Is this board supposed to be satire?

This board:

> requires safe space because you can't debate and you're scared of change you can't control
> is racist out of insecurity and inferiority of males who take action instead of theorising and dreaming
> most people on this board have no social lives so instead larp out their pathetic fantasies
> looks down upon women due to their own failures with women who pick stronger men

Whilst you're fixating on an enemy that for the most part only exists in your own deluded minds, most people are levelling up and winning in the game of life, and are living out the very existence you wish you could if only you were man enough and had a pair of balls to identify your purpose and go after it without question.

The west deserves to fall. You dream of doing great things! You theorise about doing great things! You complain about how unfair things are! But guess what? All of them are states of being caught up in your own head. Instead of doing shit you just are stuck in your head. Until you start doing you will never do great things.

This is the right version of Antifa, the only difference being that Antifa actually have the balls to go out and fight for what they believe in, even if its wrong, whilst you complain on here like children that can't get their own way.

No wonder women are not interested in you. Instead of quitting alcohol, eating right and lifting, you instead sit around, eat carbs and onions, and play video games to escape into a fantasy world where your pathetic virgin asses are accepted.

Lots of women and blacks, people you criticise, have done and contributed much more in taxes than any of you pathetic excuses for living beings. Arianna Huffington has founded a business. Floyd Mayweather is one of the greatest boxers of all time. Why? Because they did shit and got off their ass, whilst you fags cry like children.

You are the real losers in this. Keep being losers faggots!

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you too

Nice blog post faggot. OP you should go kys.

I changed months ago and my life has improved tenfold when I started taking ownership like a man. A lot of people here would benefit from doing the same. It's nobody's fault except your own.

Psycological projection: The post.

i'm not here because i need a safe space, but because every other forum banned me


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>requires safe space
yet none is enforced

You can easily see it from the posts on here. A lot of the racists on here, like the poles, have never ever seen a black person, for example. It stems from fear.

I'll give you a free pass because winters last forever in Finland.

Racism is born from experience my child. Sorry you were born black and others have caused people you dont know to hate you.

there is no satire, take everything literally

your here argue us, and also this space is made for us to protect you, just think what if we were on twitter or facebook

ignore this burger, commit sudoku if you were born a nigger ir a kike.

do you even lift bro user? You sound like you know a lot about a lot of things. Thank you so much for correcting the record. your blog changed me and my life forever

I'm as white as they come, and probably more white than yourself considering you're from the USA.

Regardless, your racist on here, but the fact of the matter is that the issue is cultural. African-American culture is not true for all blacks, in the same way its not true for women.

Your culture is ruined because white men absolved themselves of leadership, became weak, and therefore created a vacuum that minorities are filling, therefore taking your women in the process who look for leaders.

You continue playing video games. The only true response is for white males in the west to better themselves again. The onus is on us to act, not blame others.

Yes, I lift, and believe its good for both mental and physical health. More people on here would benefit from lifting instead of playing video games and drinking.

Notice how a cunt writes. Now if I insult someone I say typical man things. You're a cunt, I think you suck dick, fuck you asshole, go choke on a tramps dick. Direct and to the point based on male self worth built by effort. As a man I use my opinion because I am naturally an individual.
Woman are sheep. They think you're stupid, nobody wants you, everyone thinks...
As woman have no genuine self worth they tend towards the idea of group shaming. To a functioning man this is of course meaningless.
So tits or GTFO.

You would get banned within the week like the other user said as the reason he’s here.

Look at me, everyone I'm a stronk independayaaant wimmennn you get it quayyyyn yaaassss.

Gobble a dick bitch ass ho

I have done so.

The only retorts I have so far boils down to:

> kys
> you must be black/kike/woman

Essentially proving my point.

What makes Mongrel-Theism superior to Racism?


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Mongrel-Theist Bigot spewing (((Their))) Idology...

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So awesome you must be a pussy hound! Women pick stronger men 10036524/7 of the time. You could be the one to save Jow Forums teach us lead us you’re alpha as fuck bro. wew

Women are followers who follow strong male leaders. If you're not a leader, that is on you.

