Liberal USA jews are waging a war against Zionist Israel supporting jews

Liberal USA jews are waging a war against Zionist Israel supporting jews

the reason "jews" is an innacurate term is because of this.

Israel unironically has condemned Soros as an international threat. The "jews" that make up USA mainstream media and the twitter bluecheck army, those have nothing to do with Israel and in fact are actively seeking to destroy it

goys are just trapped in the middle of a jewish conflict, if you want to defeat the USA liberal fake jews, your best ally is Israel unironically

Trump knows this

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Other urls found in this thread:

>your best ally is Israel

I thought I was high.

wew lad

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Israel is still full of it too

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I think this is the first, and probably the only unironic, genuine point of view I personally have, that I have ever posted on this site

be sure to note this in my file LETTERS

American and European jews hate that Israel is trying to make them citizens and have them be part of the jewish country(because that means there is responsability as well)

all this degeneracy promoted in the west and the liberal atheist jews pushing it, would have to stop if those jews were formally active in the Jewish religion.

think about it, liberal european and usa jews are basically like kids throwing a temper tantrums at their parents Israel for telling them to behave

this "temper tantrum" of course if basically destroying everything holding society together.

like throwing the chess board on the floor when you are mad.

>Israel unironically has condemned Soros as an international threat.
>your best ally is Israel unironically
International threat meaning "threat to Israel", just like Iran is an "international threat". Israel doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, fuck Israel and fuck OP.

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This thread is good. I fucking hate how any non-bait thread that's more than two sentences long dies immediately here

>not all jews
Piss off your entire tribe is overdue for complete extermination.

i'm not going to spend my time trying to figure out what the issue is going on with a religion that doesn't even accept me. unless you are jewish, they don't actually give a fuck about you.

This is Jow Forums. It’s best to keep your expectations low

reminder that the European migrant crisis has also been a massive attack from atheist globalist jews, on religious jews

over there they Allah Akbar synagogues ALL THE TIME! and the ironically atheist-jew media stays quite about it, because the purpose of the attack is drive the conservatives jews OUT! and the atheist jews of course want to keep it quiet over there

this attack on the US, that was against conservatives, is being use to manipulate against them and to merge both atheists and zionists into a single group, thus the atheist shield themselves using the religious

Ashkenazi Jews are White. You support the extermination of White people

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thanks buds, it doesnt matter as long as a few get the message is worth it making the thread.

wrong. kys

Bibi is being investigated for corruption.

Stormfags are aligned with liberal Jews and all the ugliest people of the world in their hatred of Israel. Conservative Jews call it the Red-Green alliance.

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I've really started to think this with how much divide conquer you see stormfront trying to pull. All they do is punch right.

cuckservatives are leftist so they aren't "punching right"

How are they leftists?

stormfags are pure glow in the dark atheist-jew media shills

>Emphasizing random words with capitalization
Hasbara exposed. Kill yourself kike.

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>jews trying to play both sides

The political chaos in the US is because kikes and arabs are far, far too deeply entrenched in our Swamp. We're being manipulated in a muddy murky power struggle that consists of Jews and their cryptojew Arab cousins vs Jews and their cryptojew Arab cousins. It's all an inbred fucking mess, but the one thing I do know is that jews and arabs worship Babylonian demons and that none of them have my interests or my well-being in mind. they're all lying manipulative fucks who dream of enslaving me. Fuck them all, none of them are my ally, fuck realpolitik that's dumb goy thinking that has let them subvert and conquer the USA into those broken, corrupt state.

by allowing jews to run rampant, which means importing rapefugees without exception as well as the host of other degenerate cancers they metastasize. if you let leftists be leftists, you are effectively a leftist.

>kikes are infighting as they always have
>this means one of these kikes are our greatest ally
>not an opening to kick them out of the host nation

but how does the Moloch faction play into it?

its just basic written "emotion", drama. Go take a breath leaf

>the reason "jews" is an innacurate term is because of this.
how the fuck is it inaccurate you fucking moron ? it represents the jewish people

>Ashkenazi Jews are White
No, they're useless mutts (like you) who have to spread through maternal lineage because they keep getting cucked, and they hate goyim for it.

to me, its part of the liberal jew faction, not the zionists

that because its full of this shitty "occult new age bullshit", spirit cooking and all that cringy shit, only libshits would do that

besides the zionist can only worship jehova and anything else is a sin, isnt it?

seesame as saying Hindu and Indian, there is two terms, one for ethnicity, and one for religion

Will you consider monarch programming as an international threat? Because it is.

