. 50%

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3 Fios? Que porra é essa?

Grats, Hope expats in France won't disappoint us like last time.

My friends made me realize I don't care about democracy anons, what's the next step?

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The first one forgot the /hue/ on the subject, and the second one fucked up the body of his opening post.


The commentaries are literal cancer.
>"kids wouldn't be influenced by kit gay"

Okay, let’s get this done.

We are going to make a /hue/ sings Nova Era cover, so be sure to join and go down in history as a front to the "petistas safadas". So to keep your privacy (which is a concern of us all) and prevent ABIN from sending us to gulags, everyone is encouraged to upload the audio file to vocaroo, create a 10minutemail and send the links to [email protected]

Entries will be accepted until tomorrow at midnight, after that we’ll already be at the /nova era/. I’ll try my best to add everyone and make it not suck. If any of you play any instrument and know about music theory, try to play over and harmonize with the instruments (or just harmonica/recorder the shit out of it, fuck it). If you guys want to have a riff battle send those as well and I’ll try to make something out of it.

The estimated date for the project to be done is not defined, but I’ll be sure to post the audio file to vocaroo and send in the thread, maybe even to YouTube/SoundCloud later.

Godspeed, anons!

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Seize the power for yourself

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To Huehue asking about Argentina electoral collegue in previous thread.

1853 to 1994 , the Peronist fucked it over to do easy populism with gibs and the UCR(socialist international) was for it too.

We have reached peak populism tough , without an electoral collegue everything becomes so centralized that the rest of the country becomes underdevelopened.
You can literally turn on the tv in patagonia and the only news are from buenos aires that a car is burning lol.

The good thing is that now shit is so centralized that Buenos Aires which is antileftist in general has become so much powerfull.

But our country has been fucked considerably because of it.
That said central banking and keynesian economics is what fucked this country , but removing the electoral collegue didn´t help.

Monarchy? J-Just like that?

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Vote for bolsonaro
Be happy

Argentina did flirt with a currency board which essentially tied the gov't s hands in matters of monetary policy in the early 90's, didn't it?

Why did the system collapse in the early 2000s?

When does the vote count begin huebros?

post your best buddy Bolsonaros then, I need to stock up my folder for after the election

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Nowadays when I see leftists talking and I think how they have the right to vote, and that their votes have the same weight as mine, I'm sure they can not stay alive.

Well, the thing is, while that picture you posted is very much representative of most of the country, it's not true at all about the South. Most people in the South are white, but nobody outside of Brazil knows that. It serves the media's agenda to propagate the idea that everyone in Brazil is brown.

Race isn't in the public eye simply because everyone in Brazil is kinda distant from their own native culture. Although there's exceptions. Last year I visited some German cities in Rio Grande do Sul, most people there didn't even speak Portuguese, pure Deutsche. You can walk there for hours and you'll be hard pressed to find anyone even a shade of brown.

Brazil is, in theory, the biggest example of cultural diversity. You can find all kinds of people here.

Another big reason why race isn't in the public eye is because Brazil never had any kind of black segregation.

While I do agree that race-mixing is treason and seeing a white girl and a black guy together legit makes me feel ill by looking at it, it really isn't even close to Brazil's current woes.

19:00 in Brasília's time.

the President is officially announced at 21:00, but by 19:00 about 30% of the machines will have been counted already, so we'll have a pretty good idea.

I think they do. He's got that countryside uncle vibe.

forgot to quote

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I hope the streets erupt into chaos. Who's going to trust an election with the top opposition figures imprisoned. There were nice relations going between Iran and Russia before this CIA subversion.
Where were you rightists during 2014 anti world cup protests? Enjoying the influx of globalist money, only to stab the state in the back later.

Last reminder nothing will get better for us. Material wealth brought by the development of the country will never fill the hole in our souls. Our war is a spiritual war.

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Winston Churchill of all people said that the best argument against democracy is a 5-minute chat with your average voter.


Does your image imply we're cosmic/spiritual orphans?

who is the guy where God is supposed to be in that picture

Thank you!

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Bro, practically nobody wanted this fucking olympics and world cup here. Only the favelados, but these people are not even human.

Dr. Eneas a more based man than Bolsonaro.

Doctor Aeneas.



Part 1:
Normal welfare states are a ponzi , argentina after returning to democracy in 1982 elected Alfonsin from the UCR(the guy was the vicepresident of the socialist international).

By 1989 we had higher inflation than Venezuela now and the other alternative was the fucking peronist party.

So we had a genious economic ministry called Domingo Cavallo that basically reversed this ponzi scam by artificially making 1 usd 1 argentinean peso and financing this by privatizing state assets that were lossing so much money and were the cause of the inflation.

Now this was a really incredibly great and well tough shit , it was kind of like bitcoin game theory.
The politicians did not want to leave the 1-1 currency because they gained votes , the businessman because the economy was stable and without inflation , the people because after a decade without growth and venezuela tier inflation levels they could now buy property and travel around the world , also it forced the politicians to privatize shit to gain usd and keep the exchange rate.

