Unless you are Jewish, shut up

Ok goys?
Jow Forums BTFO yet again

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gentiles are subhuman

Pity the shooter missed this one.

I hate them so much

What a cunt.

She wonders why? humm...

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recurring numbers confirm, maybe in tomorrow's false flag?

Glassed in the ass

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Fucking brilliant, they're showing for what they truly are.

Bless, Bowers.

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But that's just news as usual, jews always blaming white people.

>don't tell me what to think goy
>always remember the 6 goy

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(((They))) are entitled bitches

too bad normies don't understand

maybe in IQ

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The monarch programmer cries as he stabs you in the back.

What's even the official consensus on Khazars? Larpers or the real deal?

If jews have such high IQ then why do they have such a hard time understanding why people fucking hate them?

What she wrote
>shut up, goyim
what I read:
>you're going to have to shoot up some more synagogues before I'll consider Jewish arrogance and elitism.

Yet you can somehow breed with us.

They will once they start personally digging into his motive, and there they will find the same material we found about what these people do.


there isnt a single case in history of one of us breeding with a gentile .