Recently my church has been edging, well, ever so slightly closer to what I would consider a postmodernist interpretation of what christian life should look like. I've always been pretty accepting to these changes because up until recently they've been pretty benign; things like letting women preach every once in awhile, condemning white identity issues, taking pot-shots at western values every once in awhile, things such as that.
The last few months the leadership has decided to add women into the deaconship. This is something expressly condemned in the new and old testament on par with something like homosexuality. I personally couldn't care less that women lead something, but my personal feelings don't matter. I defer them to matters of scripture, and scripture CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY states that women are not to be in positions of authority within the church. Being church 'elders' is certainly a position of authority. If the current pastor and leadership are willing to yield on this matter, what else will they yield on? I can't trust someone to spiritually lead me if they're willing to violate such a clear statement of scripture.
Today was sort of the final straw. The pastor tried to tie the later parts of the story of Nehemiah to social justice and spreading the wealth around after taking it from the rich of the society. As someone whose actually read Nehemiah, I'm fairly disgusted.
I want to find an Orthodox church but I'm American and western and not a slav. I would never fit.
Your church has been infiltrated and subverted by Jews/Freemasons. Abandon ship. Try to find some like minded people and get together once a week to read the bible together and fellowship.
Lincoln Ward
If you're mutted into oblivion check the native faith of your ancestors. Drop the semite shit all together
"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them too I must visit"
Cameron Watson
Christians are all race-traitors. Why would you choose to be a jew worshipping nigger lover?
Adrian Sanchez
Throw a rock at it
Luke Lee
I'm 99.8% white. Also Christianity is nearly entirely responsible for all western values. Paganism is absolute degeneracy which is why Europe was essentially still in the hunter/gatherer period when Christianity began to remedy that.
Connor Diaz
Try to start your own church at home with other non-cucks who are sick of your cucked church. Or just stop being a Christian, or start a reformation.
Lincoln Brown
>Only postmodern Christians are Jew enablers You know nothing of history if you think that.
Isaiah Wilson
>Your church has been infiltrated and subverted by Jews How can they infiltrate something they started? That doesn't make any sense. Christianity is Jewish from the beginning.
Brayden Moore
oy vey
Ayden Gomez
>which is why Europe was essentially still in the hunter/gatherer period when Christianity began to remedy that.
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. Kill yourself if you actually believe this.
Matthew Murphy
You do realize the Jewish ethno-political establishment killed Jesus right?
Austin Foster
>Christianity is nearly entirely responsible for all western values >why Europe was essentially still in the hunter/gatherer period when Christianity began to remedy that. Oh, you're one of those super serious ancestor hating Christians. That's pretty fucked.
Aiden Morales
I see you're still not there. Check in whenever you come to realize that christcuckery represents the ultimate jewish subversion, the subversion of white soul.
Justin Bell
>Memeflag >Wants to be taken seriously.
Logan Richardson
>I've always been pretty accepting to these changes
Christianity is partly the result of Greek and Roman pagan traditions. Go read the Stoics and the Letters of the Apostles back to back and you will see what I mean. Retards sperg about Christmas trees being Germanic paganism, which it is, but ignore the fact that Christian theology and philosophy is derived from Roman and Greek pagan philosophy. Christianity is a product of the European soul. If you want a more expressly religious interpretation you could say that God intended for Christ's message to land and take root among the European pagans, because only they had developed the secular morality that was close to Christ's.
Caleb Torres
Protestant I assume? It's time to do what Protestantism does best - find any and all likeminded people in your Church and then split.
Logan Adams
The jews are cursed because they rejected Christ. They believe thier messiah is going to be a politician Wtf?
There is tonnes of info about subversion How do you not see it?
Evan Collins
Just because other cultures discovered aspects of what the 'truth' is doesn't mean that the entirety of the revelation of that truth is now derived from the incomplete postulations of other cultures.
