A reminder of Jewish audacity

So they actually killed their own people in order to make something that sticks?

How do you fight against that?

1) Not care?
>You look heartless, even sociopathic. The sheep who do care on social media, look better than you.
2) Call it out.
>Then you look absolutely insane, thanks to the ongoing demoralization of "conspiracy theorists" in the media (Flat Earth etc. only pushed to make people look stupid for thinking different.)
3) Play along.
>Then you give them an inch and they go and take a mile. Notice how Jews immediately got Gab.ai suspended from Paypal. Also two days ago before the shooting, Gab announced gaining 1.07 million dollars in fundraising in 30 days. This is about political power, and FAKE sympathy on their part to make it look genuine.

Given all these circumstances, what rational Normie would ever suspect we are the good guys? Would you if you were Bluepilled?

The most enraging thing is the not evil things Jews do, but how in response to those things, they prevent normal people from finding out it was them. They instead make us look like the villain, and that is how they survive.

That's the true, non-Hollywood, no bullshit, nature of evil, and it would frustrate anyone. No wonder you could see Trump cringe as he had to gave that speech.

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Just start mentioning shootings were more people (nonjews) died.

none of these people died. Look how old they are. they're gonna retire del boca vista with some money in the bank. Thank you for your service Morty Seinfeld

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>it was a false flag/faked
alright but whats the proof

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The way they call people white supremacists when they own all the media and Hollywood is some audacity. They are an example of supremacy at its finest.

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>offing your senior citizens
its called Jewish healthcare, son

This is my theory, but its possible they have many "sleeper" accounts on social media.

Basically hundreds of political actors "on call" if an operation needs to be conducted.

This way it looks authentic. The Gab account of the guy was very young, but it had been up for awhile, so he was forming a persona of being a nazi/alt-righter etc.

At some point hes contacted to do a shooting. So they have about a months prep time, how much he will be paid, how he will hide away afterwards, what he should do leading up to it and after etc.

I don't know if people did die. But 9/11 had the hijackers alive, so you may be right.

But thats how it works. On demand "tragedy". The normies don't bat an eye when bombs, shootings and everything gears up towards election day.


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I really doubt this was planned in advance by anyone except the shooter. I can't prove this as much as I cant prove 911 was the same thing or god exists. It's like people who look for anything related to an eyeball and say Illuminati confirmed

What kind of asshole spree kills a bunch of old people?

We will never hear about the trial on any mainstream news

Kikes aren’t people fuck off jew-lover

Not care.
They’ll Sperg out

It's OK o kill Jews young or old.

>So they actually killed their own people in order to make something that sticks?
>looks at the holobunga

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>How do you fight against that?
Call the killing of innocent middle class goy-jews barbaric while continuing to call out International Jewry? You're allowed to play both sides, if the jews do it so can we.

Yes, the event was a black magic protection/ power increase spell with good timing. They are not afraid to sacrifice their own to maintain and gain power.

But its not wrong to think along those lines. Its actually vital.

Yes there are going to be a lot of False positives, but the danger in constantly spamming this in social media is that it gets people to completely turn off their minds to the possibility that there are things not being reported, or additional infractions that the people involved did, that will never see the light of day.

Take 9/11 for example. If 9/11 had 17 Muslims Hijackers and 0 Jews. Okay. Then its the official story. But it 9/11 had 16 Muslims Hijackers and 1 Jew, just one, then that changes everything. Because to the Normie that means that the "greatest" ally had *some* (as a fact) some involvement, and that changes everything. That opens the door to question.

It implies that even our friends can work against us, which is reality. That is life. When a friend betrays you for the first time, its a lesson. Its lesson about reality.

But those essential details keep getting ((lost)) all the time, and because of media demoralization of conspiracy level thinking, less and less people end up asking those questions, that could uncover details that change the whole story.

Fewer people learn the lesson, and when they go looking to attack what is evil, because they WANT to be good people - the media steps in and says:

"Oh you want to be a good decent, person? Go attack Nazis. You'll ((feel)) like your doing the right thing."

The only question is how our gov't stays silent on the matter. Them doing nothing and sticking with a false narrative is akin to signing off on these "events".

Not care is the best option tho. Seeing them kvetch over trumps baseball tweet made my night. Also just hit them with a
>no one cares when 11 blacks are killed every day in Chicago and no one bats an eye so why should I care about this?
Any justification just makes it worse for them and just make the whole 1 jewish life is worth 1000 goyim lives mentality more open for the world to see

>alright but whats the proof
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Prove to me it happened first.

I just think Trump saw how ((they)) worked with his own eyes growing up.

He would shadow his father as they did business and his dad worked with Jews and he must've had experiences with them and was red-pilled at a very early age.

Or I should actually say he was a level beyond redpilled, he was just born in it and just knows them in and out, tactics and personality. Its only when he was getting closer to the presidency that ((they)) began to see the danger of him having actual political influence.