That aside, your emotional rant full of expletives is wonderful. What do you want to be when you eventually decide to grow up?

Men, rather than crying about how its unfair and having bitch fit tantrums like you with your swear words, take ownership, better themselves, and lead from the front without caring what women want. You look forward and focus on your purpose.

If a woman comes into your life, enjoy her in the same way you'd enjoy a glass of Scotch.

Women can only shame those that allow themselves to be shamed. If you're not man enough to shut her down, lead, or put her in her place, then its not her problem, its yours for being weak. She is testing you character and leadership credentials.

Given that the bar is really low now because most men are turning into vegan followers who are emasculated and have a herd mentality, it's easier than ever to rise closer to the top.

All you need is discipline plus perseverance. Heck, if you do hate others so much even channel that into going into the gym. Put a picture of those you hate on a punch bag and beat the shit out of it. Still better for you than porn, drinking and whinging about how life is unfair.

My life has actually improved since I started browsing Jow Forums.

Don't care, niggers and Jews hate whitness.

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Arianna (((Huffington))) has founded a business.

Floyd Mayweather is one of the greatest boxers of all time.

Sure I'll Buy (((That))) Example...

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Who encourages white males to do anything anymore? 70 years of ever increasing demoralization and demonizing on all fronts makes people apathetic.

I had my shit together before coming here. This is one of the few places left where people can speak freely. Anonymity strips the ego. You're a special kind of stupid to typecast the average user here. The variation in ideas is by far larger than the mainstream platforms. The world is an echo chamber, fool. This is the quiet room.

Some do, some don't. Same with whites. There are those that take accountability, and those that don't.

Victimhood intersects race.

Look buddy, I tried to read it, I really did, but if you're going to make a post this long it's got to be interesting or at least engaging.


OP is based and nopilled

how is this redd*t kike's thread active, shills already out in force

I'm not disputing that but only by us becoming actors do we break that cycle.

The entire education system is a process to deconstruct the individual of its self belief, creativity and soul, which is why so many students, especially females who are more impressionable, go in healthy and come out demoralised and broken.

Only we can change by becoming aware of that fact and deciding enough is enough.

People can complain all they want here, and be racist, and be divided, but the fact is that works for those in power. That's why Jow Forums will never be shut down.

Its a place where they can control and monitor you like a symptom of the sick society they've created.

>requires safe space
Fuck you nigger, if the was a safe space you'dve not made it out of the oven.

KYS nigger

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If you're going to insult us, try to be more right to the point, call us incels virgins nazis, or something right away, writing a wall text for that is just rude.

I don't use Reddit. That website suffers from many of the same issues, but just full of leftists who also fear what is out of their control, so they try to control everything including speech, gun rights, etc.

If more of the people on Reddit took ownership of their lives it'd be better as well. The reason I come here is because the right for the most part understand hard work, struggle and value, whereas the left do not and simply believe success is obtained by luck.

I'm not looking for a safe space, I'm not even racist, and I don't hate women. This is just a Tibetan snowboard for exploring pompom choreography. It's not that serious.

Your rants won't persuade anyone who actually fits your description. That means this thread is really just a way for you to rage about your own personal frustrations and inadequacies while pumping your ego. If you think you're doing something good and constructive with this thread, you're as delusional as your strawman.

Better use this next time, brazil bro.
>pic related

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faggotsezwut? SAGE

Absolutely SEETHING Czech. Anyway, whichever "totally not a safe space" you like to post on would ban is on site. Ergo, people post on this "safe space" with it's "snowflake" free speech.

Everyone's path is different. If even one person reads this and realises, thats enough. I'm not trying to help or save the world, I will just do what is within my capabilities. I am pretty Stoic when it comes to things like that. People respond to different things.


nobody cares if you lift, you do it to better yourself. You’re like those crossfit fags that tell everyone they do crossfit despite not ever asking. You’re probably 5’7” and think you’re “alpha as fuck” when in reality, your best shot at getting a woman is one that had her snatch used up by Chads, Jamals, and Pedros. Fuck off

keks and happenings. leave us to our delusions.