Zachary Anderson
Apparently most Orthodox Churches are Democrats and Baptists are Republican.
Which do you think is less cucked in USA?
Jacob Gray
Agreed. Pagans sacrificed people and were on par with Native Americans I don't get all the pagan worship on pol. Some of it was good, sure, but the othet side sure is bleak.
Adrian Edwards
>jew starts a cult >tries to subvert jew traditions >all his followers are jews >jew traditionalists put him down And this somehow makes the cult totally not Jewish and something Europeans should follow.
Josiah Wright
You realize Christianity was entirely made up by the Jews right? Muh chosen people
Brody Cruz
When you recognize something as truth, it stands as truth against reason. It doesn't matter really who thought of or delivered it first. And really, there are TONS of incidents in scripture of GOD HIMSELF telling the Jews that he was coming to be Lord for Jew and Gentile alike and that they were equal in his eyes. The entire Jew subversion theory is completely dispelled if you actually read the book you can't ever stop criticizing.
Chase Bennett
>Pagans sacrificed people and were on par with Native Americans
They weren't.
>I don't get all the pagan worship on pol.
Because you haven't made a real effort to learn about pre-Christian Europeans at all, you just go on your own misconceptions and biases. You don't even bother to glance at wikipedia. The "Europe was in the hunter/gather period when Christianity came" line was the most absurd thing I've ever read about pre-Christian Europe.
Then why are judaism and christianity seperate, why are jews constNtly trying to attack christianity, why did they cause christs death, and why are they trying to seperate Europeans from Christ?
They alwaus attack Christian white males. Nice try. You're either a satanist, or a kike.
Colton Smith
Islam and Christianity is nothing but Judaism for the goyim. >Jesus saved some degenerate hooker from a good ol’ fashion stoning. Let that sink in
Brody Lewis
You never said they didn't sacrafice people. You just claim they weren't like Native Americans.
Your other point is an assumption. I had been an athiest almost all my life and looked into it. It's you who predicated things on lazy information and assumptions.
Aiden Smith
confront your pastor directly with the bible.
Asher Garcia
>make story about the most BASED jew and tell everyone how Jews are the CHOSEN people Ever wonder why Christians love Israel and Jews so much? It's what they are taught from a young age. The Bible was literally a protection mechanism akin to the holocaust
>Muh Pagan values >Reeeeee go read about pre-Christian europe on wikipedia. You know, even though written language wasn't even used by 99% of the population of pre-christian europe and no reliable historical record even exists.
As a bit of intrigue that story was most likely added. It doesn't appear in the original manuscripts iirc.
Nathaniel Jackson
Orthodoxy is very welcoming, especially if you have a family. If you have a proper OCA church nearby I would recommend that. I go to a Greek, and although they are slightly cucky they would never yield to homosexuals or women as deacons. The Russians are more conservative, but Orthodoxy as a whole does not allow this stuff to destroy Christ’s church.
>Even though written language wasn't even used by 99% of the population of pre-christian europe and no reliable historical record even exists.
It's called archaeology you absolute fucking retard. That's the primary source for history, including historical periods, because historical documents aren't always that informative. Just because you don't know about something, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Also, pic related is from a Christian (but obviously pagan in origin) celebration, again, you absolute fucking retard.
ahem, my bible says LET THE WOMEN BE SILENT IN THE CHURCH!!!!!!
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. - I Timothy 2:12
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. - I Corinthians 14:34
Bentley Morgan
The ROM/Royal Ontario Museum
in Kekronto
Juan King
>You never said they didn't sacrafice people.
Sacrifices were infrequent, if they happened at all. Both Romans and Greeks put an end to it. Christians also did odd things like murder "heretics" or "witches", which may as well be human sacrifices. And I don't need to "claim" they were not like Native Americans, the two are not even comparable. Native Americans were hunter-gatherers until the 20th century, Europeans stopped being hunter-gatherers 3000-2000 BC give or take.
