White European beauty like this will very soon vanish from the planet and all we will be left with is mediocrity

White European beauty like this will very soon vanish from the planet and all we will be left with is mediocrity.

How do we prevent this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


complain about it on an anonymous image board while (((they))) follow through with their plans

There's nothing we can do. And even if we can, most people are either too lazy or just don't care enough to do anything. Just grab a popcorn and enjoy the show.

Every time I see one of those repulsive nordgers, I want to puke holy shit look at that piss hair.

Stay off dark web sites like Jow Forums and get married young & start a family.

>How do we prevent this?
Pretty sure that's what all the neanderthals said too. The standards of beauty change from time to time. Stop sperging out.

Attached: neanderthal_woman-4x3.jpg (1200x800, 588K)

based roseposter
she's part ayyyy lmao tho

>Stay off dark web sites like Jow Forums
>Jow Forums that is indexed and can be accessed by Google
>Dark web that is not indexed and accessible by Google
Pick one fagget.

>How do we prevent this?
Go to the places where those who say "My fellow white people" gather and eradicate them.

They want to actively replace white genetics and vanquish these aesthetic

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These women are overwhelmingly liberal. We need to drop the white sharia shit and cuddle them with liberal talking points if we want to succeed. Hitler literally did this.


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>They want to actively replace white genetics and vanquish these aesthetic
Are you a beta orbiter? Or have you been with a woman? Any woman you love will be beautiful to you. That's how human bonding works.

anybody have her feet pics?

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NO. We absolutely can not stagnate like this.
Fuck you nordger isn't even a word
I must spread awareness and wokeness amongst white brothers
Fuck you

Imagine how sad and drab a world without the beauty of white women would be. We must do something to preserve our genetics.

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The only answer left for EUcucks is open and organized violence. Sorry, but your leaders actively help and cover up for child rapists who are foreign, and rape children themselves, and call anyone who points this out "racist".
There's literally nothing else that needs to be said, yet plenty more one could go into. If you won't even protect your own children from people trying to physically destroy them, you're country is Sodom and will fall.
There is no other answer, and you cannot retake Constantinople at the ballot box.

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Women are like dogs. If we don't tame them, ((someone)) else will. We just need to tame them to not be libtards. Shouldn't be too hard.
What? Don't tou dare post rose again faget
I hate beta orbiters. I'm single right now but only date white women. Don't think I couldever fall for a non-white woman because I instantly blur them out whenever I see them and I live in a very, very diverse area.
Shut the fuck up degenerate. No sexualization of Rozie.

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>tfw rose is over 30 and has no kids

"She" needs BBC.

embrionic selection, genetic engineering (crispr etc) for desirable traits will be a thing in a 10-20 years

this tech will be used to select for higher intelligence which makes society immeaurably better

it will also be used to create more attractive offspring, aka white children

you're a fucking retard and your style of typing shows that you're probably a stormnigger

>Jow Forums
>dark web
what the fuck user


She needs black cock look at that face.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You are just trying to find a more "humanitarian" solution to the problem to feel better about yourself like a typical snowflake.

I sometimes feel like I'm crazy for thinking that violence/extremism is the only solution we have left.

There is no way in hell we are going to get things back in control in time diplomatically.

Attached: Im-Huge-Fan-Emma-Stone-Part-1-Video.jpg (1080x1080, 845K)

Damn she just wanted to be dicked so badly.
But nobody was there poor Rose

>White European beauty...
you need to be more precise you stuping 56% mutt cunt, ""she"" looks more like (finnish- swedish)

I'm intrigued by what you're saying. Do you mean we will have tech good enough to turn niggers into Aryans in 10-20 years?
Can you guys shut up? Disgusting betas on the internet sexualizing her make me want to throw up and cry

Attached: images (2).jpg (450x360, 15K)

the advent of gene editing and embrionic selection will mean that everyone with 10-20 thousand dollars to spare (upper middle class ansd higher) will be able to have their kids look like the person in your picture

the only thing we need to worry about are low fertility rates, which will result in these hypothetical gattaca tier people not being born in the first place

for this you need to win the culture war against the feminists, which is something that's a lot more achievable than building the ethnostate or whatever


>Divide and conquer fag
Pan European is what white means. All Europeans are beautiful and we have enough diversity. There are specific DNA markers that tie you to a certain kind of European, but that doesn't mean you aren't European.
Even Africans and Indians can be traced to specific regions of Africa or India with DNA testing/ genealogy. That doesn't mean they should have a separate identity than "black" or "indian".

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Why do you spergs literally speak of these thots as if you know them because they have blonde hair and blue eyes?

First it was Taylor Swift, then Molly Tibbits, and that now that white University track-runner qt recently murdered by her psycho nigger bf.

OP's pic could literally be a coal-burning, non-binary liberal slut who's actively trying to be bred by BBC, and would literally have no desire to larp as a bastion of "muh white race/culture" with you.

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Kek I don't think we're that close to germline editing yet. Why would niggers and chinks make their kids look white though? They'll just make super intelligent, athletic niggers and chinks.
Rose is probably a libtard and she's old and barren now anyway. Pic related. But the point is not these specific women or their mindsets. Women will do whatever they're told to do by the dominant men around them. They were sieg hieling back under Hitler and are celebrating their own race's impending extinction now.

The point is that European genetics must be preserved.

Attached: 7CewKak.jpg (960x848, 91K)

Only a faggot would think a woman is a man with tits and hormone treatments.

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Not just more humanitarian but actually achievable- China is already working on it. We need to be realistic, do you really think that the DOTR is going to happen any time soon?
And guess what? Once China starts making progress western governments will be incentivised to compete. Atheistic modern culture even makes it easier to get people on board with this! We do however have to worry about liberals trying to shut it down for being "raycis", or religious conservatives being against it because we'd be "playing god".

>Do you mean we will have tech good enough to turn niggers into Aryans in 10-20 years?

Nothing that radical, but we could definitely achieve an extra 5-10 IQ points + more desirable physical features. Think of your average mexican girl but with an IQ of 105 and blonde hair.
Is this as good as a NatSoc ethnostate? No. Is it still better than what we currently have? Yes.
If you're interested in this topic i'd recommend you check out the following link:

Read this and try to extrapolate the options we'll have 20 years from now based on this. My prediction looks a lot like singapore, but everyone's white-ish and there's better technology.

She is not really blond.

legit can tell if this is margot or emma

go fuck yourself reddit scum

>Rose is probably a libtard
I don't think you've seen many of her videos. Her mind definitely works more like a man's mind, and she's always been half a tomboy without ever falling for the "I'm actually non-binary faggotkin" horseshit. There's one video where she talks about mudshit landlord she had and the whole place was infested with some kind of insects, probably bedbugs or lice or something.
Experience teaches.

Attached: Rose fuck the haters.jpg (450x360, 158K)

>will be left with is mediocrity
I can't even get that to suck on my dick.

looks asian

Fuck. So if Mexicans can have blue eyes and blonde hair at whim in the future, then there is no aesthetic sanctity in our genetics anymore.

This is just sad. There would be no reason to perserve true Europeans in the future because anyone could just buy European features off a catalogue for their kids.

Dyou think Hitler would've wanted such a thing?

Rose might be a full blown nazi too but none of that matters now. She's done for. She's over. She's way past her prime and seems to be heading into oblivion. It's all downhill for her and the sorry losers that orbit her from here on out.

The point of this thread isn't even rose.

Pay attention to what Media and Politics Jews are saying in the next 3 months.

The opposite of that.

Fuck she turned fat and lesbo too.

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>I was wrong
>but it doesn't matter
>and here's a reiteration of two points that weren't in dispute

>Divide and conquer
no it's just mutts who say "White", everyone is Europe is specific because they are not bunch of 10% british, 40% jew, 15% Cherooke, 35% Congoid


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Anyone 90% or more European is white. And it's pretty easy to tell if you're 90% or more European by a DNA test, or even by looking at you for 3 seconds (in most cases).

Ashkenazi jews are a special case, but even they are very easy to identify with a simple DNA test.

>Disgusting betas (You)
>on the internet (You)
>sexualizing her (cuck)
>make me want to throw up and cry
sage this shit-tier thread

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US census considers Indians-Jews-Arabs-Iranians... White, because they have caucasoid skull

and white is a color, just because someone is pale doesn't make them European,a nd here's a surprise for you, mutt, lack of melanin complex originated from the middle east

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There's Rose lookalikes all over West country, England.
I don't get why you cucks are so fixated on this one old 32 year old woman who doesn't even care about you
Oh looks like I hit a nerve there. Just zoom out and look at it- You're orbiting a 32 year old woman on the internet who will never even know about your pathetic existence OMEGALUL.

And don't you dare sage my thread you fucking shit

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This is genetic engineering. This is what the people want. They want freaks. Not big, strong, healthy dogs...

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The mega basedboi

You know, im not white enought but at some point "white" will be a minority so they can take advantage for that.

Maybe stop constantly offending God

Yeah, I know, never gonna fucking happen...

This is an extremely cringe reason to not wanting the white race to be extingued
You could have said anything for example technological advanced being erased without the white race instead you've choosen ""muh dickkk xd"

You started this Rose thread dummy.

Caucasoid skull structure or pale skin won't give you very easily traceable and identifiable European ancestry. Being European is in a European person's DNA.

What you're basically saying is a twisted version of
>Europeans don't exist
>everyone's European

Go fuck yourself Achmed. You and your family aren't safe, and you should be very scared.

by finally getting laidß

Whites are already a global minority.

Then they can start with campaigns about this, but they must avoid going full right.

I'm sorry but she's not white, she's Russian. Should I remind you that Russians are not white, cumskin?

Don't know about the new videos, huh?

She's british and she's not the point of this thread motherfucker

yeah let's die for normalfag roasties that kill the white race. How about, no.

If they won't rise and fight it, why the fuck should I?

The fuckin cucks burrowed their fucking heads into the grund and refused to acknowledge the reality for years. Even now they take the cuckservative civcuck side that is full-blown leftist multikulti liberal crap thinking they're muh, right-wing by doing so. They cuck to their wymin for pussy get cozy in their stupid normalfag bubble and end up in a prison that molds their views into an unnatural mess of self-destructive crap. They think that saving the western civilization means no mudslimes and that will just make things work like a charm in their mindless fucking libtard utopia.

Let them be the martyrs while we keep safe and sweep in the last stages of the struggle. You won't want these morons, civcuks, wymin or brainless chads to still rule our fucking PLANET!!!

>cumskin in denial

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>dark web
user i......

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come to ukraine/russia you will see tons of this shit.

> t. mystery meat rapefugee-looking manlet