Europe would be better under Islamic rule

-no feminism
-no lgbt
-no pornography or hypersexualization
-strong patriarchal values
-women kept in check
-strong family values

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no skin on your face

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That's paki culture

Hope you shitty little wife beater racecucks enjoy the last weekend of normalcy you'll ever have.

Look at you, thumping your flabbly chests, thinking you've won a big victory, your puny dicks hard for the first time in YEARS to something other than your shameful stash of porn.

Listen to me, and listen good:

Holy SHIT.

You have no idea the HELL that's coming.

We will not forget this.

We will camp out at the polls and scream bloody murder when old white people get close enough to cast their ballots.

We will get our Big Blue Wave and it will fucking drown you.

We will start impeaching damn near everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Every Jesusfreak. Every libertarian. Every mealy-mouthed cunt like Jeff Flake who pretends to be decent and then becomes a fly by night rape apologist when it's time to fucking count.

We will fuck shit up. ALL the shitty stupid shit White America cherishes.

We will set it on fire and spit and shit and piss on it in front of you.

And then we will go full Stalin and throw every sexist freak with social anxiety into a literal dungeon if they've ever so much as posted the word "roastie" online.

I'm not fucking kidding. think this bomber fuckshit is only making skinhead assholes more radical and racist? Fuck you.

Seriously, FUCK YOU.

It is making every single Democrat under 35 have a burning, killer urge to go full Stalin on all your asses.

It is making us hate the First Amendment a thousand times more than the Second.

We will take your guns. We will gag your speech. We will kick your balls. We will unironically use your fat white heteronormie white asses as fucking footrests for pink haired commissars with hella cool frames, and then we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a prescription for estrogen as soon as they're a month old.



No Europe and Islam are enemies, and Islam is a sandnigger religion

>women being stoned for acting whorishly
>criminals being dragged to the block for beheading
Maybe Islam is the purge we need


Hitler said that literally 90 yeas ago, and you didn't listen

Found the sand nigger

Fuck off

What kind of Muslims do they have in Bongland again? I'll wait.

well i think he's trying to say the european people, if converted to islam would be in general better? you can't really disagree, it'd be similar to traditional Catholicism
like scrap the sandniggers invading and mass converting/killing, just every1 willingly went muslim, i think i'd agree with OP and his points

This is how I'm starting to think. I like the cultural aspects of Islam, but still generally don't care for religion as a whole.

based khouya
i'm sure they know deep down their society would be better if they were islamic

fuck off jew, you know that only (((you))) is benefitting from the christian vs muslim fight
only unity will get rid of (((them)))

are you talking about us, user?

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Actually, I disagree, Islam is not a religion, is a totalitarian regime against technological advances, freedom of speech and knowledge.

To me, it's not the religion itself that is strangely appealing. I have no love for Islam or its adherents. But I (like a lot of people here) respect Islam for its WILLFULNESS.

Imagine Western politicians acting with an Islam level of certainty and belief and WILL. It's akin to Schwartzkopf talking to the Iraqi generals in the desert, or Mattis promising the Arabs "I will kill you all." It's why we appreciate DJT when he stands up and says "We need this, to hell with my critics." We need a uniting culture and leaders who are certain of what is good and right.

I don't really care for the summary executions or the pogrom against jews; it's simply the idea that someone can stand up and say what is right and back it up with action that garners my respect.

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Fuck u ramzan

>-no feminism
>-no lgbt
>-no pornography or hypersexualization
>-strong patriarchal values
>-women kept in check
>-strong family values
We had just that under christianity too, what a shitty argument.

You say totalitarian like it's a bad thing.

Go to stone some women

whore probably deserved it
This angers the christkikes so fucking hard.

>sandnigger religion
So is christianity.
ass blasted christkikes

Sounds like a middle eastern shithole

You'll end up with sexually frustrated males crossing the borders for ficki ficki

Fuck family values

Or, you know, actually return to Christ.
Mohammed was a false prophet and if you follow Islam you will burn in a lake of fire.