Grayson Williams
Why can't I use that pic as an example of the way postmodernism is a disgusting cancer growing on traditional beauty?
Blake Lee
Orthodox is also antiracist
Isaac Hernandez
>Recently my church has been edging I'm a big fan too.
Jaxon Perry
I don't want a church that's racist. I want a church that condemns all racism, including against whites, as well as acknowledging that christian-derived Western values have done more good for humanity than any other culture has ever in history. You know, a simple thing to prove an understand.
First off this country was founded on racism. Second off their are no Christian derived values it is all directly from paganism our culture is pagan and our history is even more pagan. Too believe that 1500yrs somehow overrides the twns of thousands of years of paganism is retarded. Art was derived from paganism while Christians used it our governmental systems is directly from pagans. You and thr load of history denying antiintellectual christkikes on this board are in for an extremely rude awakening.
Ayden Cook
this, how would someone truly proud of southern heritage put down Christianity. Christianity just lost it's balls somewhere in the past few hundred years, but it's still the most based religion.
Christian Rogers
>I don't want a church that's racist. Then you will have a cucked and pozzed church. That's all there is to it. A church that does not recognize Jews as the enemies of Christ and Man alike will be subverted by them. A church that preaches that humans are interchangeable will be gradually replaced by people who are incapable of civilization.
Jayden Gray
The enlightenment is entirely a function of enlightenment values, pagan. Your awful ideology had to be stamped out and replaced by a functional one in order for mankind to progress past worshiping animals and rocks. Just because you wallowed in filth for 20,000 years and Christians grew crops out of the filth doesn't mean your responsible for the food.
Christian Jones
we need to burn some bitches at stake again user
Robert Nelson
Dominic Watson
Ask them if you can now make your donations with WoW gold instead of dollars, because fuck conventional currencies.
Jacob Russell
>we only raped and killed a white virgin woman once a year user it's not like we were doing them frequently.
Literally off yourself faggot, Paganism is degenerate end of story.
Hudson Howard
Excuuuuse me bigot its T'karonto and it's on native land
Asher Turner
Truth. All of history has been jew enablers Charlemagne (800–814) readily made use of the Church for the purpose of infusing coherence into the loosely joined parts of his extensive empire, by any means a blind tool of the canonical law. He employed Jews for diplomatic purposes, sending, for instance, a Jew as interpreter and guide with his embassy to Harun al-Rashid. Yet, even then, a gradual change occurred in the lives of the Jews. The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely, settling also in the eastern portions. Aside from Cologne, the earliest communities were established in Mainz, Worms, Speyer, and Regensburg.[15]
Aaron Stewart
Do you honestly thinkg that since the inception of your religion, the ways of it have literally not been changed at all until recently?
fucking baboon
Jason Lopez
How to infiltrate after being kicked out?
Grayson Rogers
a real church doesn't give a fuck about racism user.
BTW Moses race mixed with a Cushite nigger woman and when his sister pointed out his degeneracy God caused her arm to wither. So God is A-ok with race mixing and will literally hurt you for complaining about niggers and whites getting together.
Wyatt Cruz
>raped and killed a white virgin
No, if human sacrifices happened at all, it was slaves which weren't considered human anyway. You guys harp on one stupid or backwards aspect of paganism while glossing any stupid or backwards aspects of Christianity. Go practice some symbolic cannibalism, faggot.
Jaxon Watson
We really need to do something about the christian problem.
Colton Myers
I feel sorry for that old building, it looks like it has a tumor growing on it.
Gavin Hughes
That's why I suggested Orthodoxy, memeflag. Because as far as I can understand, Orthodoxy is closest to what the first century church looked like in practice.
Daniel Sanchez
>thinks human sacrifice is bad >but burning people at the stake for not believing in your religion is perfectly acceptable
Both are retarded, the difference is that no one advocates human sacrifice.
