Are blacks waking up in USA?

Genuinely surprising.
Is it really thanks to Kanye?
A alliance with them could be a good thing, unlike with mexicans and/or asian, they'll not replace america going by birthrate.

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Blacks don't like Hispanics. The more Trump does to secure the border, the more the Democrats make it clear they want to turn the US into a Latin American country. Blacks don't want to live under Hispanic rule. They complain about whitey but know they have it much better than they would under a spic regime.

Polls are fake, talk to actual black people none of them support trump, just the “black kids who said it’s ok if I say nigga” blacks, which to actual blacks aren’t black at all

t. increasingly nervous democrat

>which to actual blacks aren’t black at all
So you're agreeing with the crab bucket mentality which has held back their community forever?

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Barkley is one of those goofy fun suburban dads that will embarass you infront of your friends but you love him anyways

Things must be different here in Ohio. I work with seven black people and every single one of them likes Trump.

>Are blacks waking up ever
You need an IQ >90 and 0 niggerdom for that.

Donald Trump is a 90's Democrat.

This identity politics stuff is terrible for everyone involved.

This. 100 fucking percent

I already said in another thread but the chances of a false flag against blacks are at an all time high right now.

Expect a lot of nigs to get "murdered" by " a white supremacist MAGAshooter"

Despite voting democrat for gibs, Blacks are very socially conservative. They don't like gays, trannies, and they don't like illegals.

Black hate whites, but LOATHE Latinos.

It's a ghetto vs barrio thing,

Hi John Legend still think Obama's gonna win 2020 huh?

I'd've thought they'd wake up almost every day :^)

>Donald Trump is a 90's Democrat.

this so much, when you look back at his stances in the 90s, they haven't changed at all.

what changed was the democratic party, to the extreme, so much that the republicans now occupy most of the stances the dems had in the 80s and erly 90s.

If Hispanics are ever the majority in America we’ll institute policies against niggers that’ll make slavery seem like Disneyland.

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That Black chick from Dr. Phil is going to lead us into a new glorious future!

What? Speak english, monkey.

It's all good to be supporting Trump and all, but are black taking advantages of all the new employment opportunities created by his administration?

Let me guess...

Yes. Blacks are starting to realize that the left wants them poor and on welfare while the right wants them working.
>jobs not mobs
The left offers an easy way to stay put, the right offers them a booming economy that lets them advance.
This is how you get equality.
Also conservative blacks are pretty much juat dark skinned white people.

Why do you care canuck, go fuck a moose

>A alliance with them could be a good thing,

Ey dis sounds good and all but there are a few things imma need yall to do first....

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Shut the fuck up. Blacks realizing we don't have to wait for gibmes and can actually fucking work and behave responsibly is the best thing that's happened to us.

We need to keep this trend going.

Not just for us, but for humanity.

The whites will fall to sjw witchcraft and end up as a bunch of gay traps. The Asians will go full chink communists. The Latinos are becoming as leftist and gay as the whites.

As horrible as it might sound, it's up to the blacks to grow up and preserve civilization once the white west falls.

>Go fuck a moose
Lol, nice comeback, meme flag. I care because everything that helps getting lazy nogs like you to work is a good thing.
We've already started by legalizing weed, resulting in a major lost of revenue for many of the local vibrant youth. So pick up a job applications and shut up.


Implying for a second blacks are not too lazy to save the welfare state they have been abusing for generation, which will invariably collapse on e the withe working class becomes a minority.
Imagine the countrywide chimpout the minutes the welfare cheques stop being delivered to the ghetto.

black people are cowards but voting habits will reflect reality more. i doubt there will be any change in voting habits

Uh huh

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Yea everyone knows Canadians fuck beavers nowadays, mooses was soo last '70s. But do watch out for the teeth when performing oral. Guillotine levels of danger and orgasm there.

Now if you don't mind I have a pig to fuck, but court orders say I have to call her "Wife"

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>info outside the CIA False Flags
Decompress and get comfy

Ingersoll Lockwood was an American Lawyer and Writer in the late 1800's.
MOST know him for his Adventures of BARON TRUMP, an Alice and wonderland style adventure with the main character sharing the name of the presidents boy among other similarities...
But His other works eerily predict the future times we Iive on today!
>1900, the last president is a tale of fallen America being gutted by commie bastards
>Laconics of Cult
A look into this mans deep occultic powers and memes!
How did this man know these future events??? Did he divine them?? Or did he meet a time travelling Baron Trump???


>bonus NPC video

Have a comfy day!!!


wtf i love based black males now

Worry about your own country fag

Guys, how would niggas be treated in a Mexicanized America?

Utter nonsense only low class Blacks and Hispanics.
Plantanos y collars greens


Meme flag aside. Actual black person here from a huge family. Sorry, Trump is not moving a the needle in his favor among blacks. Here at least.

Trump be rassis n sheeit

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This is really true the other way as well. Both groups don't like each other much while white people like both. The world is a complicated place in late 2018. I'm not sure how much more false division we can take at this point.


there's only so many gibs to go around. if a bunch of brown people start coming in asking for gibs then that's less gibs for the black people.

It may be dawning on them that they compete directly with illegals for jobs.

99% of them are too busy pulling one another back down into the crab bucket for the to "wake up" from anything at all.

That news was from August. You bitch.