Tic toc capitalists. Once boomers are gone, we will outvote you

Tic toc capitalists. Once boomers are gone, we will outvote you.

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That might actually be true. Most rich countries eventually start pushing socialist ideas and the youth is especially dedicated to them.

The best thing about communist revolutions is that communist revolutionaries are very good at destroying a system but very bad at building up institutions.

Fertile ground for political subversion

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Can’t we just send them to North Korea, then? Make a deal with Kim and lose some sanctions in exchange for sending everyone who goes.

Shocking that 70 years of neo-Marxist education has lead to this.

Good, let them introduce communism in their countries so more communists will doe from starvation.

>Once boomers are gone, we will outvote you.

Except most milennials will be pro capitalism when they're as old as the boomers, and a new generation of "muh socialism" zoomers will take their place, until they too turn pro capitalism.

>implemet communism
>force people become communists, cause the alternative is death
>starve them to death
>anons on Jow Forums - "ha, more communists dead, yay!"

This logic is beyond my understanding.

what kind of retarded people live in the west?

dont worry, starvation will set that straight 4-5 years after that

Excellent. We'll finally get rid of the kike parasite once and for all.

Jews think Communism is their utopia but it's actually their hell because meritocracy works and they have no merit.

Mutts at this point

gibs me dats

I however wish I lived in a traditional european country

Yeah when they learn that the state isnt going to provide them with avocado and starbucks

No, when the Boomers are gone, your cancerous generation will get knocked down a few pegs by Generation Zyklon.

sorry dude, People here just dont know hardship anymore and as a consequence dont know what is right and wrong

sry for eastern front by the way

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Income inequality(envy) and debt is why younger generations want to enact socialism to steal wealth for themselves.

Gen Z is conservative and majority right leaning look at literally any poll
>no link

man im so sick of seeing karl marxs stupid fucking face and that stupid fucking beard

>under communism

Yeah that worked SWELL in the soviet union, didn't it? It's not like everyone was doing just the bare minimum to pretend they were working.

If you're not a socialist when you're 16 you have no heart.
If you're not a capitalist by the time you're 30 you have no brain.

You're just talking to GenX now who is a bunch of 80s kids who've lived JUST long enough to realize everything you liberals talk about is bullshit on toast.
By the time boomers are gone you will be us so just shut the fuck up for now.

Oh wait its milennials nevermind, milennials deserve to all fucking die

This. But they also tend to expand certain traits that should be demolished and forgotten . The soviet union made the already "dependent on the Tsar" russkies more dependent on the government the results of which can be seen throughout the Russia at least.

Yeah they polled China

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im literally a fascist but id rather live in a socialist or commie state as long as i can dodge the gulag

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>sry for eastern front by the way
Its alright, shit happens

>as long as i can dodge the gulag
but you cant

When boomers are gone it will be 20-30 years into the future. You don't what America will look like then.

Are you for real?

Im NS and I would happily take capitalism any day of the week

Fuck you faggot. I didn't ask or want commie bs in my life. It's these middle class retards who never had a good parents to tell them it's a horrible idea and why. Most of these kids live in broken homes and only have the government as a parent.
They are talking about Millennials not Gen Z. Media loves to shit on us even though we follow everything they push. It's pathetic.

This. Most people outgrow it once they realize that it would mean that they need to share what they’ve worked hard for with people who don’t deserve it. There’s a wonderful quote I’ve heard once along the lines of:”if you’re not pro-socialism in your 20, you’re heartless. If you’re not against socialism by your 30s, you’re brainless.”

thats because anglo neonazis are retarded

Another advantage we have over the millennials is that we were fortunate to have our great grandparents and Depression era grandparents around to give us another perspective to counter much of the Boomers poison. The millennials didn't, and a monster was created as a result.

And yet, despite having the freedom to move to any socialist or communist country they like, at any time, none of them have emigrated to any of the socialist and/or communist countries in the world

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m8 have you got a liocence for that reply

Attention lurkers! Whatever you do, don't read pic related.

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If only there were countries they could just go to....

I know enough to understand why zoomers are sometimes called Generation Homeland, Generation Identitaire, of Generation Zyklon. And it won't end well for these leftarded, whiney fucking millennials, who suffer such a horrid disease of the mind, there is no hope for most of them

Gen x hate your millennial bullshit so gudluck with that commie utopia fag

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problem for you is that when boomers are gone you'll all be older and most of you will have given up your childish ideology
don't ask me how I know

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this could actually work out,

they could all get to *cough* live in thier socalist paradise.

Have fun w/your nightmare.

