>Assassins range from anarchists to centrists, but their core ideals are that nations and cultures should be separate and are worth preserving
>Templars range from fascists to centrists, but want everything to be under one rule
>the most extreme of Assassins preach complete individuality and freedom
>the most extreme of Templars preach control through Globalism, propaganda and the like
>the only time any group got anything done, was in Unity, where extremist Templars caused the Revolution, yet moderate Assassins and Templars united to support the Monarchy and save the Church and the ethnic identity of France
When did you realise Assassin's Creed is ultimately Redpilled? Seriously, the Assassins are pretty much Nationalist Libertarians and the Templars Globalist Jews. The whole point up until now is that both sides taken to extremes lead either to complete chaos or to afuture devoid of any purpose. Yet when Arno and Elise came together, they almost found a Third Way. Both criminal protagonists (Jacob & Edward) ultimately grow out of their hedonistic ways. All protagonists have family, honor and ethnic routes guiding them and giving them purpose; embracing their identities.
Listen to the part at 0:30 and tell me it's not redpilled.
Seriously now, AC is pretty close to a posterboy for Jow Forums-related games, on how it handles the importance of nations remaining pure and holding onto their identities. Especially since the games show the faults of both extremes, instead of going with the traditional "le governments and rules are bad, m'kay" and turning the Assassins into complete anarchists and pretending that it'sa good thing. Each Brotherhood is tied to its country of origin, and one of the most important parts of them is that they retain their identities.
AC = Redpilled
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Bump, I guess. Come on...
Great analysis anonymous poster whom I totally don’t know.
Thank you, total stranger... Come on, I wrote all that stuff. Don't I even get a fuck (you) faggot?
assassins are jews fighting christians you stupid kike
>Templars literally admit to mindcontrolling the populace
>use the Church merely as a means to an end
>are a Globalist Cabal
>want a One World Government
>Assassins are broken into Brotherhoods native to each country
...How did you even come to that conclusion?
Huh... I guess it's worth looking into.
I honestly do not know if it's intentional or not. but I've noticed that all Normie-Central sites have gravitated towards the Templars, and the Extreme ones at that. The whole "peace through control" doctorine appeals to them, even when they know that they'll be brainwashed. Purely NPC beavior. Meanwhile the Assassins have fallen out of favor, while becoming gradually more nationalistic with each instalment. It's weird, since you'd expect them to be pure Anarchists and Antifaggots. But the moderates converge with Jow Forumsack views, samewith moderate Templars, like the de la Serres in Unity.
Oh, and the weird thing is that there are only two instances of IR romances. One's a British guy with an Indian lass (Haytham and Connor's mom) and the other a British gal with a light-skin Arab (Evie from Syndicate). All the others are white guys with mostly ginger women.
Jow Forums should co-opt the Assassins as mascots/symbols, desu. For being made by France, the games are surprisingly Redpilled.
Hardly, mate. Do you remember Origins?
Origins and Odyssey are so far removed from being AC games that they don't really count in my book. They feature Proto-Templars and Proto-Assassins, while dealing more with the wacky Universe Simulation plot than the historical points.
i didnt play unity but the trailer clearly is the assassins helping the republican rebels
where is the allegued support for the monarchy?
the rebels won
and following logic it should be templars supporting the monarchy not the republicans
>i didnt play unity but the trailer clearly is the assassins helping the republican rebels
Cinematic isn't canon. They even dropped the 4-level co-op.
>where is the allegued support for the monarchy?
>the rebels won
In the game. Extremist Templars want to arm the Middle Class and take down the Monarchy. Moderate Templars and Assassins support the Monarchy and band together, working towards a common ground.
>and following logic it should be templars supporting the monarchy not the republicans
Templars wanted a bloody Revolution to tear down Monarchies, and also frighten the people from rebelling ever again, thus solidifying control.
havent played the new ones, but from what i remember its starts of with assassins vs mind controlling templars blood memory diving to find alien control mcguffin that was stolen by adam and eve that were basically monkeys in an alien zoo, than we stick around some italian family issues that mafiosa the assassin throguht his life, then assassins are now Indian taught by a assassin slave? then pirates and noone gave as shit about mcguffin, assassins or the plot because those were the worst parts of that game, then french multiplayer bug coop about some frog trying to get his dick wet, then a sibling pair gobbling on marxs cock. something something evil game produces to mass dive people brains to get apples.
plus about 7 odd non-mainline games of rainbow people in their land shanking cunts and nothing matters.
got sick of it after black flag, the italian stories where the best of the series that ive played, black flag was awesome until you had to do the story line, unity was sent back 2 days later, syducate and 3 hasnt been finished because it became a fucking chore to play instead of fun.
Yeah, there were some tie-ins like China or something. Did anyone even play them?
Maybe the over arching lore is red pilled, but the rest is pozzed af.
Did...did he pay you to have sex with his wife?
the latest game has "historical" paintings of black men fucking white women. how is that redpilled?
absolutely cucked
source ?
true dis
Its historical revisionist garbage in video game form.
AC series is a cathocuck funded franchise meant to spin Templars in a negative light because they spoke out against the church and had a temple outside of the Vatican during the Middle Ages, and basically did the Crusades without any input from the pope, forcing him to condone it in order to stay in power, even if it went against its ecumenism.
Origins and Odyssey are not really AC games at this point. I have a theory that they're trying to tank the games and go for a reboot. The modern day plot has turned into complete nonsense.Still, it doesn't invalidate the actual quotes and stuff of the normal games. Maybe it's unintentional, dunno.
She's a granny and he's an old man. He can't satisfy her or something.
Like I said, Origins and Odyssey are pozzed, but the actual games that are AC instead of RPGs with AC slapped on them, always had themes of nationalism, honor and the ethnic roots. Origins and Odyssey are the result of Ubisoft becoming completely pozzed, since they even changed the intro.
Some Roman and Greek murals got repainted with the men turned black and the women white.The actual ones had tanned men and pale women, like all Greek/Roman stuff, but when translating them to the game they made them even darker.
It's a game about Ancient Ayylmaos user, of course it's not historically accurate.
Revelations has the assassins in Constantinople. At the beginning of the game they are criticized for not defending their city against Muslim invaders, and they say that they couldn't side with "oppressors." They then kill the man who accused them of being anti Christian.
The stupid puzzles in the game also pretend that Hitler was a Templar and that all the Allies were assassins, including FDR. But now the real Templars are the big corporations, whereas the assassins are your friend neighborhood big government leftists.
Tldr; shut the fuck up and stop playing videogames. I grew out of them and so can you.
Revelations also had Ottomans as clear Templars and opressors. And Ezio bombed a whole fucking city; he wasn't exactly meant to be completely in his right mind. Syndicate was also very Commie-pilled.
Of course the games are left leaning. But there are many instances where, even if unintentional, they have good moments against Globalism. You never really see that in other games. Maybe MGS, depending on the game.