Why do they use the word 'simply'?

Why do they use the word 'simply'?

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because if you think its "simple" you no longer need to think for yourself.


Hitler simply hated jews, never mind what they were doing to provoke such hatred. Whatever you do, don't begin to research what the jews are doing.

Double standard fucks.
Christians get killed by mudslimes, no one cares.

Lol sounds immediately more pc

>being jewish is just a faith

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they are absolving the victims of any responsibility

Because obviously the shooter only hated them because of religious purposes, it has nothing to do with Jewish control of media, government and corporation. nope, it was SIMPLY BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH

And here's how it's a good thing

Good question. It’s not that simple either, jews need an encyclopedia to explain what a jew is. It’s not their “faith” either it’s their genetics. jewish is genetic, it’s not just “simply” a faith. What a dishonest headline

because it was easy and the jews didnt even run until he was out of ammo they just kept saying "oh my gawd morty there sending in the nazis its another shoa" and shit like that

Because Jews can do no wrong.

>specifically mentions HIAS
>killed for their faith
pick one

Probably because they don't want you to know they were all involved in an NGO that was bringing somalians into his town.

How many of those killed were members of or with close ties to HIAS?

To make them sound innocent and weak

I don't know the list of the dead was just released but based on the ages he aimed for the leadership in the community. Apparently there were 3 different groups in the synagogue that day. He attacked this one, he did not target the bris or the other function even when he had the opportunity to do so.


Group of mentally ill sun worshippers were brutally killed by a mentally ill man with a gun.
Is anyone starting to see that this is a mental health issue in a culture where mental illness is celebrated?

They always try to imply that antisemitism is baseless and irrational.

That's probably why every single intellectual worth his salt in the last 2 thousand years was antisemitic. That has only changed since the aftermath of WW2 (Jewish domination of the world).

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too emphasize that its an antisemetic attack

Lol I wish he killed a bunch of journalists instead

as if theres no reasons why people hate people, it just simply is! oy vey!


Because the attacker simply could not tolerate their pastries, haircuts and weird hats.

They don't want to reveal the true motive b/c normal people may agree with the shooter. lol

He murdered those Jews b/c of their involvement in the demographic replacement. The 15,000 person caravan set this guy over the edge.

There is more to come. People are growing more comfortable with violence. I saw the news and I didn't even feel like anything was off. Felt like a normal productive day.

Tricky dick was one based bastard. Perhaps he leaked the tapes on purpose, why do you think the really bad stuff had time for erasal?
>Bohemian grove is some faggy shit

It emphasizes the pettiness of the killing and how little the victims did to become the target of it. It's similar to that panel in Watchmen when Laurie says all the victims went out for was Tandoori to go.

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>'Brutally murdered simply because they suck fresh cut baby dicks and like to rape, murder and torture gentiles'

If genital cutting rituals are "simply" part of your faith, either reform or find a different faith. People who circumcise for no better reason than "other people do it" or "it's tradition", the fuck is wrong with you?

brutally murdered simply because they push genocidal anti white racism in every medium available.

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>mutilating a minors wiener
wouldn't resonate very well with the NPCs

Because they were murdered for aiding and abetting the invasion of the USA. Their faith had fuck all to do with it.

because its a fact you degenerate faggot.
this cunt (bowers) didnt target people for what they DID, he went for a soft target and shot up a religious gathering because of what they ARE.

if somebody were to take a few shots at soros, they would be shooting at a communist, a financier of terrorism, and an enemy of the civilized world. that guy could legitimately be called a freedoom fighter
if the guy doing the shooting didnt know who the fuck soros was, and just shot at an old fart wearing a kippah, then he's a piece of shit.
every jew isnt part of the imagined grand conspiracy to destroy western civilization, and all the people undermining our civilization arent jews. not even a quarter of the bastards are jews.
jews are just highly over-represented among the assholes who want to wreck everything our ancestors built and replace it with sprawling favelas full of impoverished slaves to do the bidding of the self-proclaimed 'elite".
shooting at a guy for wearing a kippah is no more noble than shooting at a person wearing a rosary, carrying a bible, or waving a gadsden flag. sometimes i really despise all you assholes


it underplays the possibility that the shooter had an actually explainable and possibly understandable grievance against them.