The employees of this companies were also rewarded because they were "fired" with insane compensations considering the worth of the real wages in usds in the 1989 hiperinflation.

Problem was that this crap worked too well if you artificially increase the price of your currency you fuck your industry up , and Cavallo knew it , so the peronist fired it for this because they were now ancap larpers so they could steal more by privatizing with corruption.

So our industry was assraped by a fake exchange rate and as time passed there were less things to privatize so now the state did not lost money , there was no inflation but the game theory was working too well and the politicians to keep the exchange rate started to take debt non stop.

By 2001 we have again the UCR in power with another member of the socialist international (De la Rua) as president and the debt levels had reached 110% of gdp , this stoped the economy.

Both povertyball and olympics bankrupted Rio.


You wish

* Dr.Æneas

>Doctor Aeneas
quick rundown on him?

Also, the suckers who bought cup tickets collectively told Dilma to stick it up her ass.


When do first poll results come in?

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I don't give a shit to you shills. I just don't want commies in power

Nice post

Whatever I followed every video being uploaded at the time and all I saw were go happy bourgeoisie complaining about "comunistas de merda".

TFW Can't sleep because of the NOVA ERA

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

The original /hue/ enemy of globalization. Never got elected to the presidency but red pilled an entire generation.

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Part 2:
So this socialist international cuck got a classical liberal economist that told him to reduce spending or everything would go to hell and two weeks later he fired it because muh spending good.

By december shit was terribly along with 9/11 and many financial crisis happening worldwide the economy was fucked up.
So the peronist fuckers got a great idea , bring Cavallo back(since he had been the economist under the peronist government that fixed the 1989 shit).

As soon as they got him back they started the fire , attacked banks , burned shit caused a massive civil insurrection , boycoted the government with unions and did a bank run and we ended with lot´s of dead and literally 5 presidents in one week.

Since then the peronist took government again and blamed everything on muh neoliberalism and shilled for the foro of sao paulo to steal money with gibs and printing money.

They literally brough back "their guy" , boycoted him and blamed everything on capitalism and liberalism.
Which is why we are fucked and you huheus better vote tomorrow.

If Hadad for some reason wins i expect a bank run here and hiperinflation in less than 4 months.

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Thanks. Still kinda groggy despite waking up hours ago so sorry if I didn't make all my points too clear.

Obviously. That's a given. The communists have been working hard to destroy our nation for way too long, we need someone to get in and get that shit sorted out.

One true based man, he was beloved but many made fun of him. Now everyone carries him in their heart.

But I don't care about democracy because I'm selfish and have no morals. I care about myself. I'm not religious either. I haven't really discarded the possibility of a God existing though.


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good luck, i converted two brazilian friends to vote on Bolsonaro

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That image doesn't do the honors to how much variety there is in Brazil. You don't need to care about race, just put forward systems that award merit and facilitate the reproduction and well being of the people that actually contribute positively to society while punishing low IQ and violent trash that ideally shouldn't put their genes to the next generation.

Japan didn't even close yet so it's not true

Can you give me a quick rundown on why normalfags vote for bolsonaro?
I understand why Jow Forumsacks would vote for him, but is the corruption that rampant in your government that even unpolitical housewifes support him? Or are there other major causes?

>Brazil is, in theory, the biggest example of cultural diversity. You can find all kinds of people here.

Brazil is huge. Many smaller cities down south are almost 100% white / German to this day.

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Me enfurece como eles mentem na cara dura.

If you care about yourself you should start considering that possibility.

Also sorry for the fucked up english i have been freelancecucking for the last 40 hours nearly non stop kek.

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when do they close, then?

thanks, very wholesome!

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preparados para a Nova Era anões?

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It was supposed to close right now

Yes, it's that rampant.


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Bolso 63% at Sydney

>is the corruption that rampant in your government that even unpolitical housewifes support him?
>are there other major causes
He's also pretty the only candidate we've ever had that actually speaks about urban criminality and shows its true scale. He's like our Duterte in that respect.
Also, he's the only (relevant) politician to actually call out leftists on their LGBT+ bullshit and their attempt at sexualizing children by pushing their agenda in schools. Don't forget Brazil is, surprisingly, a very socially conservative country.

Pai Nosso que estais nos Céus, santificado seja o vosso Nome, venha a nós o vosso Reino, seja feita a vossa vontade assim na terra como no Céu. O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje, perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido, e não nos deixeis cair em tentação, mas livrai-nos do Mal. Amém.

Orem comigo, anões.

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I've also blasphemed before when I was 16 and edgy, so I'll go to hell if it's real.

Conhecem o Kogos aí em Portugal?


Well, that's interesting. Isn't a currency board one step short of dollarization which would make the 1:1 ratio, natural? Currency demand in Forex exchange markets would be tied to interest rates and money supply, so it could never be 'undervalued' or 'overlaued'. In theory, CBs are invulnerable to extreme volatility which would tank a pegged exchanged rate due to currency account deficits, that's what occured in Brazil in 1998.


It's never too late to repent. Blasphemy as an unforgivable Sin has a very specific meaning.