So about 95% of my friends are Trump haters, including family members. A lot of them I could care less about, but there are a few I wish to keep in my life, particularly the family members. It's to the point I dare say I like Trump. The constant day in day out Trump bashing and I am forced to wear a mask. What would happen if I were to wear a MAGA hat? The reality is I will probably be physically accosted. I am not particularly good at defending myself physical. If tangible attacks do not come my way, there is a near guarantee of being screamed at, being labeled as a bigot, racist, and Nazi. How do you guys keep this up?
Tips on keeping power level concealed
Don't be sutch a pussy, I'm quoting Adolf Hitler at the dinner table and my family still doesn't disown me. Think about what you say before you say it and then stand by your words. Also hit the gym. Become a warrior poet like a real man.
I have a suggestion
Kill yourself
Supporting a sitting president is not revealing your power level, you fucking normiem
>I have a suggestion
>Kill yourself
And what after that
you may want to see a doctor about low T
Tell the truth. Defend your beliefs with confidence, as though believing otherwise would be embarrassing to you. Timidity and diffidence are losing strategies no matter what you fo say.
you will have the confidence to be honest after that
Why is Trump the centerpiece of how you think? He is just a man. Be your own man. Let them say what they want about a person they don't know irl that's what npcs do.
>Tips on keeping power level concealed
Don't. Be brusque.
This is the time to stand up for your principles, even if they hate you they have respect.
Be a man
don’t conceal it but let unleash it strategically.
If your family and friends ditch you simply because of your politics beliefs, then they were never your family and friends to begin with.
you have to have an actual power level before worrying about revealing it
you weak nip piece of shit
Just say "I like him" with a grin like so.
You are fine. Who cares who their family votes for?
If you friends don't respect you and your honest opinions, you prob need new friends.
stop being a faggot.
If you have to deny yourself to keep friends, they aren't your friends to begin with.
this. also checked.
this. kill them. then yourself.
Don’t be autistic and go around with a MAGA hat. Say what you feel. If they say, “Oh, open borders are great,” say “we need to build a fucking wall.”
I just accept it. Also I’m a POC so they can’t call me racist, but honestly, if they spew some platitudes, just go Stephan Molyneux and hit them with the “not an argument.”
must be a bitch to get that shit out of hair
Stop listening to all these other dumbasses. I watch anime. Now sit down and listen son.
>Become a samurai and gain the ability to enter the spirit world.
>Enter spirit world and find the most respected ancestral elder in your bloodline.
>Accept their initial question to kill 5 wraithlords.
>Collect 50 xp and 300 Gil and progress the questline until you get to the quest where you take on all of your families spiritual shames.
Does anybody know how to get passed this part in dark souls?
be that one "ironic dude" in all social circles. That way you have an excuse and no one actually thinks you believe that. Could backfire if you crack a "joke" too soon
By not being a faggot? I think Trumps a faggot and call out jews every day calling them evil and satanic and red polling the world most faggots here do “hurr durr build the wall” trolling, they’re a waste of space and no help to the over all goal so I just let them be. They’re basically just puppets who do g know Soros Fund’s the trump family too. So they keep using fox talking points.
> feels good to be able to condemn Jews on twitter with my actual face and name & never be banned
> master race