Sometimes murder is ok, goy

Poop first! ask questions later

Yeah Sarah Silverman is atheistic and in no way still identifies as Jewish

"simply" is used because there's rumored to be a pedo session going on.

he had no grievance against anybody he shot.
he may have a stick up his ass about "The Jews", but he had no reason to shoot at those particular jews.
he chose his targewts for what they are, not anything they had done, and he selected them because he though he could get away with it. he didnt expect resistance, and he just wanted to kill some jews, ANY jews, simply because they are jews.
thats actually pretty fucking simple.
Protip: you wont see soros, or silverman, or kathy griffin, or any of the other evil cunts in a synagogue. they are too busy planning their next assaults on civilization to bother with any religious observances.

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Jews always try to emphasize that people only hate them because of archaic superstitious religious prejudice, and not because of any of their own behavior.

Yeah but it was pretty fucking great. A jew is a jew is a jew. Sure it would be nice if he had taken out Soros or some globalist kike who deserved it rather than some random old kikes. But it’s the thought that counts

Because to them, what they're doing to our nations, isn't a big deal.

i've seen like, two pics of the location active during the shooting, have any victims been named yet?

Me on the left

Do you kids know wtf contrast is?

youre a shitstabber
you can hate "The Jews" all you like, but this doesnt justify your animus towards any particular jew, 99.99% of jews have NOTHING to do with the shit perpetrated by a few jews, who are just a few members of the club of degenerate assholes who are undermining our civilization.
blaming an entire ethinic group for the crimes of a few members, when EVERY ethnic group is represented in the criminal organization involved, is retarded.
hate where hate is deserved, communists, socialists and marxists.

>not all jews
it actually is ALL jews. They all pay monthly dues to organizations that manage this shit. Every single one of them has blood on their hands.

go fuck yourself.
some 80 year old bubbulah and a couple teenagers didnt have shit to do with any crimes agains tthis piece of shit. he was scapegoating, and thats a JEWISH tradition.

let's talk about how you need to be vetted by a JCRC to run in local politics, rabbi

> tithing to your local cathedral = funding the pedo-priests!!! therefore all catholics are pedos and deserve the rope!!!!
> buying jeans made in china = financing the chinese politburo and their decades long program of slave labor, murder and aggression, therefore anyone who ever bought anything made in china is a communist and deserves the rope!!!
i could go on, but youre too stupid to understand .

give it up dude. you don't know anything about the jewish faith.

I'm a crypto due to my mother being a semite. My grandparents were non-practicing.

They hate you. They really do and for the life of me i can not figure out why other than their belief that you are less than them.

In the talmud it is stated that you can have sex with a 3 year old girl as long as she is a gentile. If you are a jew and want to do evil, then just be sure to do it in a gentile's city.

Why are you sucking the dick of people that hate you and view you as a fuck toy?

wake up white boy. if shit hits the fan i'll keep my ancestory to myself and join the march.

I have so sympathy for a villian's cries of woe.

They were simply mutilating a baby's genitals--why must whites be so anti-semitic???

> 3 posts made
> and now im a rabbi
wow, that didnt take long.
suck my dick. im not even jewish, but im also not a dim-witted cunt who thinks that lil wayne = all blacks, soros = all jews, osama bin laden = all arabs, etc.

>white boy
shill detected. gotta work on that choice of diction

no* sympathy

>funding the same organizations that provide nothing other than an endless tide of immigrants, subvert the constitution, and justify legal ramifications for anyone who dares to speak poorly of the tribe
>is the same as buying shoes from a company run in a country we dislike
you need to go back for remedial talmudic studies, faggot

>simply because of their faith
>it had nothing to do with their open support of illegal migration

never said anything about blacks or arabs. stay on topic, rabbi

he is obviously a boy. only children and fools have sympathy for the devil.

t. Juden

Trying to deflect the fact that they shilled for open borders and refugees.

Go eat a bushel of dicks. ALL jews are a problem. There are BARELY any jews on this planet. Even the so-called innocent jews aren’t truly innocent and still shill for internationally jewry even if on an unconscious level. jews are between 1% and 2% of the US population and between .1% and .2% if the global population. Notice the decimal point there. There are BARELY any jews and SO MANY of them are a huge problem. You quite simply CANNOT say that their entire group should not be held collectively responsible for the actions of a few evil jews because THERE ARE ONLY A FEW JEWS IN TOTAL TO BEGIN WITH.

Doesn’t matter if they’re American liberal atheist Hollywood child raping bankster globalist kikes in the US, 90-year-old “sweet innocent jews” (as you would say) watching a baby kike get 1/3 of his penis cut off and a rabbi sucking off the blood with from the baby penis with the baby penis in his mouth, or swarthy Israeli psychopaths killing Arabs for throwing rocks and making fun of their liberal US cousins. ALL JEWS ARE A PROBLEM. ALL OF THEM.

>oy vey goyum not all jews
I hope your house ends up on cnn you filthy kike

>muh innocent jews
How about posting some logic as to why I shouldnt hate jews instead of resorting to empathy appeal like you always do kike.

because we only dislike the jews because they are devout believers in God, of course. It's their piety and righteousness that irks us so, and *nothing more*, boys.
absolutely nothing more.

No one cares about you people, when will you realize this very supremacist mindset is why gentiles hate you?

>no need to research this any further.
>we know what we're talking about.
>get back to work

Their faith is enough to get angry enough to kill them. Have you read some of the shit in the Talmud?

They're making you think past the sale. They want you to protest the killing without asking if jews have done anything wrong.

Pic related is one of the most popular kikes in Israel.

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Hitler needed scapegoats because an honest analysis of why Germany lost WWI would give normies the (correct, as it turned out) impression that imperialist militarism was a loser's philosophy. While 'be strong again!' was popular, 'lets rampage across Europe again!' was generally considered to be a bad plan.

There were enough Jews in Germany that you could credibly imagine them doing a lot of damage if they were acting like fascists, while some other groups Hitler didn't like (roma, blacks, Jehovah's Witnesses) only came in small numbers. At the same time, Jews were few enough that oppressing them didn't immediately feel like a threat to non-Jewish Germans, so the normies didn't get the visceral reaction to Hitler that proposing the 1941 Reich agenda to the Germans of 1928 would have.

Because blaming Jews for your self inflicted misery is retarded?

But the CHOSE to be miserable over this shooting!

I blame jews for the things they are responsible for. Maybe they should stop doing those terrible things if they don’t want to suffer the blowback consequences

you're using shitty nog/lefty slang and you got caught.

nigger you are trying way too hard. He is a white boy and not a white man.

Men stand up for their children's future even if their battles are contrarian to today's standards of what is acceptable.

Men fight for their children's future. Boys sit down when told and sympathize with those that hate them, much like the wigger in his fragile weakness tries to appeal to the black.

you have been here 2 weeks. lurk more faggot.

NPCs love adverbs. Literally, simply, unbelievably etc. You can add a common thought or an idea your own unique flavor with dumb redundant words that never risk actually changing the message, so no real thinking is required.

>nigger you are trying way too hard
>multiple sentences with reddit spacing
uh huh

Beginning of this week:
>Cesar Sayoc sends multiple bomb packages to Democrat figure heads and outlets
>Cesar Sayoc turns out to be a kosher delivery guy for jewish venues in Florida, his van is always found to be parked next to a jewish center where known Mossad agent Ariel Levy, real name Samuel Falic, is active and the bombs were not even functional
>jews get shot up at a Squirrel Hill synagogue
>a couple of months before the attack a massive emergency drill exercise was done, all victims are supposed to be elderly people (implying that there probably are no real victims) and Bowers was probably a Jew himself
>both Sayoc and Bowers are portrayed as angry white males (cohencidence???)
>both attacks happen two weeks in front of the mid terms (cohencidence???)
It’s just kikes/shills planning false flags to garner more sympathy for kikes/shills & leftism, along with trying to legitimise (((democracy))) and zio cryptokike pedovore Trump and trying to demonise red pilled white males and their outlets, as seen with the shutting down of gab coming Monday.
>Talmudical kikes/shills not playing fair.
How surprising.

He was jealous goy! You're not an antisemite are you?

Do tell

>2000 years of examples
oy vey, shut it down

reddit spacing wasnt a thing until there was an influx of redditors.

you are talking to a 35 year old man that has been here since 07. nobody paid attention to spacing prior to the reddit influx during this last election.

go back to plebbit you pede faggot. i space things to make them readable and easily digested.

keep your tl/dr walls of text to yourself. nobody reads that shit and here is one more (you) that you don't deserve. it will also be your last (you) from me.

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a faith and a community, insect and group preference had caused the DNA of the Jews remain mostly similar throughout history, if you take a town's population, throw them around the world and wait a hundred years, did you create a new race?

>more unnecessary reddit spacing
>incredibly defensive

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this is probably the most childlike and ignorant twaddle I've ever read....
its like you've chosen to read nothing but jewish propaganda your entire life, and unquestioningly bought into every last scrap

thats right goy, its YOU controlling the federal reserve, opening your borders, destroying your culture, degenerating and destroying everything beautiful and lofty. CLEAN YOUR ROOM.