My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me...

My name is Kyle Mockeridge. I was an airman stationed out at edwards afb circa 2011. Evil things happened to me, and I did evil things in return out there. I'm not looking for forgiveness, I just want to see the victims there helped out. Please just look into what went on out there. I can't help out all the other victims there by myself, and anything I say dosen't mean anything unless I have evidence of it. I am literally down to my last string of sanity, so with that being said will you please look into this so the people that are trapped out there can be rescued. And trust me, look and you will find. The fact that I'm willing to put my name out there on Jow Forums should tell you how bad the situation is.

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Other urls found in this thread: Mockeridge/

what are you alleging

Mind control

Kill yourself, zogbot scum.

Do they make you watch sissy hypno videos? Did you have to wear special goggles?

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You did this last night dude.

I know, and I'm going to keep on doing it.

An open letter to anyone who has ever served in the US military:

Please, shut the hell up.

You're not superior to people who never joined the armed forces. There are many civilians who serve their countries in ways just as noble and honorable as yours. And they're just as proud of their nation as you. The fact that they have never fired a weapon or gone on deployment does not make them inferior to you. And your training on an M-16 or six months spent humping around a desert doesn't give you the right to spend the next twenty years reminding everyone around you that they're all worthless and weak.

If I have to deal with another fucking security guard who gets paid minimum wage to drive a golf cart around a shopping mall but thinks he's some kind of superior ubermensch just because he's got USMC tattooed on his bicep, I'm gonna blow my top. Here's some advice for all of you in uniform right now: when you get out, just tell people, "I'm proud of the service I gave. It was a unique experience." not, "You'll never understand what is to serve, because you never had the courage to sign up." You, mister or miss ex-military, will never understand how insulting that is.

This goes double for ex-military types who live on a base and mouth off to the civilian sysadmin. If you want e-mail and Internet access and all that shit, you'd better not give the civilian in charge of those services a big fucking lecture about what a coward he is for getting an education in his youth instead of humping through the backwoods of Georgia for seven years. You'll get your ESPN live feed back when you stop acting like a fucking Neidermeyer.

Thank you, and good night.

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>The plasmate can crossbond with a human, creating what I call a homoplasmate. This annexes the mortal human permanently to the plasmate. We know this as the 'birth from above' or 'birth from the Spirit.' It was initiated by Christ, but the Empire destroyed all the homoplasmates before they could replicate.

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On the very slim chance that this isn’t a LARP, contact an investigative journalist with an axe to grind. It may also be worth speaking to OSINT enthusiasts like Bellingcaf

You’re not the same guy. You are reposting his thread over and over to turn it into copypasta and delegitimize his message. I’m on to you, kike.

No I'm him.

Pornhub tried that sissy hypno shit on me. Searched PAWG and all results were sissy hypno and tranny. Searched phat ass ebony and it was the same. Every single search term came back the same. Started using redtube. Fuck Pornhub

This is probably the most beta shit I'm going to read for the next month. Literally a cuck sysadmin who thirsts for respect from the alphas he is required to support.

Nice copy/pasta, faggot.

That's because they know you are a faggot

Airman Kyle P. Mockeridge, 412th Maintenance Squadron.

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delete your twitter

It will be so fun to see your country burn))

You'd get more people to play along if you didn't sound like a huge faggot


because retweeting god and posting screenshots of 4chins isn't helping your LARP

I know airmen are dumb but this is silly

let me check if you are real did you work night time or day time.

time stamp and id then faggot.

me with my va id. I've declined in the years since I've been out as you can see.

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thats the same pic from the last thread. gonna need a new one

So what happened?

If op don't answer this, he's a larper.

He was posting last night, confirmed for larp.

I would say the same to you LOL... Oh that's right, there's nothing to burn!!! Not even the hopes and dreams of nearmy all your people!!!!

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I worked day shift the whole time.

I am listning and lets be serious

Tell Me what happens åt The aur force både, and dont tell Me of The rapes only at Most who was involved in The rapes

Bro, are you okay? Talk to me man.

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Ex-Monarch Theta/Milab here. This is a massive shitstorm if it gets properly looked into. Hundreds of thousands middle class civilians affected, a lot of influential people involved, crimes of all sorts that could fill entire buildings if printed as reports.

Not larping.

why have you been making this past sinccce last years ?

Did any of the evil things involve children?

Son. Try the HOLY NAME ,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Chant these sweet names with a feeling for help .
Go see KRISHNA in your local temple. And pray.
Here are the literature to read and download,

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How did you end up becoming MK ultra-ed? Were you military too?

nice memes bro
really like the whole "chair force" part. lmao XD

checks out, take your (you) then drop and give me 20 leaf

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He leach on the weak, takes his hand out as a creep.

That quote is revelatory.
The source material is bullshit like all the other follower religions.

Gems of consciousness, the vessel was religion to give to us.

Quit being a fag and tell your fucking story


What the fuck..As an ex-Hindu..fuck hinduism.. I converted to christianity...

Son. Demigods see every action we preform. But so does KRSNA.

this guy has "im crazy" eyes

Why did you convert?

I know that.


Stupid poo

Why does your head shaped like a fucking squash, Kyle?

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Fuck. You had to do PT and then a shitty maintenance job. Sounds god awful. Glad you made it out alive. I mean, you’re talking like you watched hundreds of your friends get burned alive on hamburger hill, so surely your experience was truly fucking horrific.

