Gen Z isn’t base-

Generation Z doing what Millenials and Gen X won’t.

Telling Boomers to shut the fuck up.


Attached: DC9B5FA5-8D36-445E-8875-34CB881397E6.jpg (750x1083, 467K)

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>Former @foxnews contributor. Professional Political Analyst. The PC bullcrap stops here. #1A #2A loving patriot and #Trump supporter.

>is against "PC bullcrap"
>gets offended by being called a dumb boomer
Are cuckservatives even self-aware?

is this real? lmfao

God I hope so

Gen Z seems even gayer than millenials

And he doesn't understand why he gets responses like this...

Whatever he spent his time on Gods green earth. Only a few more quarters to spend.

Best pick a fun one with your last few pennies... If you can still move. Those joints get stiff toward the end.

I've seen people pride my generation on the political views (more right-wing then not) but I think expecting the Fourth Reich is a bit much, you see;

Generation Z is the first Generation born in America without the Greatest Generation. instead of Grizzled WW2 Veterans, what do we have to look to for inspiration?

-Draft Dodgers
-Single Moms
-Welfare Queens

Why would anyone of us what to strive for THAT? I think it's just a reaction by the Generation as a whole to aspire to something better than what we're surrounded by.

only hopeless losers fought in Nam

Attached: 220px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg (220x279, 20K)

>I fought in 'Nam!
And why? Faggot got roped into fighting a losing battle and thinks he deserves respect.

oh vey you cunt dodge kike draft