What is your opinion about Mr this guy ?

What is your opinion about Mr this guy ?

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>if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
lying nigger i voted for twice

Who’s that?

>i voted for twice

Zero Learning ability

Didn't care about him until he charged me $1000 for not having Obamacare

Obongo the top tier insurance scam salesman

He was an above average president. They only reason he was hated was because he's a nigger.

Kept everyone in a fuzzy blanket of ignorance for 8 years while working toward eroding their freedoms and intellect.

>Not dead

Hate him.

probably the best president in the history of the usa

I hope I outlive him so I can shit on his grave.

He's old and irrelevant, hopefully he has fun with his tranny in Hawaii

fucked without his teleprompter..

nigger... nothing more to say

Wise King Nigger took $8 Trillion from crackers and gave it to his friends. Much virtue.

Best president since Taft

President of Kenya? Whats his name again?

Pedo puppet just like the rest of the democrats.

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Not as bad as people make him out to be. At least he attempted healthcare reform. I was born when Reagan was in office. I rank the presidents of my lifetime as so:

HW Bush
W Bush

nigger and a faggot who can't even throw a baseball

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See "The Smiler"

Best president in modern American history.

Most corporate, centrist, imperialist, drone striking, race baiting, fag loving, unconstitutional president in American history

I did not agree that the country needed fundamental transformation.
I do not suffer from affluenza or white guilt.
I think that the identity politics and the SJW movement he used did more harm to its useful idiots than it enriched its supporters.
His globalist actions demonstrably cost millions of American jobs and money which could have been used to clean up our own back yards.
I do not want more government in my daily life. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Successful businessman Herman Cain would have been much better, but didn't offer short-term, self-destructive gimmes to the masses...which tells you a bit about his supporters.

A literal CIAnigger.

so then you turned into a lolbert?

>Republican meme flag
Why am I not suprised

Wasn’t the healthcare reform largely based on the Clintons work from the 90s that Hillary couldn’t get pushed through? Or is that a myth?

>Kills millions of ragheads.

>Liberals don't even shutter.

Best President in American history, was able to get over 100 billion for Iran while Trump cant get funding for his FENCE lol

He's not a mister he's a boy

it was based on the system of Switzerland actually, except 10000x worse considering your quality of care is actually pretty decent

He's the opposite of Trump. Did nothing, gets all praises.

he was a fake populist from the democratic party. promising change than maintained the status quo. babied the bankers and expanded wars and warrantless spying on citizens. A continuation of Bush, but could present himself in a manner that easily tricked establishment
democrats into thinking they voted correctly and changed the world. Replaced by Trump, another fake populist, that once again maintained the status quo and expands it while presenting himself in a manner that satiates his fanbase without any real meaningful difference other than rhetoric.

A neoliberal jew with bronzer.

Did his absolute level best to destroy the USA for the entire time he was in office.

Fortunately no one man, not even the PotUS, can do that by himself. The worst of the damage was done while the Democrats held a filibuster-proof majority in Congress, everything from the Fast and Furious weapon supply program for narcoterrorists, to the ticking socialist time bomb of Obamacare was created in that time. He only started seriously messing with foreign policy once he lost that majority and no longer could shape domestic policy, but even then he managed to kill Ghaddafi and put the Barbary Pirates back in charge of Libya, as well as put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of Egypt for a year.

Pretty much, except since it turns out socialized health care reduced quality and increased costs for everyone, they're now claiming it was based on Mecicaid changes Mitt Romney supported when he was governor of Massachusetts. Liberals only create GOOD things, all bad things are the GOP's fault.

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A competent center-right President. A pity he never lived up to his campaign rhetoric, and even more of a pity that he was the only decent president the country had after Carter.

His biggest mistake was allowing his desire to avoid being seen as a Democrat to lead him to sabotage law enforcement whenever pursuit of a crime led to Republican politicians, thus allowing American organized crime to capture the country.

His take was 15% for the billions he gave Iran.
Destroyer of America.

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You're embarrassing.

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>the only decent president the country had after Carter.
>weak beta boy
this has got to be bad finn bait, and obongo was a faggot apologist as well

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A bad human being that has a lot of hate for a lot of people.

too based for Jow Forums

you're describing the average Jow Forumstard, not Obama

Based and blackpilled.

Brought Dishonor to the Seat.

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Hope you shitty little wife beater racecucks enjoy the last weekend of normalcy you'll ever have.

Look at you, thumping your flabbly chests, thinking you've won a big victory, your puny dicks hard for the first time in YEARS to something other than your shameful stash of Blacked.com porn.

Listen to me, and listen good:

Holy SHIT.

You have no idea the HELL that's coming.

We will not forget this.

We will camp out at the polls and scream bloody murder when old white people get close enough to cast their ballots.

We will get our Big Blue Wave and it will fucking drown you.

We will start impeaching damn near everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Every Jesusfreak. Every libertarian. Every mealy-mouthed cunt like Jeff Flake who pretends to be decent and then becomes a fly by night rape apologist when it's time to fucking count.

We will fuck shit up. ALL the shitty stupid shit White America cherishes.

We will set it on fire and spit and shit and piss on it in front of you.

And then we will go full Stalin and throw every sexist freak with social anxiety into a literal dungeon if they've ever so much as posted the word "roastie" online.

I'm not fucking kidding.

You...you think this bomber fuckshit is only making skinhead assholes more radical and racist? Fuck you.