And it took only 50 years, two generations for it all to be not only destroyed but openly mocked and hated.

Totalitarian Islam is bad, totalitarian regime like the fascist one are good

islam is like france; very nice, but filled with french people.

fair enough, but if he reworded the question then to "Europe would be better if it followed the following;" to his list, you would agree right?

yes I have that same respect, fuck sand niggers but 700 years later and they've still got their shit under control (to a certain extent)


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we need Jesus

op's brother/son pictured left

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>yess goy pray to a jew for salvation

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I'll take what I can get user.

No, I don't agree with:
Women kept in check
No pornography


so is christianity

I will, to your whore mother
>return to Christ
Yeah look at the state of the West in terms of moral now thanks to your "turn your other cheek and fuck me in the ass" morality

>t. degenerate

>no pornography or hypersexualization
>implying women are worth having

Nah leave em to rot. This is what they want.


the irony is that only islam is strong enough to enforce christian values...

Indeed, you >had
Until you >turned the other cheek

Nice try Abdula.
>no feminism
None in Russia aside from tiny ammount of marginals like Pussy Riot. And they go to prison or get whipped.
>no lgbt
literally who
>no pornography or hypersexualization
ilsamic countries are one of the biggest porn consumers
>women in check
"Give me islam because i cant put a woman in her place". Pathetic
>strong family values
There's alot of other values that come with Islam that outweight any good it has. Like glorifying a pedophile, traitor and a scumbag war criminal. All of those are aslo Islamic values.

I agree with women being modest at the very least (so daughters not going around with the tiny shorts) and not whoring, but of course not stoning them
The no pornography part is such a non issue for me, in this perfect/revamped society we're imagining here it mostly wouldn't be a thing
Fine anyway, I still mostly agree with him compared to how the west in now/what it can become on this trend

I don't watch pornography but if somebody wants to, then he/she should be able to do that

8/10 on the LARP


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The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is returning in the clouds. If you fall for Mohammed's lies then you will burn in a lake of fire and there will be no relief.

none of it is white culture, so fuck off back ahmed

These guys blocks your path. How do you apologize before running back to mecca?

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>ilsamic countries are one of the biggest porn consumers
Wrong, top countries are US and Western Europe ones. Followed by India and some SSA countries.
>glorifying a pedophile
Muhammad s wasn't a pedophile rather a great warrior who started as a poor merchant but managed to unify Arabia and now have 2 billion followers. Even Voltaire and Hitler admired his war skills

also op's not talking about russia but cucked western europe

The reason why post modernism, marxism, feminism etc are bad is because they create cultural nihilism and a vaccuum of confidence that allows totalising ideologies like Islam to spread. You're the end result of the West weakening itself, mudshit. You're the reason why we fight to maintain our cultural standards.

You can't save the West. Your rule would mean the death of the West.

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Muslims are as degenerate as chavs.

>Muhammad s wasn't a pedophile

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the bible also has stories of pro-pedophilia

Look who is hiding behind a meme flag..fuck islam.
Fuck mohammad.

>no pkrnography
Fuck off sandnigger

isnt that the guy who sold out the chechens for russian money?

Europe is done with Abramic religions Reduane.




get a brain tard
did you forgot history?

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>the irony is that only islam is strong enough to enforce christian values...


100% You are a shitskin COPING and trying to fit in this board by appealing to gullible retards that dont know the what Islam is completely. kys

give me one, I can give you a fuckton of evidence from the Quran

Implying you fuckers didn't tried to invade us for no reason

We got rid of religious law because Europeans were in a constant state of war under it. The protestant reformation completely fucked any chance of peace for centuries.

Who's to say we won't do the same thing with Islam? Just fight over state control of the laws because of slightly different interpretations of the same text. It may even lead to reformation of Islam itself. Individualism meets Islam would be like Creating a hundred different sects of Islam. Not to mention the Quran tells you to war over interpretation. It would completely fuck Europe for centuries.