It's a safe space. There have bene blacks on here who've posted threads and they're taken down and you yell expletives at them, which is you lashing out at the enemy you've built up in your head, an enemy which is the result of brainwashing by a system that only has the intention of dividing us all to control us.

I find the entire thing hilariously pathetic. You blame (((them))) but cant understand that racism itself is a tool used by (((them))) to divide us and conquer us, so by being racist you're essentially allowing yourself to be manipulated and used as a pawn, instead of saying fuck this, no more.

Your one of these "the white WASP class uses racism to prevent us from seizing the beans of grodugtion" commies? There is no WASP elite anymore, they've been totally supplanted by another. Another which prefers to inculcate multicultural societies as they feel vulnerable in homogenous countries etc. Dividing me from the """political agency and will""" of blacks of all people is meaningless. They have no revolutionary potential and we're only useful to Jews insofar as they helped crack open the WASP. power structure and let Jews into the Halls of Power.

Post her feet.

I'm not a commie either. You simply cannot reason with commies as they're authoritarians who seek to control everything due their underlying insecurity.

They fear what they cannot control. This is the same psychological manifestation present in the authoritarian right.

Commies cannot be reasoned with at all. They do not believe in the notion of hard work, struggle or understand the value of anything.

Therefore, me posting something like this on Reddit would be pointless as they'd just tell me 'you got lucky', and go about their business.

They firmly believe everything is out of their control, which is why they're insecure and need to control everything and bring it into state ownership. It is a projection of their own underlying insecurity.

Now, the right shares many of these issues, but the fact the right does at least have some degree of morality and value structure means you can at least reason with some of them.

Yes, all posts I've made on this board are satire
That being said
>requires safe space
It's clearly not a safe space since faggots like you are still welcome to post

The left have no rooted basis of morality or value system. That's why they can be pro life on things like guns, and anti life on things like abortion.

Their values shape shift to suit on subjective whims. Why the right even bothers wasting it's time debating these chameleons, I do not know.

>Whilst you're fixating on an enemy that for the most part only exists in your own deluded minds
>The west deserves to fall
dumb filipino

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In every society, in every country, in every economic class, across all climates, we find that niggers are more violent than whites.

>mfw newfaggots don't lurk before posting and then blogpost platitudes when they do
smarter anons than you have tried this tactic
the archive has thousands of threads like this famalam
try again
try harder

becoming a national socialist has bestowed so much luck on me it is incredible. Odin rewarded every step towards race realism, extermination of the jews and hate-speech with improved health, income and social options. i also have richer and more interesting friends now. i really think that means something.

>Racism is born from experience
*limited experience- your welcome

Yes, if only we had more data, we would conclude that evolution is a lie, there's no such thing as genetics, and every human is exactly the same.

If this board was a safe space, posts like this wouldn't exist, you retard.

is Op a liberal faggot?


Yes=good luck and fortune will be bestowed upon you
No=It's a lie,cause Op is a faggot.


See image OP, defend against it

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jesus christ bro pls sum up in a succinct manner


>requires safe space
Stopped here.

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That's African-American culture. Your white women are also more trashy in the USA. That's a problem with the culture your country cultivates.

Even Africans that move to the USA dislike African-Americans. Africans move to the USA and take jobs like Uber drives whereas many African-Americans mock them for their African accents, but really thats a cover up for their victimhood.

If Africans can move to another continent, work as an Uber driver and provide, then African-Americans have no excuse. Thats why African-Americans mock them. Its because they show whats capable if you take ownership.

The problem is not race. Its your culture. America has a shit culture which is also why American women behave in the way they do.

You white American males, if you wish to bring back order, need to take action and rise up.

Bit rich coming from someone hiding behind an EU flag, most likely due to the insecurity of proudly flying their own flag.

Thanks for proving my point that you lack balls.

>This board:
> requires safe space

How come you are still here and able to post?
Why aren't you banned yet for having an opposing point of view?