Seriously, FUCK YOU.

It is making every single Democrat under 35 have a burning, killer urge to go full Stalin on all your asses.

It is making us hate the First Amendment a thousand times more than the Second.

We will take your guns. We will gag your speech. We will kick your balls. We will unironically use your fat white heteronormie white asses as fucking footrests for pink haired commissars with hella cool frames, and then we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a prescription for estrogen as soon as they're a month old.



Easily one of our 10-15 best presidents

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neutral, he was a token black guy to make guilted white liberals feel good about themselves, he was mediocre at best and will only be know for being first black in POTUS.

Tried to start a second war in the middle east, was a nigger on top of that, 2/10

he’s a no good nigger


Who would read all this?

A Democrat trick that failed miserably. He was supposed to lose to Hillary but she was so fucking awful he actually won.

>bails out wall street using blue collar pensions
>bails out companies that are deemed "too big to fail"
>continues Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and wins Nobel Peace Prize
>drone strikes schools and hospitals left and right

So pretty standard stuff for a US president. Not a reason to hate him more than any other president. Also
>bails out companies that are deemed "too big to fail"
You were willing to let the US auto industry die? What about muh blue collar workers?

>lying nigger i voted for twice
this x 1,000
2016 burnt my demofaggot card and voted for drumpf to cause maximum buttuirt on the corrupt dems, and to tear down the repub establishment.
then usher in the collapse of the USA,. followed by..... (Profit)

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Do you understand how capitalism works?

Yeah, I do and I understand that foreign companies would own a much greater piece of the US market than they already do.

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A puppet, who was good only for reading his script and for a photo opportunity.

Who's been better?

Reagan's legacy: Pozzed America because he thought telling people to use condoms was degenerate. Supported the Islamic Republic of Iran (bribes to keep hostages prisoner before the election, weapons shipments to fund narcoterrorists in Central America). Fought the Soviets by shipping high-quality weapons and equipment to those brave freedom fighters in, what was it called? Oh yeah, Al Qaeda. Then backed Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war, including by supplying biochemical weapons development assistance.

Bush's legacy: botched the first Iraq war. I guess that beats Reagan, but still.

Clinton's legacy: Let the Republicans deregulate everything, setting the stage for the modern kleptostate.

Bush2's legacy: Invaded Iraq again! And let the Baath Party hide all the equipment because you couldn't be arsed to post guards when you captured armories. Let the intelligence services rely on torture to gather intelligence, thus enabling the Baathists to go underground. Good thing a whole alt-right state's inner party can't do anything wrong when they have access to whole armories full of stuff... oh wait, that's how Daesh took over.

Obama's legacy: let the torturers get away with their crimes because he didn't want to look like a Democrat.

Trump's legacy: somehow managed to arrange for your country to lose the Cold War to a country which hadn't even EXISTED for 25 years, put Amway people in charge of education, tried to promote the people responsible for Daesh's escape, put one of Western culture's most dedicated enemies on the National Security Council.

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Full commie that may have destroyed America’s hope of freeing itself from Israeli shackles forever

Explain how this is bad for consumers? American cars are inferior products and the industry should fold if it fails to meet customers' demands. The workers you mentioned before are needed in infrastructure construction jobs.

The last somewhat sane Democrat leader. Yes, he endorsed BLM and several other subversive movements, but at least he pretended to fight for equality instead of whites as a group. The Democrats are not going to get any candidate who's not openly and aggressively anti-White after him.

He have the world reccord of the number of children killed by a Nobel peace prize.

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faggot nigger

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A good man, a good father, and a good president.

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Now Jow Forums disagrees with killing Muslims? It’s just like when someone shoot someone up a synagogue; you betacucks love to talk about killing people you don’t like, but when someone actually goes and does it, you pretend you have morals and disapprove.

>Trump's legacy
While I agree with most of your post
Trump doesn't have a legacy yet, he's not even out of office idiot, fucking kill yourself EU kike shill

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real people are starting to forget this faggot, only the npcs try to keep him relevant.

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Barack Obama is a TRANSSEXUAL WOMAN and Michelle Obama is a TRANSSEXUAL MAN.

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Satanic neomarxist scumbag that hates everything good, righteous and godly.

A eunuch can't be a mister, sorry Kim.

It's not just the car companies, nigger. It's the banks that were too big to fail that fucked the economy beyond a comprehensible level by raising the interest rates cause fuck all those are the ones he bailed out


Get comfy and watch this kraut bro.

Bailouts happened under GWB. Obama and McCain supported them, though.

He really helped further the neocon agenda, through neoliberalism.

I was born in 78 not sure who was president but this is a pretty fair ranking. no major Obama wars. honestly if your president of the whole country and nothing terrible happens you get a fucking A. no wars, no pandemics, no landmarks blownup, no wacos, etc you deserve a goldstar.

trumps legacy will be he stirred the pot that needed stirring. all this shit was stuck to the bottom of the pot and he gave it a stir. someone needed to do it

Except the continued destruction of your country's genepool, the literal number one predictor of future prosperity.

He was the Drone Ranger and killed alot of people and used the IRS to attack American citizens who disagreed with his faggotry, hopefully his cousin Juan Bahama will be running in 2020

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>The police acted stupidly.

Obama was the most divisive president.

Plus his 'wife' is a tranny

It's funny because Bahama is most common in Tanzania, not far from where that ape really originates.

great at being controlled