>go to McD in Germany >ask for extra cheese, get charged 30cents for extra cheese in Big Mac >wait fucking 10min for the burger >sticker on it says “extra cheese” >burger contains no cheese at all >politely ask to put in two slices of cheese as the sticker says >get told that’s not possible, but I can get a voucher for a new burger with cheese, will take 10min to prepare >tell them politely to just hand me two slices of cheese, I put them in the burger myself >manager is called, says they can’t do that, it’s not in the manual
First time I have been to McD this year... and last time. Until automation comes along and gets orders right, I am not going back there.
Go to McDs USA >get me a big mac and large coke and fries, can I get extra cheese on that burger >sure >can I get a refill on muh coke >sure >can I get a glass of water >sure >wait no more than 5 min for order >pay at the end for a big mac a coke and fries
Ayden Russell
Guter Thread Bernd.
James Sanchez
According to the npc meme, they've already achieved it
Robert Howard
>>go to McD stopped reading here fuck the grease jew
Elijah Robinson
>go to McD in Germany Sounds like a classic case of Germans being inefficient.
Jose Hall
What's the main barrier to automation from the big chain's perspective? High initial adoption cost? Social stigma?
I thought we already had machines that could make burgers, what's kept them from being implemented?
Where I live the McDonald's has self serve fully implemented.
Luke Hernandez
You forgot the part where the AIDS-ridden nigger spits on your burger before you get it
Grayson Perry
Never. Stop eating McCrap and this will never happen to you.
Aaron Martin
make your own burger you stupid lazy nigger. Who the fuck eats fast food?