The best thing about the youth is that they grow older quite quickly. There's nothing more pathetic than a middle-aged communist

>we will outvote you.
Employing the democratic process to bring about communism? How about communists don't have the right to vote, after all they are communists and anti-democracy by definition

>Capitalism has turned into fascism
>Now turning into globalism (true communism)
>This was the plan all along
>You and your votes don't matter
>You can pat yourself on the back thinking you had a play in all this, but the fact is you were just guided to embrace communism
>When actual communism emerges you fools will realize it's just a Global Plantation and not the Utopia you were promised
>At that point you will be dangerous for the world rulers and you will fill mass graves

When is it predicted that the Millenials would be the majority of the population?I would like to know when the oldies would drop dead.

Yeah. Just look at all the bitter, aging Marxist college professors that fill millennials heads with communist garbage. And most of the time, they're Boomers

Tjen you'll siffer in poverty and be killed. The communists always kill their early supporters. They know those dumb enough to fight against their own freedom are useless and cannot be trusted.

>leftists prefer leftist systems to rightwing systems
This is like asking if a conservative would rather live under socialism then under fascism
obviously fascism will win

Most zoomers will grow out of "muh socialism and gommunism" and turn to fascism eventually. Classes should cooperate for the well being of the nation not fight each other.

I have just for the lower living costs an taxes lol

funny that, how people in the 5 remaining so called "communist" countries (excluding DPRK) today experience less government control then "western democracies"

Millennials' idea of communist/socialist utopias are so far off from reality. Modern day ones don't even believe in their own proclaimed ideology. Maybe they should just move to Sweden and enjoy 60% tax so the goverment can micromange their lives, clearly they aren't adult enough to do so themselves


cmon bruh

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There's a thing called "growing up", and as soon as they start doing it (if they do), they will most certainly forget about all of this marxist bullshit.

so go already, it's cheap to fly, there are plenty of communist nations to choose from, what the fuck are you waiting for, go live in your nirvana.

Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create Boomers
Boomers create Millennials
Millennials create hard times

It’s just the cycle of things.

This is good for bitcoin

>tfw non uni educated millennial and live in the country

So, guess I'm chief central planner or some shit now.

Boomers were once Hippies and as Millennials were SJWs will also become capitalists when they get older. Zoomers are going to vote capitalist because its counter culture and will be like genX when they get older having no political impact.

Nice way to leave out the cancerous gen X.

We were devotedly anti commie and many of us are conservatives now.

Millennials are human garbage

You're forgetting the sad fact that millenials are starting to be in their 30s already. They are not teenagers or even at college anymore.

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Good, pictures of dead millenialshits will provide me with fapping material for years, not to mention when I show up at their door with a couple of working class dudes that communists certainly won't like. I mean look at the pic related, just ripe for redistribution.

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Sounds good in theory, but like Obamacare, in practice it means the working class pays more for useless niggers and Latinos.

>to enact socialism to steal wealth for themselves.
Can't wait for marxist trash to storm the treasure vaults of Facebook.

Gen X is unironically where we got Nintendo soi faggots.

Millenials were spoiled idiots who were given everything by their parents al their lives. They were constantly told they were great and were given participation trophies so the became lazy and narcissistic. They can’t handle even the slightest hardships. They’re lazy, don’t want to work, and want everything given to them for free.

They live in a deluded fantasy land that makes them think communism will be a happy fun time where everything is free and easy and no one works. In reality the true brutality of a communist nation would destroy them, making their lives much harder than they are now.

Fuck off sony marketing

GenX are too small a population to change anything as by the failed tea party movement. Millennials and Boomers run the show whether they like it or not.

GenX are literally bastards of drugged out divorced parents that grew up brainwashed with the most retarded mainstream pop culture garbage leading into what was acceptable today.

>Millennials would rather live in their idea of a what socialist or communist nation looks like

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to the detriment of all.
but, it won't be real communism or socialism when it fails, right?
tell you what, when you start out be brave and say "this is 100% real socialism/communism" loudly and on camera.
I mean, you plan on succeeding, right? so, it shouldn't be a problem.
future me will thank you.

Fine, we can then have 10 years of rapid decline followed by violent uprising and then another century of progress under a better system until some moron decides to try it yet again.

Aren't they the ones pushing the Ron Paul shit? Anyways like i said i don't care much for opinionated middle aged Americans in the minority.

the deal is that only retarded american zoomers are believing in communist ideas. I dont care about americans desu, they are half a world away from me

>century of progress
Barely twenty years passed and westcucks are already trying to export that marxist shit back to us.

That's because most millennials are foreigners.

>born 1982

I'm 36 user.