I don't know your problems but I hope things soon go in your favor.

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Hay this post again! There's one archived already.

>trading one bullshit dogma for another.
Just take the good parts and move on.
The best people I've ever known were those who knew what THEY believed.
You can't take religions as a whole.
You have to take the good and reject the stupid.

I was monitored since childhood, then some jewish cult tried to "recruit" me (no idea what the reason).

They fucked my life for 6 months, then after a small break I was physically and paychologically tortured and experimented with high tech military stuff. This lasted for about 9 months. Now stuff is quiet so far. I wasn't involved with any military, occult, political or religious activity before that.

>joining the United Stated wing of the IDF
You deserve everything that happened to you lol

It is their main target, they are more mallable and a lot of children are "different" from the previous generations in intellect and other qualities.

I worked a Edwards around the same time and also in the 412th. I've seen your other posts and I'd like to hear more about what happened. I need you to elaborate. I need names of others involved. Did they make you sign something? Were you one of the many airmen who got a bad conduct discharge during that time? What exactly did they do to you? I can't promise that can help but I can't do shit unless you give me details.

Trips, nice. I heard with Christianity, just cut out everything from the Bible except Jesus' teaching and the ten commandments.

I got out on honorable. Others involved would be birch rypka, john hoover, thomas dixon, larry guerra, andrew marshall, dawn dunlop, jim baker, and mary beth hughes (niemeir).

Redtube and Pornhub are both owned by the same company, Mindgeek. They own all the major porn sites now.

OP named a fair few people in the last, archived thread he made. Posted some photos of some too.

So what's the 411 on this situation? Be quick before this shit 404's on us

sounds pretty anti semitic bro
>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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Get ready another false flag incoming.

ok user, I trust that it's you. you sure you aren't having a weed induced psychosis?
If not tell us more about it, we need a few hints

Oh and daniel tibyan.

Haha, I'm minding my business, then I get trashed by kikes and I'm "le ebil dude lmao". So are they going to cry after they stabbed me in the back?

saving for later as information is compiled on threads

justice will prevail on this board

There was a mind control program out at edwards.

It isn't.

Anyone care to inform me about the other threads? I dunno what i'm supposed to look into

You look like the kind of guy who has a serious pubic hair situation going on

No offense

you smoke weed?

Any of these still in the AF? If so where stationed?

And we can find info on that how? My tingly sense says LARP, but i want to believe...

You gotta have a mind before they can control it. You’ve got nothing to worry about OP.

Brain eating spider meet OP.

Spider strives to death.

They keep people in tunnels underground and raise them as slaves don't they? Missing 411 talks about Green Berets abducting kids. Halo and Ender's Game glorifies this and gets the population to accept it.

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Stop playing coy for attention dude. You're too old for that shit.

Explain your thesis clearly and give your first hand evidence for it. People here are taking you seriously, if you misuse that consideration by seeking attention for its own sake you are going to turn people against you.

I think what you have here is loneliness and a need to be recognized and interacted with. This (putting your name and face and ID) is a destructive way to go about it. Stop before it gets worse, for your own good.


>"Kyle Mockeridge"
>11 results Mockeridge/

>earliest post

Mary Beth is either at holloman or edwards. Rypka is at mcguire, and I think the rest of them are at edwards.

Kyle, can you please state, factually, what happened and what is about to happen? you smoke weed or not? Not trying to discredit you, but I need an honest answer

>a bloo bloo waaaa i was mind controlled

so the fuck what that shit happens, people know about it. detail some of these atrocities and explain why you’re so intent on exposing this that you would dox yourself on pol... or gtfo

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Fucking LARPers.


He wants posts like these.

I'm putting my bet that this is a concern/attention bait topic, even if he is being sincere and not trolling.

He's giving deliberately cryptic replies with the hopes that others continue to ask more questions so he can continue to string them along and play with them. At the end of the string is.. probably a pretty retarded and not that interesting story he has to tell, so he makes it vague to keep people engaged.

Seen this type enough. Just stop OP, it will make people (irl and online) grow to hate you.

And if I had anything I would post it. Keep on looking into my records and that of a mary beth hughes (niemeir) at edwards and you'll start to find things.

>birch rypka

He can't. He signed shit to be hired by the military so he needs people to be baited or search for the keywords.

1) dated selfie - which is standard procedure here and you should know that. write the date on some paper and do a selfie
2) now is the time to spill it. start talking. if you are not larping somebody will get you soon one way or another so spill it now

Was Mary Beth a victim in this ordeal or was she involved in running the psyop? Can you clarify on Rypka. In your earlier posts you said he was a AFOSI PJ and he worked at the PMEL lab at Edwards. So was he originally a PJ and retrained into OSI and went undercover as a PMEL troop at your shop? Was he a victim of the psyop or a controller?

And, yes; stating your name gives you credibility regardless of what the shills claim.

I have also seen stranger things on netflix.

I believe my summary of you in the following posts linked below will prove to be most accurate.

You’re asking for proof! Isn’t he’s silence all the proof you need

Isn't this where they stored the ayylmao's from Roswell as well? Tell me, are aliens involved

Is the air force worth it or should I just contunie in collage? getting scholorships was a bitch though since flight school.
T. in school to be a commercial pilot.