When Democrats get caught trying to pull rank

Caren Z. Turner, a Democratic lobbyist from Tenafly, has resigned as a commissioner from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Jennifer Schwartz Berky loses Ulster County Leg seat after traffic video incident.

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That Berky incident is a fucking classic. Holy shit. She's a jew too.

Never vote for a woman with a hyphenated last name.

>cries out as he strikes you
it's just sad at this point. it's like they don't know and can't control how ridiculous they are.

That woman was bonkers.

I like how she complains about the lesser charge so he writes her up for the original issue.

>Never assign any responsibility or give any authority whatsoever to a woman with a hyphenated last name.


It's about the biggest red flag there is. She's guaranteed to be a complete cunt who will get offended over everything and cause nothing but problems.

I have a strict personal policy of never hiring hyphens.

>t. dept manager at a Fortune 100

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I work for government(not the police) but you get people like this all the fucking time who you spend ages with explaining every detail to and they just never let go of what they think they're meant to get.
I work in a fucking library and I get people acting like these bitches when their wifi doesn't work.

Schwarz vid (((panic attack))) @ 10:00

There a webm of this shit?

lol this ((person)), never seen someone act more j*wi$h than that " wait omg youre gonna give me a ticket? IM HAVING PTSD AH AH AH AHHHHH im gonna protest this in court AHHHHHHH "

Attached: how jewish things are.jpg (400x533, 48K)

>I'm going to protest this break you cut me because it's not the right ticket.
>That's fine, I'll go back and write you the original ticket.

Those are some based cops

>hyphenated last name
So pathetic

I just watched the full one hour version of the first video, for those wondering the reason that they were pulled over was for having tinted windows and obstructed plates and the car was getting towed because it wasn't registered anymore for two years.

Have some more

Also there is another five-six minutes after the first video ends where she comes back and gives even more abuse to the cops.

Fuck I love body-cams/body-mics. They've rooted out the shittiest cops and exposed the shittiest citizens.

First vid there, the cop was ful of shit. Arresting her for obstruction because she wouldn’t submit to a field test she doesn’t have to take.

Even so, it'd be easier for everyone to just follow their instructions and bear with them. It's a shitty enough situation for everyone involved as it is. Cops are just doing what they're paid to do.

kek what a bitch

Obviously shes a jew

Well, in her situation she should’ve hung up the phone, but after that she and anyone else should stick to their guns and refuse a field sobriety test ALWAYS. It’s completely subjective and gets false positives all the time. His insistence that she was impeding his investigation was bullshit because she had already refused the test, they already searched the car and found nothing, so he was trying to bully her into taking the test so he could say he saw impairment. His irritation with her being on the phone was it stopping him from leaning on her to take the test.

Never vote for a woman in fucking general.

What you saw in this video is honestly not unique to this cunt. Sure, it was accentuated by the fact that she's a Jew not getting her way for once in her life, but women in general are so shit at handling stressful situations. When confronted with the slightest bit of stress, they just explode into absolute hysteria and ALWAYS make things worse for themselves by shitting out purely emotional retard word salad.

lol what the fuck

solid & checked

I think the whole phone thing gave the cop a bad first impression and situations like that always sour. Depends on the officer. But yeah, I doubt it was an attempt at bullying her, the way I see it, he's just trying to do his job. For all he knew, the chick could've thrown the drink away, maybe he smelled alcohol on her and did what he thought was best. I mean, if an officer asked me to do a field test, then I'd just do it to get it over with, I'm already under enough suspicion at that point, arguing would just make it worse.

All-in-all, his superiors would have to ultimately make the call, the video is there and if the cop is in the wrong, then he'll get his ass chewed out and I would just suffer from a minor inconvenience to my pride. The same can be said about the woman. Do what you can to soothe the situation by being compliant to law enforcement, otherwise a shitty situation gets a whole lot shittier.

fuck this cunt.
that's fauxTSD.
I hope she actually gets PTSD now cause its awful.

whyyy meeeeeee

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what the fuck breed of mutt is that?

holy shit

>jennifer schwartz
kikes btfo

>I have two sides...

Attached: download (1).jpg (474x296, 31K)

>This is their passover!


>that Berky video
Why haven't we given cops the authority to beat these kind of people to death on sight?

This. Take your husband's last name or if you're a professional cunt, keep yours. Hyphenating it should be a one-way ticket to the camps.

that first one is hard to watch
roll against charisma for persuation
PC: Keep trying damnit!

Attached: D&D persuation check.png (500x443, 112K)

>I mean, if an officer asked me to do a field test, then I'd just do it to get it over with, I'm already under enough suspicion at that point, arguing would just make it worse.
I wasn’t saying not to take the test to give the cop a hard time. Just politely say no thank you. Then he has to decide based on talking to you whether you’re worth the hours of trying to confirm you had a drink. If you’re sober, it’s 99.9% chance to walk. If you had even a sip, it doubles the reason not to test. I mean seriously, your life can be fucked up big time. If you take the test, and he says you failed, you’re going to jail, ticket, he’ll testify against you in court, dui, the whole deal. If you refuse, the absolute worst that happens is you lose your license for a period. If you are actually drunk, they will take the time to have blood drawn, but that shit takes a long while to happen, so you might have a period to sober up. But if you aren’t drunk, then won’t follow through and they have to let you go. If you let the cop test you, you’re gambling, because the cop who needs a collar that night will take you in sober or not.

Then listen to the cop instead of calling a lawyer, how many times do you need to be told to hang up a phone and talk to them

Refusing a field sobriety test is automatic arrest, they'll take you to the station for blood

always record an interaction with a jew


Hey, boomer-leaf, you can say Jew here. You can even say nigger

First video sounds like a Jew too, she won't shut up about Passover.