First results will be out at 18 EST. Final results will likely be out by 23 EST.

"F DE FERNANDO" youtu.be/MXOwt5Xhl2w
"NOVA ERA" youtu.be/c_gPaqM-Z4g

Intro twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1054236858291376128
On prisoners' rights twitter.com/PeterCozy/status/1050774090808741888
On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1050042805551128576


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

Attached: bolsonaro presidente.jpg (500x750, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for big win today

Attached: 1516815873979.jpg (241x263, 30K)

First for haddad

Attached: Retrowave Brazilian Aesthetic - Nova Era.jpg (959x1280, 180K)

Don't forget to bring your camera to the polling station and take photos of cute feet.

Bless Bolsonaro and bless Brazil, hope you guys clean up your country and create a safe and prosperous place for whites and rightists.

It's fucking happening lads!! Save your country irmãos, your sapo friends are praying for you!!!

Attached: 1538871222126.gif (480x480, 3.99M)

Results when?

counting will start 11 hours from now

Como estão os resultados no exterior? Eu votei ontem aqui mas ainda não vi o resultado.


Attached: 1389905091039.jpg (684x623, 107K)

Bolsonaro 90~95% in Japan


Bolsonaro wins in Taiwan

Attached: taiwan.jpg (720x960, 54K)

maioria dos resultados no japão tem o bolso com uma vantagem enorme, 90% dos votos pra cima
na australia é um pouco menor mas ele ganhou também
não sei o resto

It's done boys. I can rest now. I'll wake up in the Nova Era.


Based japs.

Win this one lads.

Attached: 1534582076876.jpg (600x640, 34K)

I mean, sure, it'll be nice if our guy gets elected but then what? He's either going to be shit and not do anything good or he'll be good and not be able to do anything good for the country because of (((checks and balances)))

We need an absolute monarchy stat

Remember to take a picture of your mesariafus before another user does it!

Thank you, japanon! Bolsonaro at >90% in Japan.

Attached: 1540720255304.jpg (720x960, 130K)


Just check last thread for the BUs

Attached: file.png (515x870, 42K)

Good luck !
Gommies tears will be delicious

There's probably more, I haven't saved it.

Attached: 1540720377707.jpg (720x960, 90K)

another one here

Attached: file.png (514x630, 399K)

The Communist fears the Samurai

Attached: JairPerfurando.jpg (1866x1536, 258K)


Japan has the most based brazilians?

>all those votes for a communist from Taiwan
But why?

Godspeed to the laughing monkeys.

My huehue is with you.

Attached: 1497242869937.gif (311x362, 1.99M)

Wheres our sticker bros?

38 is not much desu

Anime is the best!

Attached: CVJcMfeU8AAgG6e.jpg (1132x706, 124K)

Threadly reminder that only Jesus will lead us to victory.

Attached: resurrected-christ-wilson-ong-212048-wallpaper.jpg (1188x1486, 1.54M)

Attached: 1537672941126.jpg (1200x800, 87K)

nth for Bolsonaro 64%


Attached: file.png (685x140, 9K)

Who's gonna tell petistas that Bonoro already won?

that monkey seems to be more polite than half of my country
and soon half of yours too Sven

Votes abroad never mean anything.

Just finished voting, goddamn I fucking hate walking, Jesus, FUCK.

He looks like a Brazilian Gerard Batten.

Good luck lads

Attached: 1537237048882.png (427x444, 231K)

We are buttbuddies. I might go to japan to become a factory worker soon.

Attached: 3654776.png (400x7913, 542K)

Results for NZ

Attached: Dqk54acWoAEiNbb.jpg (310x791, 43K)

>expecting a kike to lead you to anything that wont be your doom
the bible ends with the apocalipse for a reason user

Damn, your government openly posts the tallies of each district? Is the voting electronic?
>mfw Brazil has less rigged election than most first world countries

Attached: 1526513413368.jpg (901x883, 102K)

Just got home from voting, lads.

My life can be all fucked up, but I did my part with the little power I'm granted by the state.

How far do you have to go?

Attached: 1539267162765.jpg (640x480, 54K)

>Brazil has less rigged election than most first world countries
Should we tell him?

it is electronic and probably rigged as fuck

Five (5) whole excruciating minutes of walking.

I don't wanna go outside of the house I hate this dangerous country full of commies

Attached: 1523162929658.jpg (1171x936, 87K)

In the end of the voting each voting machine automatically prints 5 copies of these and give to the representants of the parties for later audition.

God Bless Brazil, Gloria a Deus! Here’s to a groundbreaking victory today, let Bolsonaro’s strength ring throughout the ages as the calming bell which cured the spirits of your sick country.

I'm sweating


Attached: 17AA28FE-1CD7-4466-9C48-77AE7337FA4A.jpg (529x346, 59K)

>Brazil has less rigged election than most first world countries
The higher-ups say so, but the higher ups are corrupt fucks, so I'm skeptical of these claims, personally.

It was pretty nice here. It's a beautiful day outside, user. Almost like the dawn of a new age.

right wing death squads when ?


Those hue showers are scary as fuck. Also giving some maga energy to Bolsonaro

Attached: 1538094353481.gif (500x501, 524K)

>Brazil has less rigged election than most first world countries

Attached: 1469551952544.jpg (499x499, 18K)

get in shape you fat fuck

Brütal. Your suffering won't go unremembered. Your children and grandchildren will thank you for doing your duty.

Attached: 1538904756795.jpg (1080x1316, 83K)

The presidency will mean jack shit unless his party also wins over the congress. You're all delusional.


his party and other supporters already have a majority in congress for the next four years

But his party is 50% of the congress even if he loses we will have the strongesr right wing in 60 years

lol fucking fatty, kill yourself


Yep, this one's going in my ineligibility compilation.

Olá. Eu sou meio brasileira, eu falo um poucoo de português, mas nâo muito. Muita esperanca e sorte eu te dou

is it too late to stab him

tetas ou a foda fora

They can be "modified". Tons of "electronic ballots" had (((issues))) on the first phase.

Attached: 1538925603117.webm (224x400, 1.45M)

The congressional elections already happened.
The far right had a considerable growth, but thank god he far left too.


D-Don't bait me like this, alemã-chan.

Attached: wew.jpg (426x341, 29K)

Don't vote today
It's a holiday, go to beach have some fun!

Bless us with your tits, nazi-chan

shit can i edit my flag in the comment

He has like 70% (his party + other parties) of the congress on his side.

titten zeigen

Eu sou homem

remember: we won't accept a fraud

can i delete the comment? how can i delete comment inthis forum

It was too late in the first stabbing

Didn't last long

Attached: 1540527185694.png (600x361, 201K)

Hey, buddy, you're our fucking ally, remember?


we're gonna be the ones doing the stabbings this time

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im male, please explain what mistakes i made

A much better way to rig it would be simply counting a different vote than it's showing, these machines are full of security holes and the rigging doesn't need to be visible.

Just voted.

Attached: 1520787211165.jpg (1280x790, 203K)


então deveria ter dito "sou meio brasileirO"
palavras tem gênero no português

You said you are "brasileira".
brasileira = female brazilian
brasileiro = male brazilian

BrasileirA instead of brasileirO