Mediterranean Union to fend ourselves from northern pigs

Since we see every day threads by OBSESSED north/northwestern "whites" about mediterranean cultures and civilizations, I think we need to form a Mediterranean Union, to break away from those former barbarian pigs.

They show no sign of stopping trying to re write history with illusions and no matter the number of debunks we give, they ll revert into retarded NPC responses like "meds arent white", or "achMeds", etc.

They are just as our enemies as nigger and eastern invaders. All these barbarous hordes( afrocentrist niggers and nordicist "whites") will not rest until they feed their OBSESSION about Mediterranean civilizations and trying to usurp them.

See their museums, full of Roman/Greek/Egyptian artifacts. Without them, they would be empty. And they know that. They know that their ancient heritage is zero, thats why they try to incorporate foreign heritages while insulting and deconstructing the rightful descendants of those heritages.

Common subhuman butthurt behaviour. You wont see Greeks or Italians OBSESSED about north/northwest "white" "cultures". Because we dont give a fuck about you.

Lets form a Mediterranean Union and fend our heritages from the northern barbarian pigs.

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>OBSESSED north/northwestern "whites"

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Everyone with ENF above 50% + WHG and ANE, is superior to everyone else.

Attached: e1a6785ba05e7f3feea024b0b1503a32--beautiful-women-cinema.jpg (236x352, 15K)


I wanna lick Reimu's tummy~!

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I lived in north europa and the truth is that these people are OBSESSED. They call you shitskin and primitive while they claim your cultural heritage.

*been to many museums

t. indus saraswati civilization citizen

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Those numbers are inaccurate.

Modern Greeks have ~30% slavic admxture which ancient didn't have.

Europe with Snownigeria was a mistake. Bring back the Roman Empire.

Attached: Roman_Empire_Trajan_117AD.png (1200x729, 431K)

>mediterranean union
only if our turk brothers are included. we're not going anywhere without them. we need them to kill the west. imagine the greatest conquerors of all time together; the spaniards the italians the greeks and the turks. an unstoppable force to meet the immovable object of jewry.

Attached: Turkey_pony.jpg (588x476, 42K)