I don’t think that applies anymore. People are intentionally kept as children until their late 20s for muh environment/depopulation. It’s clear now that many want to stay as children past their 20s like pic related. Housing, healthcare, and student loans have killed the millennial generation’s faith in capitalism and all of that debt isn’t going to go away by the time they’re 30, it’s going to last well past those years. It’s a monthly reminder in the following years/decades that they were screwed. In that kind of mindset, they’re doing what would be logical.

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most people would rather live in real communities, ostensibly opposed to capitalism, which are in reality the product of traditionalism but which the neoliberal elite will hijack the desire for and redirect it onto their destructive meme conceived of by disconnected academics who tried to describe cozy trad villages is purely material terms

Maybe not in Finland since all of your youth are killing themselves. Lmao

Maybe after boomers are dead and the Republicans have bankrupt America there will be some type of revolution.

See the blue bars on this chart? That's due to Milennials voting Democrat for freebies alongside minorities.

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>call socialist and communist shithole have to use capitalism after the revolution, or they fall apart.

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>This. Most people outgrow it once they realize that it would mean that they need to share what they’ve worked hard for with people who don’t deserve it. There’s a wonderful quote I’ve heard once along the lines of:”if you’re not pro-socialism in your 20, you’re heartless. If you’re not against socialism by your 30s, you’re brainless.”

Trouble is most millennials don't have much to lose. They generally have terrible paying jobs when compared to their parents when they were their age, are unable to afford houses so are stuck renting, and have very limited financial assets.

The concentration of wealth and general difficulty that younger generations have of getting a slice of the pie is just going to make hardcore socialism more and more attractive.

And ironically it's not until socialism becomes a real threat that capitalism as a system has a competition incentive to be fairer and offer better standards to the working and middle classes.

How do leftists rationalize these guys making $109,132 a month?

And I will shot many of you - try

That's because the wealthy that is connected with the government want to cement their status and become apart of the ruling class plutocracy.
While pushing onto the poor and naive that their basic needs will be taken care of without mentioning there no longer will be any socio-economic mobility upward.
Meanwhile middle class small business owners who may have no real affect on corporations individually, but as whole represent a significant market share will be wiped out by the corporate elite and that middle class would become poor overnight.

>get everything you have under a capitalist system
>would rather throw it all away under a communist system

fwiw I would rather live in a communist white ethnostate over a multiracial capitalist one.

The happy ones remain.
But seriously speaking I doubt what is going at when it comes to Finland, our younger generations are both liberal socialists and 1488, and our "traditional" capitalist parties have very little to offer to either of them, since liberals will rather vote leftists and young conservatives are getting more and more alienated from traditional cuckservatives due to their EU-cuckoldry and pro-immigrantion stances.

This, red and basepilled. Contemplating accepting traditionalism because I know the cucks who want communism aren't strong enough to survive it. Might be the chemo to cure America and the west

>>we will outvote you.
You will end up eating roadkill and drinking puddles of dirty water under a socialist system, while the politicians whom you voted into office will live like the bourgeoisie. Why do you think most of africa is in the state it is in today?

It was not the white European man. He just left the infrastructure as it is, hoping that the black man will follow his example.

there were some leaders who introduced socialist policies that only benefitted themselves, while everyone else suffered.

You will end up dead, from starvation under a communist system.

The latter happened when the DERG took over Ethiopia and murdered Emperor Haile Selassie. There were famines that made the holodomir and the great leap forward look like Ramadan in comparison.
The man responsible was Haile mariam Mengistu. And currently, he is hiding in an Embassy in Zimbabwe.

When will you pseudo intellectual shitheads ever realize that Karl Marx was a fraudulent, incorrigible LAZY CUNT?

They're volunteering for slavery. I can't think of a better group of people to to exploit for profit than a bunch of good goys who unironically volunteer for slavery. Thanks goys!

So, let's start sending them to Socialist countries. The one way plane tickets would be far cheaper than a lifetime of us supporting those lazy, stupid, worthless pieces of trash.

I know that feel.

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They have no representation. Revolution is inevitable under those conditions. Add in automation, which we shouldn’t because we aren’t prepared for it but will anyways, is going to accelerate it.

>Republicans have bankrupt America
Spending other people’s money recklessly is the best example of bipartisanship the American government has shown in my lifetime.

Leaving me free to pursue banditry against Communists and Socialists.

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Communism is the most effective form of government at killing communists.

Mate we would much rather not starve to death and get assfucked in gulags thank you very much

you truly are the dumbest generation and i will laugh as you vote for the rope that will hang you.
It will be hilarious i will piss myself laughing on my death bed having had a life full of capitalist provided treasures no other generation before had and looking on in my final days as you realize just how stupid you truly are.
I literally cannot wait and cannot imagine a better way to go than laughing at an entire generation slaughtering itself holy shit lol

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