-iq dropping to 70
-europe becoming a shit hole like the middle east
>nice try mohammad

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>Implying this wasn't the case with christianity before
>Implying Islam will never fall at the same level

Here is some more interesting things

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Well larped.

This dancing is kek af bwahaha, harem whores would perform these dances to their sultan and faggot Chechen is doing it for Putin as well. No wonder faggotry is so rampant in chechenya.

Im done with these Islam shills, fucking die. You retards are fucking pathetic to believe that to stop degeneracy you need another semetic sandnigger religion. Islam is the most degenerate religion that there is. They are the biggest closet homos. Saudi Arabia is infested with underground gay clubs and brothels. Also this is what the Quran states about heaven for mudshits.
>"Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them. Youths (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded. (The Noble Quran, 52:24)" "...Youths (handsome)..." is written in Arabic as "gilma-nun llahum". Gilma-nun literally means young males. This Noble Verse is talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.
>"Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), (The Noble Quran, 56:17)" "...youths of..." is written in Arabic this time as "wil-daa-nun", which literally means young boys. This Noble Verse is again talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.
Other retarded shit that mudshits do as the Quran tells them to
>drinking camel piss
>marrying children
>cleaning their asses after a shit with rocks
>praying to a fucking cube
>pillaging/raping/killing "kafirs" or infidels

? these are from the Quran, im aware of it.

nice 10-minute education on

I know for a fact you are shitskin. Anyone who knows islam completely would rather die than to be part of a barbaric, smelly, pedo, desert cult. You cant even refute any of these claims. I read the Quran, I lived around muslims. Oh and I didnt even mention Taqiyya, or Jizya yet. You are backstabbing crypto kikes that want to invade and islamify the world. Die

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imagine respecting the religion that advocates to slaughter all infidels, the same religion that spread through treachery, rape, and criminals that were horny for "virgins" in an afterlife

Chechens are the niggers of Russia.

ignore him, hes a either a gullible idiot, or a mudshit. Anyone who lived around muslims would rather see them all exterminated

Also checkem

I completely agree with you.
Fuck islam.

>read Quran
>don't know that Taqiyya appeared with shiism
yeaaaah sure
>can't even differentiate Quran from hadith


I mean, Christian Caucasians aren't good either, although Islam makes them even worse.

still doesnt refute my arguements, just fuck off. You are pathetic shitskin, you cant even defend you sorry ass desert cult

>100% muzzie cope
The only reason India has high numbers is due to its population. And lots of muslims here too of course.

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it doesnt matter if its christians, hindus, Buddhist. They all fucking despise mudshits. Even the chinks. As soon as you live close to a mudshit, you will realize how much of a parasite they are

Probably has something to do with not extending your moral code towards kafir. Whereas Christianity is a set of principles applied to everyone except those deemed evildoers that are lawfully punished.

Europe would be better under Pre-Vatican II Catholicism
-no feminism
-no lgbt
-no pornography or hypersexualization
-strong patriarchal values
-women kept in check
-strong family values

Oh please pajeet... you're sorry site don't even have any sources on it
your only argument is muh taqiya you're kinda stupid

>reddit spacing

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He's allowed to run his Islamic circus as he sees fit only because Putin pays him jizya.

It sounds much better in theory than in practice. Once you read Islamic history you realise just how shitty these people are. Islam is basically Judaism lite. It’s no coincidence that practically all advancements of modern civilisation developed in the west. These people suck at a genetic level. Most Muslims are low IQ mouth-breathers.

I suggest reading the track of the Jew through the ages by Alfred Rosenberg as it explains how Jews and Muslims share many of the same characteristics because they both descend from the same environment. Desert people with desert mentalities. Unlike the Europeans who evolved in the beautiful landscapes of Europe, jews and Muslims evolved from Bedouins in the parched desert. The oppressive environment turned them into natural oppressors. Hence why everywhere jews and Muslims go, tyranny always follows. It’s the same story throughout history. The Middle East has always been a festering inter-tribal bloodbath devoid of culture.

Think of them as snakes, because that’s how they evolved.

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Watch this entire video very carefully

This one is a bonus find