
Why did they turn hard left recently? Not even California in 2008 voted for gay marriage, it took the courts to legalize it in the U.S.

Attached: Ireland.jpg (1024x768, 46K)

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Are you sure about this?

Attached: 1479526097697.png (600x600, 382K)

Eliza did it.

Attached: 4F6596EE-BE38-4CC0-A634-B898676DABDD.png (899x846, 1.08M)

They've always been lefty. It's only a matter of time before immigration forces them to confront reality.

Same reason everywhere else has, (((they))) own RTE

>haha this slightly left left leaning ethno-nationalist terrorist group that opposed the right wing Irish government and the right wing Northern Irish government means Ireland is leftist
murrican logic


For ever. It’s the whole point of the place. The only reason it wasn’t diverse was because it was quite literally the Albania of the English speaking world and no one wanted to move there.

It was a Marxist organisation. It wasn’t “ethno nationalist” because it had plenty of members of Anglo Protestant stock.

It was Baader Meinhof with heavy weaponry.

Soon they won't be left leaning, with all these shitskins invading here they are very likely to become active once more

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If they just liked ass there wouldnt be any problem

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