These freaks never learn.
LOL How many Normie Goys Did She Just Redpill?
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What the fuck does this even mean
Sources familiar to Trump's thoughts believe he thinks about the word nigger every 5 seconds.
it means that soros and the globalists are a pack of dirty jews hellbent on destroying america
Fuck optics
I'm going in again
They play the eternal victim act
>dirty jew
It's like she knows deep down it's true.
it's really funny how only liberals can hear these 'dog whistles' lol
>Soros = jews
>Globalism= dirty jewry
>Nationalist = mutt nationalist
Pretty much
dozens of goys get slaughtered by a jihadi it's "not all muslims." less than a dozen jews get killed and its "oyy vey, any white person who loves their country and doesn't want open borders is a nazi. it's anudda shoah! worst attached in history reeeee!"
Great, now they're trying to equate Nationalism with being a genocidal maniac.
I have another one
Silverman= Refrigerator
>when jews do the white nationalist's work for them
When will someone condemn the vile anti-semite Sarah Silverman?
Yes Alex you are right, the globalists are all chinese and germanics.
I hope she gets killed soon. I bet a lot of Hollywood kikes are in hiding either abroad or never set foot off their protected property. They call it flyover country but what they really mean is the place they are not allowed and cannot go without being slaughtered
Based and red pilled
even after seeing this image at least 20 times, it still boggles my mind, i mean her body type is that of a literal wooden plank
>it's really funny how only liberals can hear these 'dog whistles' lol
to be fair this retard also saw utility workers spray paint a marking on the road, believed it was a swastika and blasted it all over twitter.
these people are mentally ill.
I want to bury my face in Silverman's ass.
built like a brick shithouse and don't forget that jimmy kimmel hit that.
>she found the designated kike disposal streets
Hair to cover the warts and herpes scars
Muh queen
She's shaped like a box wtf
S with a line through it. Sewer Line. She could have googled to find what it meant.
she is utterly retarded
So what happens when someone on the left uses those words? Still dog whistles?
for a people that rules the world the low level ones get scared quite easily. Could it be that all us are getting played?
that's for the dirty, low iq, redneck, fly over america people to fix. liberal elites cant be expected to know these things. its all so low brow.
Keep playing that game kikes
She's absolutelly correct, Americans are the cancer of Jow Forums.
I'm tired of meaningless spam like this:
They're exposing themselves
>Soros = The Jews
Now I'm just confused
I love how these dumbfucks cant stop doing our job for us
>I'd still fuck her
Not ashamed to say it
they probably mean all the poisonous diaspora
Well yes, you have to be a dog to hear these whistles.
4d chess?
Her body is like a tree trunk
Dog whistle is leftists trying to pavlov's dog npcs into word association
>those comments
this is interesting. too add fuel to this fire we should start referring to jews as globalists anyway, even if their politics arent brought up
force jews to declare if they are nationalists or globalists
If you change words to what you want, you can win any argument and win.
"Openly nationalist" is a bad thing? How the fuck blue pilled is her target audience for that quote?
All they have left is the attempt to radicalize the truth and make it seem racist, bigoted, and unapproachable Just means were winning
Unfortunately Sarah's too much of a coward to ever take on Islam. Just imagine the consequences of her holding the same toy with Mohammed.
>nationalist=white nationalist
this shit is aggravating
if white nationalist = nazi
black nationalist = ?
jew nationalist = ?
>Dog whistle is leftists trying to pavlov's dog npcs into word association
that's all the left is. knee jerk reactions to "trigger" words. the associations have already been pre-programmed by MSNPC and fake news CNN.
Even with the Jugend, he was instantly recognizable as a greasy kike.
fucking kike
thanks, CIA
>"Openly nationalist" is a bad thing? How the fuck blue pilled is her target audience for that quote?
this is the #resistance
As if anyone would want to live in a black or jewish nationalist state desu
>Jews and Israel cause antisemitism
He's not wrong
It means she will say anything at this point to try and remain relevant.
As if.
Drumpf is such a good goy, he even got the jewish Tree of Life award, which is the hightest honor a goy can get.
Trump is a jew puppet, just like everyone else who ever became president in the (((United States of (((America))))))
Male feminists vs. a stiff wind
Who wins?
is a regular German last name Kraut, you are only embarrassing yourself
wtf I love George Soros now
>Trying to hide all the bad things jews do
Streisand effect will follow soon. Why don't (((high IQs))) not understand this simple concept?
>sarah silverman(((n)))
they're kvetching because nobody cares about the shooting lol
it actually DAMPENED the momentum they were able to build up from the fake bombs.
>goys don't you feel bad for these old Jewish men that were slaughtered during an infant blood drinking ceremony?
>this shit is aggravating
>if white nationalist = nazi
>black nationalist = ?
>jew nationalist = ?
i can answer that for you.
black nationalist = proud african american who celebrates his culture
jew nationalist = god's chosen people and the rightful owners of the holy land. better build that wall to keep the palestinians out.
>if you criticize Soros you're literally criticizing all Jews and you are as evil as Hitler
Soros fucking worked for Hitler, and this retarded Kurvah thinks he's the opposite
You can tell how many bots Brock and Soros operate because this faggotry gets ratioed when it comes from anyone else.
Shut your dirty jew mouth pedo whore with a fridge body
it means, "ORANGE MAN BAD".
i could legit kill three and get the rest into the ICU with my bare hands. It would be like a lion crashing into a herd of lame gazelle.
>I am not antisemite I am anti-termite.
You have to admit that most of the soros hate is coming from stormfront.
He has been a target of them since 2007. I was there man. I was there when the stormfags invaded. Then everything changed.
Nah not really, nobody ever took them seriously except for retards, they were moreover just a devils advocate scratching post.
Problem is since 2012 faggot phone posters started flooding in who couldn't tell the difference between satire and established culture.
ultimately this is all about shutting down criticism and debate around globalism and the global reach of the rich and powerful.
if they take away the language we need to criticize globalism, there will be no civil opposition to globalism.
i hope you like globalism.
My Twitter account just got banned. I didn’t even post any thing pol like. Simple posts like “#Muller is investigating Israel” and “Why doesn’t Israel have translarency to their nuclear programs?” The jews are in full on trigger mode right now. Anons, hit Twitter hard af and redpill the normies into oblivion. This is a golden opportunity we have before us. Do not waste it.
Opposing globalism is the birthright of every sovereign nation. We will never be a nation state in a global government. We will never allow our nation to be ruled by unelected foreign powers. All Americans must take up arms to prevent such an outcome.
And this won’t make me popular here but I’m a Jew who thinks Sarah Silverman should be punched in the throat and kicked in her rotten cunt.
You can trust her to be expert on that subject.
my eyes...
"Its easier to contemplate the female plight while in nature, circle jerking our little dicks."
Thanks for the visual. Much obliged.
need more proof that’s soros. nose is too nice.
Dog hears a dog whistle
makes sense
Grug is thought she neanderthalus maximus
No trusd
I really hate how liberals are using 'dog whistle' now. It essentially just means:
>we're going to take what you said and claim what you really meant was this other thing
Except it never gets used the other way. How come nobody points out that 'comprehensive immigration reform' is really dog-whistle for 'amnesty and open borders'.
I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be satire or what.
When people ask me if I'm antisemite or similar I tend to reply that I'm pro-mankind.
>I was on stormfront when the stormfags invaded
Neat trick.
>How come nobody points out that 'comprehensive immigration reform' is really dog-whistle for 'amnesty and open borders'.
Cause I'm tired user. It's Sunday and raining - I'm taking a nap...
>Bibi responds, with a border force pepe