Let's pray a novena of Thomas More (the patron saint of politicians and stateman ) for Bolsonaro to be a faith president, to help him win or a righfull fighter if he loses. thomasmorestudies.org/docs/More_Novena.pdf
(yeah there are right cristicisms about him, its not all gold and good but its the only thing for Brazil now)
We have a Group for Telegram. > The phone number? Yes, you have to put your phone number to make an account. Nobody can see it anyway, still better than WhatsApp or Discord. Main Group (only catholics) t.me/Catholic_Sword Christian Group (for all denominations and who are interested) t.me/christian_8ch Main Channel t.me/CorpusChristi the rest of groups and channels. t.me/thecatholicgeneral
Community links, such as recommended media, are now below in pastebin links. Remember to recommend things to add to the lists!
My parents Bible as a symbol that I don't know what it is, check the pic. Is this a variant of the Chi Rho, it looks it has a Jewish Menorah in it. I don't know out to feel about this. Thanks in advance.
Don't forget that Pope Francis is illegitimate and ought to be burnt at the stake like the heretic he is, and the Church in general should be restored to it's pre Second Vatican Council state.
Oliver Young
Regarding this Catholic anons should all read "A Canticle for Leibowitz," it is about the long term societal damage caused by secularism