But their are Jews who are against immigration

Worse, faghot ass Nigger. There only book - the Talmud demands your enslavement as a "goy"/

and there are muslims who are against terrorism, so what? should we put mosques on every corner and make sure muslims have total control of our media, academic and financial institutions? as with the muslims, jews are by and large cancerous to western civilization and need to be kept in their desert or at the very least barred from positions of influence in the West.



what do you mean ethnicity , literally every single jew i know is from a different one ,you will find little to no common genetics between them and most of them are not religious .

jews are a nationality first and foremost , indians have india , we live in israel
indians have indian , we have hebrew
most common religion does happen to be judaism but most people dont have any religion , they merely perform the traditional national customs of our people like celebrating triumphs of past wars

also you're making a wierd assumption that hindu people and indians are mutually exclusive

>jews are nationality
>we live in israel


>mutually exclusive

no, but that doesnt mean every Indian is also a Hindu

if you have a group of native Indians doing bad shit in the USA, you are not going to blame Hindus obviously

native* delete that word, i meant

>if you have a group of Indians doing bad shit in the USA, you are not going to blame Hindus obviously

The real redpill is to understand that Jews have been toying with goyim for a very long time.

In order for it to stop, they need to be removed from our lands once in for all. They have their home in Israel.

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I dont care if they are white, all jews must die ALL OF THEM.

that's what i said
again that's obvious
that being said it wasnt always so , our poeple according to our tradition began with abraham and he was basically iraqi , we came to cnaan , conquered and claimed it , went though many wars and changes until another massive empire exiled us and it took us until 1882 to start reclaiming it again .

but you dont have indians doing bad shit in the US you have americans doing bad shit

Well you can all fuck off into an oven for all I care

a filthy kike is a filthy kike

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>Liberal USA jews are waging a war against Zionist Israel supporting jews
They're still running to JewHQ when SHTF.

I know its not the same, obviously, listen to this interview, its good, the jew guy is saying many of the stuff I am saying, and by chance, classic pol coincidence.

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who is this guy and why is his channel blocked ?

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>jewish-american, but that have abandon everything but the label, and that dont care about Israel

just listen to this guy, his name is Shlomo not trolling

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why are you posting military police in this thread what's your point ?


styx is worth listening to

Jews are not a race, not an ethnicity, not a nationality, they are nothing.

Indians are a real people.
Jews are not a real people.

Indians existed as a people before India.
Israel did it backwards, they invented the concept of Israel, then started funnelling people into it calling them Israelis.

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You're a moron, the right-wing jews are cuckservatives known as likudniks, the left-wing jews are labor zionists, both groups support Israel.

Israel was founded by left-wing jews you retard.

why is his channel blocked ?

i dont know, he is legit 0 hateful

>both groups support Israel.
what a fucking moronic thing to say senpai it's like saying
>french people support france

of course they support it it is them

calling them left dosnt really make sense , im assuming by 'left' you're referring to the french national assembly left which were revolutionaries . by pre-israel definition they were all left because they obviously wanted to literally create a new state and overturn the mandate , the moment israel was created you cant really call any of them left in the context of israel .

The Labor Zionists in 2018 have the same exact ideals they did in 1948.

>Liberal USA jews are waging a war against Zionist Israel supporting jews

I though those were the good Jews though?

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im saying you cant draw parallels between them and pro revolutionary french assembly members (which is what 'left' means) .
im also completely opposed to the dumb french left\right thing .

they are in favor of social democracy (think sweden's social and welfare shit) and their popularity has been constantly decreasing with every shit government they made that fucked israel .

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this is also moronic
israel has been under a goverment of the liberal party since 2009 continuously (and many times before that )

False. "Zionist Israel supporting Jews" only acknowledge this dichotomy in Hebrew-only media. They are benefitting indirectly from the chaos and domestic weakness sown by "liberal USA jews" in the West, and that's why they won't talk about it on English-language media. Not because "the media" won't let them, but because they're greedy kikes who only care about themselves and the decline of the west, whatever the long-long-term consequences, helps to enrich Jews of every type.

They're all complicit.

why would we talk about our politics in foreign language media ? nobody does that

how much do you talk about internal american politics in farsi-speaking media ?


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frowning merchant

You have been visited by the Ghost of Diane Fortunestein. She mutters... "op is a fag"

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If I have to choose sides I'd choose the Israelis over the Boksheviks. They've at least developed some sense of nationalism. The Bokshevik diaspora are a people with Nothing beliefs, only Marxism masked as Progressivism.

op is saying most western juice hate israeli zionist juice bcuz most zionists are talmud/kabballah practicing fags not torah practicing gud juice....

> know thw difference or repeat past mistakes..
>the all seeing amygdala sees all and never lies

>atheist Jews/religious Jews
They’re all Jews to me.
They’re all poos to me.


Lies ALL LIES!! A jew is a jew. And you know what we most do...

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I never got into the whole Jew hatred thing. I hate leftists and communists regardless of their ethnic background.