Texas and weed

>i can't have a harmless plant but i can walk around with a big ass sword

I hate this state.

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Dude stop being a faggot.

Pussy, I bet you would want to carry around a gay flower on your way to class.

why not go live in california or canada then you useless stoner fuck? or just smoke in the comfort of your own home like an adult

No fuck you.
I'm sick of this, I'm voting Beto.


Get out of Texas and never come back you gigantic chode smoker

>Senators write state laws.
But that's fine man, go ahead and vote for Texan Jon Ossoff. It won't matter. They're spending tens of millions of dollars for him to lose.

oh dog thats so fucking cool

Post swords you'd carry

Attached: rapier.jpg (452x1390, 63K)

I love this state!

>good thing X hasn't happened
>therefore, good thing Y shouldn't happen

Neck yourself.

>Doesn't carry swords because you don't need to fight niggers.

Fucking libcuck. Always knew they live in a 90% white area and believes the diversity koolaid.


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finally i can demonstrate my skill with the blade and my katana collection

Tf is that? It’s unusable.

puny man

Deus Vult

If you think that’s cool. Check out one of our lawyers who felt like he needed to inform people about the new law:


Attached: BGS.png (297x883, 44K)

that dude died by drowning trying to take some jailbait out to an island on a kayak

Fuck it, I'm moving to Texas. If I can't walk around at all times strapped with a claymore then I'm not living free.

Single issue voting over an amenity and not an existential right gives away how immature you are.

To be fair your alternative is Ted Cruz, so yeah I can see why you would vote for Beto.

That feel when I can also open carry a sword (I don't live in Texas)
All for one, one for all!

>I can't have something I want but I get this cool ass sword
You can't have your cake and eat it too, besides just come to Oregon and flood out our Portlanders. I would gladly welcome a Texan invasion, we have plenty of weed, guns, and a lack of conservative cities. You can carry your sword here and smoke off it too, most sheriffs here have signed into a pact of sorts that they'll shoot any government authority (defined) who orders them to seize weapons (defined) from citizens minding their own business (defined). It's been active since the 1930s and each new Sheriff signs into it.

What a fucking pussy. You don't deserve Texas. I bet you've never paid state income tax in your life have you faggot? You don't know how good you have it. I gave up everything back home and moved away from all family and friends to become a Texan. I used to live in Iowa - also a non-weed-friendly state, but as an added bonus you get to pay almost the highest state income tax rates in the entire nation (almost 9% on anything over 67k)

So please, shut the fuck up about how you hate Texas, stop being a pussy, and buy some fucking weed if that's what you want to do. Smoke it on your own property. What are you so afraid of, it's weed not meth you pussy.

Oklahoma here. Just saw my first dispensary (in my state). A “doctor” can give me a prescription for literally anything. Feels good.

>I hate this state.
Fuck off to commiefornia then you cuck.

>that dude died by drowning trying to take some jailbait out to an island on a kayak

Died as he lived. Trying to sheath his sword.

Based and swordpilled

>ted Cruz is human garbage
But Beto won’t win

Do you understand things as form, balance, function, ease of wielding?

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>I hate this state.
Then move back to California


>user, i'll let you fuck me but only if we go to that island over there!
Don't fool yourself, you'd take the risk.

real cowboys smoke weed.

The second weed goes legal in Texas I'm moving to Austin.

Do you understand Berserk?

Attached: 3679578-berserk-27220.jpg (799x1180, 339K)


Muh Paul Chen

Attached: A85BB221-B5C2-4E12-8CDD-D115F9045EEC.jpg (2048x1536, 627K)

Can’t wait to carry one of these around! Fuck off OP Texas is great.

Attached: 718E33D3-410C-455E-974D-2BC5CCA68570.png (555x555, 57K)

>info outside the CIA False Flags
Decompress and get comfy

Ingersoll Lockwood was an American Lawyer and Writer in the late 1800's.
MOST know him for his Adventures of BARON TRUMP, an Alice and wonderland style adventure with the main character sharing the name of the presidents boy among other similarities...
But His other works eerily predict the future times we Iive on today!
>1900, the last president is a tale of fallen America being gutted by commie bastards
>Laconics of Cult
A look into this mans deep occultic powers and memes!
How did this man know these future events??? Did he divine them?? Or did he meet a time travelling Baron Trump???



>bonus NPC video

Have a comfy day!!!!

California walked their weed laws back. Alaska and Colorado are where you want to go.

Would you like some making fuck, Berserker.
Would you like to suck my cock, Berserker.

that sheathing is sick

I think I have that style as well. Got the companion wakizashi just for display.

Then move to Oklahoma

For an entry level $1,000 katana, this one gets used. Chen’s never go dull.


Is it legal for you to have? Didn't they also ban ceremonial stuff?