Kayden Gutierrez
Stand up in church and condemn them as corruptors of the Word of God you retard.
women aren't allowed to teach men paul explicitly tells us that you should rebuke the head members of your church and leave start a house church with a small group of bible believing christians where you can fellowship together. you don't need a building. just meet in each others homes. God bless.
James Moore
Bring back old style Christianity, we need to start burning bitches to the stake again.
Dylan Anderson
>people really don't follow scripture
Wow what a shock
Let's see your source, because bog bodies tend to be adult high status and usually male, and that is probably the only evidence of human sacrifice in Ireland.
Jaxson Williams
Or it had nothing to do with race and more to do with that the woman in question was working outside and was therefore brown and would have been considered homely. Much like in the song of solomon.
Joseph Edwards
I bet all you have ever read was those inforgraphs not going into detail what those expelling were. Why don't you look deeper into some of those supposed jewish expulsions. They were getting thrown out because of usury and the kings allowed them right back in. It hardly had to do with anything related to christianity. Even then a lot of those are over exaggerated because jews themselves want to be preserved as having been through all of these tribulations. We need to bring back the Roman empires way of dealing with christkikes. Throw them out onto a frozen lake nude let them suffer for believing in a jewish god.
Can someone explain to me why the church in OP’s image is a bad thing? I understand you may not like it aesthetically, but what makes it evidence of subversion?
Robert Anderson
Looks like a tumor. Anyway all Christian denominations are cucked. All of them.
Ian Bailey
>thinks killing faggots, trannies and other degenerates in the most gruesome way as an example to other would be faggots wouldn't at least silence these boastful degenerates and put them back in the closet.
Camden Baker
2018 Going to church
Wyatt Brooks
>thinks only faggots, trannies and degenerates were killed in witch trials
No, plenty of normal people died also, especially in your retarded country.
Joshua Russell
don't fall for the orthodox meme friend. find fellow bible-believers and start a home fellowship. this is the purest form of fellowship. you can read the bible and discuss it together. the apostles met in homes, not in million dollar church buildings.
Jose Clark
>I've always been pretty accepting to these changes >letting women preach >What do you think You're not a Christian, you're a part of the problem. A little leaven will spread to the whole lump. Stay out of any decent church and enjoy your profligate lifestyle.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Lol, tell me more about the Great American Inquisition pagan.
Brandon Richardson
You really are fucking retarded if you do know the people whom dead because of fucking idiot christkikes think it was witch craft. Normal people who had been doing what their ancestors had done for thousands of years before died because of your retarded jew bullshit. Christkikery is the ultimate D&C
Two examples. Also, you should use punctuation, because what is "The Great American Inquisition pagan"?
Brayden Roberts
1 John Chapter 2. Look at the four levels of maturity in the Christian walk and come tell me how having anyone around you who differs from your ideology is a threat to you.
Julian Perry
Go visit your local orthodox church during liturgy on sunday. It's fastest growing church right now and you will not be alone, they are extremely welcoming because they've been where you are now - not all have been born on church.
>Be pagan > Tens of thousands of years of human sacrifice, blood drinking, animal worship, superstition and abhorrent sexual degeneracy. >Salem witch trials happen > A handful of wackos kill the town wench. > "Huhu Christcuck see? They're the same. Read wikipedia moron"
The true state of Paganism 2018.
James Brooks
Did a woman teach you to be that permissive kike? You have no standards and God vomits when looking at you.
Logan Gomez
There is no Aryan God that takes the sacrifice of Humans. It was considered unheard of and outrageous then just as it is now. It's important not to mix up the Aryan religion with other religions such as the Mesopotamian, Mesoamerican deities many of which are Ettin/Ettins which should not be worshiped. This is important to mention since Yahweh the deity of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims is a A Semitic deity that does require sacrifice to him, one of the more famous of these is circumcision(Genital Mutilation) which is supposed to represent a blood covenant with Yahweh. > Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers. > Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe. > The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents. > Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn But why would it be otherwise? Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether