Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Destiny Edition

>upcoming state elections
Hesse: Oct. 28 2018 #ltwhe
>Thats TODAY faggots, go voting


>Meme Collections

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>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

Petitionsausschuss des Bundestages löscht Petition zum UN-Migrationspakt
Epoch Times27. October 2018 Aktualisiert: 28. Oktober 2018 12:55
Eine Petition gegen den UN-Migrationspakt, die beim Petitionsausschuss des Bundestages eingereicht wurde, wurde gelöscht bzw. nicht zur Unterzeichnung freigeschaltet. Begründung: "Eine Veröffentlichung könnte den interkulturellen Dialog belasten".

was für ein hobbyloser wicht muss man sein, um am sonntag diesen braunen dreck zu shillen


First for Kaiser

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Verpiss dich, AntiFa NPC faggot

Attached: bob.png (1265x711, 371K)

found something interesting
fuck der stürmer
the brave german of the 21st century reads this

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Hier und Jetzt raus

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will afd get rid of the commie monuments ?

some gems that i found inside

Attached: IMG_20181028_111051.jpg (1512x1440, 844K)

>No make up
>preserves herserlf only for her husbands'eyes
>can actually wear make up,but she only does it for her husband
>perfect teeth
>obviously integrated
>high chances of being university educated ,yet knows that she belongs with her children

Muslim girls are die Uberfrauen.

Attached: voile-1.jpg (665x1011, 77K)

Da haben wir wenigstens „Freizeit“. Für dich ist ja jeder Tag „Freizeit“, ne?

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tfw lefties actually believe this

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>complains about "braunen Dreck am Sonntag"
>posts on 4chins on Sunday


This is Jow Forums.
Today is an election day -- politics.
Why are we here, after Sunday lunch with the family?

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LOL the fat and ugly muslim women in germany, at least the turkish ones ,live here for 30 or 40 years and speak maybe 5 words german
so much for integration and IQ, sandnigger

My god.

This our country now, you have to fuck off white man

Attached: heil.gif (260x243, 984K)

Murat verpiss dich nach Afrika zurück.

truely they are the cream of the crop ... in your country, in your culture.

Here ... they are commonly known as roaches.

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those "artworks" are the wet dream of any green voter

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Merkel may be losing power, but the Greens are catching up and have more voting power than AfD. We must overcome them

von wem stammt dieses Machwerk? SPD? Linke?

>they believe this
Of course they do
It's printed in the paper
What's printed in the paper is gospel
It's program

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Go Germany and expell the roaches from your glorious land.

my mom unironically works in a refugee shelter
those were lying around there
had to grab one of those

"jeder einzelfall zählt"

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they already are dumping them into our country, clueless Juan

Okay, have this (You) Astlochficker.

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>JEDER einzelfall zählt
That's actually memeworthy

Attached: einzelfall.png (704x255, 316K)

>Prost Asyl
jaja, Soros geschmierter Dreck mal wieder

check the slogan here

Attached: IMG_20181028_111327.jpg (908x1210, 449K)

>fascist oakleaf detected

Attached: eichenlaub_final.jpg (1147x1544, 256K)

they’re suffering the juden agenda just like us. Although they’re even cucker.

post some drawing of migrant mass rapes
or aren't there any?

So all those hippies and commies in their "selbstbestimmte Lebensräume" that attack entrepreneurs, luxury shops, Burger chains, etc. are RECHTS!

Green surge incoming

Mashallah, wer wählt sonst die Islam-Party? Ich denke, wenn die Deutschen zurück zum Islam, der einzigen wahren Religion, würden, könnte das Land gerettet werden. Es gibt nur einen Gott, Allah, und Mohammed (Friede sei mit ihm) ist sein Botschafter. Allah Akbhar

I have Rainer's card and gifts here, what do I write?
Card on the outside reads: Grateful for YOU.
Inside: Thanksgiving reminds us that we have so much to be thankful for, Hope you know that I am grateful for you!

Should I just sign it and FIN?

And then they import exactly those people in droves who believe in patriarchy. Delicious.

Where and when can I watch results roll in? (not necessarily video, just a site that I can refresh)

ha, never thought that anyone would save that one! :D thanks

Attached: bait.jpg (480x360, 32K)

can a kraut translate this ?

You can't just spend all day questioning the doublethink of the left senpai, you'll go mad.

Check back at /kraut/ around 18:00, first results will be posted here.

Paint a picture for him, rainer can't read

Any major German news outlet will have them on their front page in one and a half hours.

Why the AFD is getting BTFO'd by the fucking Green ?
Jow Forums promised me a great victory for the new BASED Germany but no. Germans votes green.
At least for the european election the nationalist party of France is first in the boards...

Made by the (((Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig Holstein e.V.)))

Still, they have done their jobs and popped out kids and raised them.
Most women get fat at a certain age, but muslim women actually have accomplished their mission by the age they become unuckable, they end up with grandchildren and family.

Meanwhile, when a euro women id fat ,dumb and ugly,they are really fat and ugly,and they are degenrate, also live on social benefits with 4 cats and a parrot by the time they turn 40.

Please share english coverage

>just reach in a petition and vote hurr dumb nazes :^)
>invalidates petition by clause "we can invalidate your petitions if they might stop the destruction of Europe"

of course not
i actually did read half of this "schundblatt"
literally every article condemns europe and its failing responsibility towards the funghis and how they are getting scammed and tricked by our government
also seehofer is literally hitler in every article
33 checkheil
crazy how left a paper can actually be
i can hardly imagine how this "der schlepper" mag would sound like when being conservative
would be like

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Attached: Habeck subversive.jpg (365x450, 46K)

We also work and pay our taxes, not like you filthy mohammeds. Go and do some islamic related thing like skin yourself alive.

fugg wrong pic

Attached: Habeck subversive.png (645x426, 540K)

Hans, everyone hates the turks

dont you have nukes, France?
could you kindly nuke NRW and Berlin?

that would erase 95% of our current Problems

Oh dear, this pic explains why there will never be an Anschluss!
The eternal Austrian prophecy or Messiah won't happen again.

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No one is getting BTFO fucking frogeater. The Greens just get the votes from the SPD. West Gernany (funny how that's nearer to France) is fucked anyway. Who cares. Saxony is where it's at.

fix the blood and post template

is there one that deserves my clicks?

Like marry a 6 year old and consummate when she's 9 (as their pedophile prophet did).

>fix the blood

>be in germany with my german girlfriend
>see this on street

wtf germany

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No Boche friend i still believe that Germany will wake up some day.
See the bright side = Merk is getting her ass kick

The usual lefty delusional world. Terrible people.

>i can hardly imagine how this "der schlepper" mag would sound like when being conservative
Fire & Forget

Right, anons, I'm leaving for a drink. Will join you tonight perhaps. Have fun.

Iberian cousin, stop the denial, we probably have our ancestors probably were in the same balls sac once.

You all have the same names. Don't be splitting hairs. One fucks goats the other one camels. What's the difference?

The blood in the pic on his hands. (quality of it is too bad, but the idea is alright)

>Der Schlepper
These (((people))) aren't even hiding it.

Linker NPC sprech :
rechte Parolen

Sorry, but I have to let off steam

Everyone seems to bash European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks

I've been living in Germany for all of my life, I moved to Canada for few months, years maybe. But I love my country Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening in Germany and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else

But if you are a bit familiar with Merkel, you know she is one of the best, if not the best policy maker in the world. Since her election, German economy, aid for those in need and pretty much everything else has improved a lot

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Germany and Europe. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Germany took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home

And what about the terrorists? First, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

Attached: Europe-The-new-Germans-3570x1680.jpg (3570x1680, 438K)

Jesus Christ, this is really the Left that tolerates no other opinions.

Come on you Boche, it's just a fact. In any poll the Afd is behind the green.
But it's good to see afd much higher than before tho

Everybody should take the minute or so to remove stickers like these. I do that when I see them.

Teehee. I like this guy.

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>Während der Wahl kam es zu einer peinlichen Panne: Der Koordinator der Bundesregierungfür transatlantische Zusammenarbeit, Peter Beyer, hatte auf seiner Facebook-Seite bereits Exit-Polls mit ersten Zahlen veröffentlicht - ein blamabler Vorgang.

Does anyone have a screencap of this?


Ironically this is actually true for Muslim men. But nevermind, dear söy cuck leftists!

Getrollt wird net etzela Verlassung einleiten

These are really CRIMINALS.

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Buy the book "Kleine-Hartlage: Die Sprache der BRD".

Stop spreading like a fucking plague I warn you. Dont want to expell you like dogs twice.

We did too, but they are literally everywhere in Sauerland

american educated with high school level german. what exactly is the purpose of this magazine? lol

it really is a bingo
plot twist: this article was actually written by a roachcuck

Attached: 521.jpg (1920x1280, 951K)

>literally the gayest country in Europe

Go clean your own backyard, Heintje

Stop with the delusions and fire the fucking nukes already! We don't have time for those niceties.

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Sauerland, how nice. Visit the Button Museum in Lüdenscheid. It's based.

You realize most of these polls are manipulated and the whole media is Green leaning? Don't paint us as badly as you do. We have to overcome some ridiculous adversaries here.

>literally a socialist flag

>gekommen um zu bleiben
In 30-40 years the boomer 1968er filth will be long dead and we will be here running with bullet proof vests to get the kids from kindergarten or just to open the door when somebody comes around unannounced.
The blindness of the masses is really raging me.

I mean, we'll be explaining the results to international posters anyway, so you can just wait until then.

Not really. Just make sure your adblocker works and pick one.

Because SPD voters and cuckservatives are voting for Greens now.
That's why AfD is stronger than SPD now.

Here's the official sheet

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this sounds so stupd