California or Canada? Fucking Oklahoma just legalized medical weed with no symptom list. Texans officially cannot be butthurt about weed anymore. Not to mention fucking Austin and Houston just defacto decriminalized it. County prosecutors don't accept cases anymore.

heard about this shit but wrong thread lol


not an argument, just do it

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. The federal government has literally zero power to legalize weed in Texas or any other state. Kansas was 100% full prohibition for 5 years after federal repeal. You couldn't order in a restaurant until fucking 1986

Then move to california. Its the agreed upon containment area for you degenerates.

God fucking damnit I want to live in Texas now, have a hand and a half on my waist at all times

jidf reveals themselves

Just put you grasses on, my man.

Hands down a rapier is the best sword.

fast, great hand protection, thin blade, good sharp point.

Its defacto decriminalized here. County prosecutors don't accept cases anymore. The worst that can happen is you have to take an 8 hour class.

Hey Harris County fag.

We will see what happens after Trump announces his Marijuana reforn.

2 handed viking sword. you can't carry a shield, but prac berserk skill

Attached: 2hvikingsword.jpg (920x501, 51K)

He is about 5 or more years older than he looks and they wer going to the island for "sword lessons"

Austin?! Why in the everloving fuck would you want to live in the liberal armpit of texas. Gross. It's overpopulated with california SJW's and literally surrounded by niggers to the north and spics to the south. Great choice.

hey i make sword belt and hangers i should move to texas



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>surrounded by niggers to the north and spics to the south.
Onward rode the 600

Ok but again the federal government has no power to legalize weed. Even the states dont. Its up to each individual county just like there are still hundreds of dry counties to this day. National politicians will just try and take credit for something that has nothing to do with them. Unless it's Obama. Holder is who set precedent. Otherwise no law had moved an inch in 20 years.

It’s an urban myth and video game shit, also final stage of kuru.

There are no two handed viking swords,
as those going viking never used 2-handed swords.

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>state income tax
Texas is so based, people LARP about being Texan.

Then GTFO faget. You don't deserve a home as glorious as Texas. Maybe Canada is more your speed.

Just awesome.

i would beg to differ but I dont know much about it. But... you can tell by the grip and weight, viking swords were huge and needed two hands?

Ah ha I was once one of there overflow Operators, it was all ladies in the office they were Horrible at it. My secret was not that I was a man but i read the fucking catalog

clouds sword

Attached: cloudsword.jpg (480x480, 31K)

That's the great thing about having multiple states . If you don't like the rules in one state you can always move to another. Except you're a whiny pussy who just wants to complain about things rather than solving your problems.

There are no 2 handed swords full stop, its dumb, you cant win a real sword fight with a two handed sword.

Two handed swords were just swords for huge people, of which there were many, back in the day.

Two handed swords were a thing to take down mounted riders or the mount itself. You may trips but you're still wrong.

Based. Weed is a shitty recreational drug that should only be used for actual medical conditions. Move to Canada if you want to be a stinky hippie.

Gypsy cuck

I moved into a very nice home in Texas and my mortgage, property taxes, insurance, electricity bill, internet bill (literally every bill associated with my home) is paid for and then some from the tax savings alone. I was lighting $50,000 a year on fire living in Iowa. Moving my family to Texas is the best decision ever. Everyday I wake up in Texas, I saved $130+ in Iowa taxes. Not to mention, I fucking love this place. The people are nicer, the neighborhoods (near me) are white... it's truly a beautiful place. The weather is great... I can't think of any reason to go back to Iowa for anything ever (outside of visiting family)

we weren't allowed to carry swords around before? what the fuck?

Impractical and far worse than pike or spear.

Who used these horse choppers?

>Texas 2018

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You were, it just had to be mounted to the end of a rifle.

No, there are no huge viking sword. They're like arming swords, just decent length one-handers. Vikings didn't use heavy weapons or do any "berserking". Even the dane axe is pretty thin.

A sword is much more useful than weed.

fuck off, move.

Then you should realize that Texas doesn't have a state income tax. At least it didn't 20 years ago when I lived there. I was born and raised in RGV.

look at this poorfag

wtf I live in iowa and i thought it was pretty great. when i work overtime though it blows hard, i pay 1100 in taxes a month sometimes :(

There is no law against bladed weapons open carry in my state except switchblade or automatic assisted knives so if you wanted to open carry a sword you can
This is never a problem cause we’ve been mostly a white state until the last ten years
These kike journalists are trying to scare Texans into thinking everyone is going to be carrying katanas everywhere

Anyone still defending from cavalry after the pike/spear line was breached. What do you think the purpose of the claymore was? It damn sure wasn't for one on one fighting. Too slow and heavy. Just right for an oncoming horse's legs or rider.

Oh, and then there's this.

Then fucking leave faggot. California welcomes queers like yourself.

OH. What about the 2h sword breaker? defense and attack. checkmate bigot!

Attached: 2hswordbreaker.jpg (1480x800, 70K)

>you cant win a real sword fight with a two handed sword.
Fiore dei Liberi would like a word with you

If you werent so fat you could possibly hike or climb a tall enough mountain to pick one of these

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you literally cant operate a sword breaker with one arm

In Florida you can do both.

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