Why is Jow Forums so addicted to BBC?

Why is Jow Forums so addicted to BBC?

Attached: blacked-2.jpg (800x1200, 303K)

Why are you?

It's hot.

Attached: 1540583996505.jpg (1080x1920, 134K)

Lucky girl

Because they like to see women getting degraded. Seeing a black guy pound a white girls is symbolically making it look like the black man is a sex object.

It's what blacked symbolizes over what it actually is. A lot of white nats have fantasies of black men pounding their white girls for this very reason I think. It is ironically based in a extremely cucked way.

It is reducing the black dude to nothing more than a sex object with no pragmatic civilisational value.

It's mostly a gay fetish, shared by a few poor roasties

It's xenophilia, the fetish for an outer-group mixing with one's own.

Because blacks are basically apes, its a degrading fetish.

She has aids now.

mfw that's how they feel fucking white girls
>my sides

Niggers are subhuman only white girls that fuck them are poor and disgusting