Gen Z isn’t base-

Generation Z doing what Millenials and Gen X won’t.

Telling Boomers to shut the fuck up.


Attached: DC9B5FA5-8D36-445E-8875-34CB881397E6.jpg (750x1083, 467K)

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>Former @foxnews contributor. Professional Political Analyst. The PC bullcrap stops here. #1A #2A loving patriot and #Trump supporter.

>is against "PC bullcrap"
>gets offended by being called a dumb boomer
Are cuckservatives even self-aware?

is this real? lmfao

God I hope so

Gen Z seems even gayer than millenials

And he doesn't understand why he gets responses like this...

Whatever he spent his time on Gods green earth. Only a few more quarters to spend.

Best pick a fun one with your last few pennies... If you can still move. Those joints get stiff toward the end.

I've seen people pride my generation on the political views (more right-wing then not) but I think expecting the Fourth Reich is a bit much, you see;

Generation Z is the first Generation born in America without the Greatest Generation. instead of Grizzled WW2 Veterans, what do we have to look to for inspiration?

-Draft Dodgers
-Single Moms
-Welfare Queens

Why would anyone of us what to strive for THAT? I think it's just a reaction by the Generation as a whole to aspire to something better than what we're surrounded by.

only hopeless losers fought in Nam

Attached: 220px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg (220x279, 20K)

>I fought in 'Nam!
And why? Faggot got roped into fighting a losing battle and thinks he deserves respect.

oh vey you cunt dodge kike draft

GenX parents and teachers were boomers, they
only listened to them because they thought they knew what life was about.

fuck boomers

he is saying it as if Nam peasants were threatening USA territory and burgers

Ivan you have no ground on which to stand, russia has a draft (вceoбщaя вoинcкaя oбязaннocть) while I don't support how we fought the war, nobody should give up the chance to blast commies back to hell.

probably generation after gen z is more based. Hard time creates strong people. By that time, America is gonna be weaker (with the kind of immigration and shits surrounding), I expect lobbyists (jewish in control) starting to pull back and might eventually penetrate China.
America future might not be bright but every country needs a hit or two before it gets better

yes, it's got way more likes now too

sure I'm ready to fight for oligarchs and muslim migrants because muh draft

not really

All boomers care about is their house values and that there are niggers everywhere to pay their pension plans for the next 30 years.

I loathe this generation with a passion. Once civil wars descend across the Western world, these maggots deserve to be thrown in the streets.

Except for my parents. They are pretty based and admit their generation fucked up immensely.

the boomer walked right into this one

Attached: boomer2.jpg (628x854, 156K)

He got his Uncle Sambo Peanuts from his masters. He was bought and paid for! Though America was different back then too but they are the ones who sold their children's futures to corporations. Why its who bought them to begin with!

Boomers deserve to be killed in the streets. They are utterly irredeemable.

Attached: FreeYourHate.png (600x599, 312K)


>playing Fortnite
Choose one faggot

Here's hoping.

Seems like Russians were ready to fight for Oligarchs and Muslims because of Muh Afghan Proxy, hope the dead VDV was worth it.

It has nothing to do with fortnite. Its just showing how uptight and hateful of the youth boomers really are.

I mean you're talking about a generation that celebrates replacing their kids generation with niggers and Muslims. And here they are getting offended at some kid online. They don't deserve any respect.

I don't care how angry they are, Gen X was angry and look where it got us
I care that they have the shitiest taste in movies (capeshit cancer), music (nigger trap cancer) and videogames ( copyplaying terrible nobraingames from twitch faggots like retarded zombies)
Niggers are angry too, do you you think niggers are based?

If the boomers had red pilled their kids on race, you wouldn't have Wiggers everywhere listening to rap.
Also the video game thing needs to stop being criticised as its become a counter culture thing full of right wing kids.

Young people disrepespecting the elderly? Final nail. FINAL NAIL.

The tweet is real, but the account is probably satire.